

Chadwick lowered his lashes, so she could not read his eyes.  She took his breath away tonight.  She had outdone herself, adorned in a stylish evening dress of silver mull, a gauze like material with broad low necklines.  It had tiny shoulder puff sleeves with blue tinsel embroidered all over.  The sleeve ends, neck line and overskirt had a continuous gold ropetrim   The bodice was not gathered at the waist; but was fitted with darts.   The gown had no train, for ease of dancing.  Surprisingly, but probably fashionably trendy, she did not have gloves on her slender delicate fingers but rather mitts.   Complimenting the spectacular gown, her petite ears looked beautiful in hoop earrings.  Her shinny hair was neatly coiffed and in a stylish hat that resembled a turban.  It was topped by a feather, turned low down in front and high at the back, worn at a rakish angle.  Her feet were covered in velvet slippers with leather soles fastened with ribbons around the ankle.

‘I want two waltzes on your card,’ Chadwick demanded.  He could not demand more even though he wanted to be the only one dancing with her tonight.  He knew it would be frowned upon, if she danced more than twice in one gentleman’s arms.

‘No---,’ she blurted, even though secretly she delighted that he would select the waltz for them to dance.  ‘I am saving one for Earl Rankin Swain.’  It was temporary bliss courting danger in the arms of this devil, but she needed to look after her future, somebody fine like Rankin fitted into her lifelong plans, not this---this attractive sinful pleasure giver.

‘It is appropriate for me to dance with you only  twice,’ he hissed angrily at her mention of that‘Now slot me in before I do it myself,’ he instructed.

‘Do not bully---,’she did not finish her sentence but quickly scribbled with a pencil in her card, when he advanced threateningly towards her.

‘That is better my lady,’ he smiled charmingly.  ‘Now add me in for the country dance after supper as well’ he demanded again.  She meekly obliged as he towered over her, but gave vent to her anger afterwards.

‘Mr. Rochester you are an arrogant boar.’  Chadwick lifted lazy eyelids and grinned at her sardonically.    ‘And I do not care for your ungentlemanly ways,’ she seethed.  ‘Quite frankly you should be thrown out of Almack’s.

‘The patronesses adore me my lady,’ he chuckled.  ‘They consider me a most worthy gentleman, with charming manners, and off course my wealth stands me in good stead when they require a charitable donor.’  He spilled the last part not without some sarcasm for he knew some of the vindictive patronesses knew who to cream when it suited them. 

‘Off course the elegant Lady Sophia Jersey cannot be tainted with the same brush,’ Chadwick smiled mysteriously.  His eyes lifted.  He directed a gaze to the reception area where the charismatic Lady Sophia stood confidently with some of the other patronesses, smiling and welcoming all the patrons.

Madison gasped with disbelief at his complimentary words of praise for Lady Sophia. 

 ‘You are as charming as a rattlesnake,’ she jeered.  ‘And you would assuredly be most comfortable in the sty with your fellow species.’

‘Come you have insulted me enough,’ he pulled her roughly.

‘Where---where are you taking me?’ her eyes filled with sudden trepidation.

‘Why, to our first waltz,’ he grinned, placing one arm casually on her waist, and using the other hand to hold hers in midair.  She smelt delightful he discovered, as he inhaled the sweet fragrance, like juicy ripe fruit.  He groaned softly thinking how juicy and delicious she would taste to his lips.  He would give half his wealth to carry the delectable beauty off in his arms straight to his chamber and ravish her the whole night long, but the chit was right.  He would be permanently abolished by the scheming patronesses.

Madison wondered why he was so quiet, as she stole a glance at his attractive face.  She remembered the feel of those delectable lips on hers.  Like a magnet they had prized her lips apart, and his sensuous tongue had wreaked havoc on her body.  Madison sighed and dragged her mind back to the present.  He was a man of immense strength she observed as he guided her effortlessly across the ballroom.  He was light footed and an amazingly skilful dancer for one of his height, but she would never voice that compliment.  He was already quite swollen headed.  Madison was rather surprised when she heard Chadwick’s voice near her ears.

‘Thank you Lady Madison,’ he was returning her to her parents, one arm courteously at her elbow.  Madison could not believe they had not exchanged a single word on the dance floor.

‘Thank you Mr. Rochester,’ she offered politely for her parents benefit.

Madison could not believe how charming he was to her parents, and her gullible parents swallowed every false word he uttered.  She glared at him coldly as his amused eyes met hers.  He knew exactly what she was thinking.  She heard the brute was bragging about his new breed of thoroughbred horses.   Clearly his horses had more class than he had.  Her papa had been informing him of how pleased she was with her mare.  She had told her papa no such thing.  Why was he inventing compliments?  Never mind the truth that she was delighted with her mare and that she loved her to bits.  She brushed her mornings and afternoons and gave her mare a special treat each morning.  So much so that the mare began to pick at her pockets, when Madison would pretend like she did not have a treat for her.  Madison would laugh delightedly and hug her horse when she found her stick of carrot or an apple.

‘Madison,’ her father, tapped her arm.  Obviously this was the second time they were trying to get her attention.  She was unaware precisely when Chadwick had taken his leave.  Now he was on the dance floor with Lady Sophia.  Chadwick was laughing robustly at something Lady Sophia was whispering to him.

‘I am sorry papa?’

‘Are you day dreaming again child?’ Her mama laughed.  Madison dragged her eyes to her mother awkwardly. She felt an inexplicable pang in her heart when she witnessed how comfortable Lady Sophia looked in Chadwick’s arms.  She was about to tear her eyes away when at that precise moment  the object of her conflicting emotions thought to direct his mesmerizing gaze at her. 

‘The earl of Swain has invited us to his family seat in Craggvale,’ her papa informed her.

‘I beg your pardon!’ That had her instant attention.  Her eyes flew to her father. ‘Is he here?  Is Lord Rankin here?’ she cast a searching glance around the room.  She found Rankin standing at the entrance to the card room.   He was in conversation with two gentlemen.  Rankin smiled and raised his glass to her.  Madison smiled almost shyly as she returned Rankin’s wave.

‘Yes,’ her papa confirmed.  ‘This Saturday he will have a small party and dinner at his home.  ‘I understand he has invited just a few of his friends and acquaintances.’

‘I see,’ Madison replied, unable to find any suitable words to respond with.

‘His sister is rather shy,’ Rachael added.  ‘So he wants to try and  coax her from under her shell.’

‘She is rather lovely,’ Madison smiled at her mother.   ‘So we have accepted then?’

‘Yes, we must accept as many invitations as we can,’ her mother replied.  ‘Every invitation is an opportunity to find a prospective suitor.’

Madison wanted to scream at all the confusing emotions tearing at her heart.  How could she attempt to set her cap on a man who was not interested in marriage?  Wasn’t she the one interested in any gentleman who did not have a title and good breeding?    She remembered clearly too, the arrogant ill bred devil’s scathing words about her “he had forcefully declared.  Madison longed to chat to her besotted cousin, but now that Sarah was , she seemed to be spending the entire evening in Anthony’s arms.