

‘Sorry Mama, I beg your pardon?’

‘Madison, will you stop day dreaming and pay attention.  The modiste is here to finish your fitting.’

‘Yes Mama,’ Madison reluctantly stood up.  She been day dreaming about living in a castle,   married to a handsome earl or even a duke and having a hundred servants.  She dreamt of wearing fashionable gowns every day of the week, and the lavish balls she would be hosting in her enchanting castle.

‘Lady Madison, I have the most exquisite ivory muslin material to show you, and you will love the leaf green sash,’ the modiste murmured when they were alone.

‘I thought you are here to finish a fitting Sally,’ Madison smiled.

‘My lady when this material was delivered to me, I knew it would look splendid on you, so I’ve hidden it from everybody else,’ she spoke conspirationally.

‘Oh you are a dear Sally,’ Madison laughed.  ‘Yes, make me the most glamorous afternoon dress with it,’ her hand brushed over the silk sash draped across the cloth.

‘I intend to make a design to show off your tightly corseted torso, and I know just how to ensure such a close-fitting dress displays "the perfect fit."’

‘We are invited to an afternoon tea party next week perhaps it will be ready by then.’

‘You can count on me my lady.’

‘Oh thank you Sally,’ Madison hugged the modiste, ‘you are a dear.’

‘I have dressed you and Lady Sarah since you was sixteen,’ she smiled,’ you are my nicest customers.  Lady Sarah is an angel, but you must know you are my favourite.   You have the perfect body,’ Sally formed an hour glass shape in the air. ‘It is truly an art to drape you in a perfect dress,’ she smiled theatrically.

‘You have lifted my spirits this morning,’ Madison sighed.

‘Pray tell me why you are so disillusioned?’

‘Nobody has made an offer for me,’ Madison was economical with the truth. 

‘You and Lady Sarah had your last year.  Are you saying nobody made you an offer?’

 She did get half a dozen offers and declined every one of them.  Either the gentlemen were not with good looks or strapping enough for her, or their title was not impressive enough for her high standards.  She knew she was beautiful enough to attract viscounts, earls or even a duke.  She did come from one of the best and well bred families in the country.  The Sanfords could trace their heritage back for two hundred years.

The Sanfords had a comfortable and charming home in the country in Cricklewoods.    Madison loved their country home, the clean fresh air, and where everybody knew ever body else.  The community was loving and caring.  It was so different in London.    Madison’s parents, Baron Syanton Sanford and Baroness Rachel Sanford had rented a home in fashionable Berkley Square for two weeks for their daughter’s second season.  It was hoped that Madison would accept an offer during this season.  Madison disliked London.  The people were too conservative and pompous.    They were not as friendly as the people in Cricklewoods.  And London was just too busy and noisy.  When she did eventually marry, she hoped her husband would not desire to live in the city.  She detested it. 

  ‘I’m delighted Lady Sarah is here as well.  Tomorrow we have been invited for tea by one of the patronesses.  She is sure to present us with some vouchers for Almack’s.  ‘Perhaps I will be receiving some interesting offers this season,’ Madison smiled.

‘I’m sure you will my lady,’ Sally agreed with a smile.

Madison was appreciative that her cousin Lady Sarah and her parents Lord Gilbert and Lady Diana Buckley had also rented a home in London, so at least she would have enjoyable company.  Rachael and Diana were sisters.  Madison loved her cousin Sarah, they got along famously.  Whilst Sarah was the beautiful blonde with the striking blue eyes, Madison was a brunette with intelligent and expressive brown eyes.

Madison sipped from her cup of tea, as she waited patiently for her cousin Sarah and her mother Diana to join them.    She and her mother were seated in the patroness, Lady Emily Downer’s beautiful drawing room.  Infact Lady Emily’s entire double storey house was beautiful.  The floors had white marble tiles.  The sofa and the cabinets were all black, giving the drawing room a very classical look.  A staircase leading upstairs was painted in grey.  The bedrooms were upstairs and had large windows allowing natural light to filter in. 

Rachael Sanford had accepted the tea invitation with the hope the patroness would issue vouchers to Madison and Sarah to attend Almack’s Assembly Rooms on King Street where young ladies went in search of husbands.

‘How old are the girls?’  Lady Emily asked, her critical eye assessing whether Madison was worthy of a viscount or an earl.

‘Both girls are one and twenty,’ Baroness Rachael smiled politely.  And before the patroness could ask any more questions, Sarah and her mother Diana were announced.  Greetings were exchanged with the patroness, before the girls enthusiastically embraced each other, leaving the elder ladies to engage in their own conversation.

 ‘Sarah!’ Madison hugged her cousin excitedly.  ‘Oh you look lovely Sarah.’

‘Madison, how lovely to see you again cousin,’ Sarah smiled happily.  ‘I dare say you will receive an offer before me.  You always seem to attract the gentlemen’s interest,’ Sarah pouted.

‘Nonsense, you know you are the pretty one between us cousin,’ Madison countered.

‘I have not received a single offer this season,’ Sarah sighed.

 ‘Neither have I,’ Madison replied, but mamma tells me a lot of gentlemen are in town this season.

 ‘Well girls,’ the patroness exclaimed.  ‘I see no reason not to offer you vouchers.  You are presentable young ladies, and with sizable dowries.  I think you will be successful this season,’ she commented.

‘Thank you Lady Emily,’ both Madison and Sarah replied simultaneously.

‘There is a soiree this Saturday evening at Duke Edward Rothsay’s house.  He requested me to invite a few young ladies.  If you have no other engagements, perhaps you would be interested,’ the patroness offered, knowing full well the girls would not say no.

Madison and Sarah looked at each other excitedly before they eagerly accepted the invitation.

‘I can not wait,’ Sarah whispered to Madison.

‘I wonder who will be there,’ Madison murmured.

‘I am sure we will have a wonderful time.  Duchess Ann is a dear,’ Sarah smiled.

‘Shall we travel in one carriage?’ Diana asked Rachel.

‘I think that will be best,’ Rachel smiled, ‘and the girls do have lovely gowns for the evening.

 The Rothsay house was a beautiful stone house.  It had well manicured lawns.  Huge beech and willow trees,  cascading branches were almost sweeping the ground.  A rushing river meandered through their property.  The ducal estate had an impressive cobble driveway that led to the entrance hall of their home.

Madison was accompanied by both her parents Baron Stanton and Baroness Rachel Sanford.  Sarah was accompanied by her parents, Lord Gilbert and Lady Diana Buckley. 

‘Your graces good evening,’ Madison’s parents greeted the Duke and then the Duchess.

‘Baron Sanford, lovely to have you and your family,’ the duke greeted the family warmly.