
Betrothed to the Billionaire

Gabriella Anderson has always been the goal getter and achiever. She also always tried her best to please her father, Mr. Anderson. After an event that destabilizes her entire life transpires, what seems like the greatest nightmare of Gabriella Anderson’s life turns out to be just the tip of an iceberg when she suddenly has to get married to the billionaire, Timothy Norman of Norman group of Companies. Of course, this doesn’t go down well with her. As for Timothy, his reputation precedes him. He’s known as the coldest, most brutal billionaire in the state. Although, all the women loved him, no one could imagine living with him, talk more of getting married to him. But then, what will these two do when everyone and everything seems to pull them together? Well, everyone except themselves. Find out in this book.

the_learningwriter · perkotaan
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2 Chs


Gabriella, firmly wrapped in her duvet, glanced at the alarm clock that seemed to have only one mission. To end her night's sleep for good.

However, she wasn't ready to face the day yet so she reached for it but it was too far from her reach.

Letting out a frustrated groan, she scooted over some more and raised the duvet just enough for one of her eyes to peek at the exact position of the alarm clock. As soon as she saw it, she covered her whole body completely once again and blindly reached for it.

Her long graceful fingers soon found the power button, after which she slammed it as though it was the cause of all her life's troubles.

Her dimly lit room was finally quiet.

Satisfied with the pitch silence, save for the birds chirping in the still quiet morning, a smug smile appeared on Gabriella's dreamy face as she let out a sigh of relief.

She had only just settled into the white plush duvet when a sharp piercing sound filled the room.

"Arrrghhh," she groaned.

"Not again!"

"I have told Annabel countless number of times to stop setting an alarm on my phone, it's always too loud", she mumbled.

She reached for it, in an attempt to put it off only to realise that it was a call.

"Papa" was boldly displayed on the screen.

And just like that, Gabriella's morning laziness, and desperate urge to stay in bed till the sun arises, disappeared.

She hurriedly shuffled out of her duvet and sat up properly.

She then cleared her throat for a few seconds before sliding the vibrating icon towards accept.

"Yes sir. I'm coming sir", she said aloud, bobbing her head up and down vigorously as if the person at the other end of the call could see her.

As soon as she hung up the call, she dashed to the bathroom. At this point, she could as well be Usain bolt because the long hallway to the bathroom was no match for Gabriella's fast feet.

It was one of the few things she hated about her house. The needlessly long hallways, unnecessarily large rooms and that emptiness.

It made her feel lonely, very often. But then, moving out was not an option.

It was her father's gift to her and she felt she owed it to him to at least live there.

Just as she was done bathing and was about to enter her spacious bedroom, she bumped her foot against the sturdy bedroom door.

That sent her to the floor immediately. She let out a frustrated groan but then, quickly picked herself .

She limped to her wardrobe muttering profanities.

That was when she remembered.

"Shit!", she exclaimed.

Rushing to her mobile phone, she dialed her boyfriend's number. It rang for a while but he didn't pick up.

Glancing back and forth at the wardrobe and her phone, she decided to settle one first before dealing with the other.

So, she flung her wardrobe's door open and a pile of clothes came pouring down.

"Damnit. How many times do I have to tell this girl to let me fold my own clothes?"

"ANNA—", she yelled before catching herself mid-word.

She needed to meet up with someone, so now is definitely not the time to listen to her incoherent explanations of why she always chose to ignore instructions and do things her own way.

Gabriella picked out a floral patterned shirt and a black trouser and hurriedly put them on, completing her outfit with a black platform shoe. Being one of those people that looked good in all outfits, she was undeniably beautiful as always.

She adorned herself with her favorite gold necklace with a half heart-shaped pendant and a matching gold bracelet and earrings.

Looking into the mirror with a long last sigh, Gabriella grabbed her car keys and Louis Vuitton black bag.

Anyone who knows Gabriella knows how much her aura screams RICH and CLASSY. So, it was not too much of a shock when news spread across Ivory Coast Town that the Mayor's son had decided to make her his wife. Of course she didn't agree. Not just because she was in a relationship but also because she couldn't imagine her clumsy self getting married to such a prim and proper man.

Gabriella was easily the most sought after woman in her country and although her father's business had a major role to play in putting her in that position. Or so she thought. Still, it wasn't an easy feat and she made sure to work hard to maintain her prestige.

And that included sucking up to her own father and basically, living for him.

Now at the entrance to her father's office, after driving at a die-young-risk speed, Gabriella adjusted her dress. It didn't need adjusting, it was already perfect enough. However, the fact that she was going to see her father made her anxious. Actually, scratch that, it made her terrified.

So, when her father's personal assistant informed her that he had gone for a meeting, her chest immediately felt light. Like a piece of paper. She felt as though a huge burden was lifted off her chest.

The next few steps she took down the hallway, towards her large office on the same floor, was accompanied by deep breaths. It was fast becoming an habit. These days, she's been getting into uncomfortable situations. So often that she already hated the week even though it was only Monday.

The pile of files on her desk didn't do anything to help her mood. Even without looking through them, she knew that they were probably just useless piece of documents that she needed to endorse, as usual.

Later they would be taken to her father's office where they would sit for months, maybe a year even. After which, he'd finally decide to do something about them.

Needless to say that the size of her office was a direct constrast to her relevance in the company.

Gabriella glanced at her wristwatch.

She didn't realize how much time had gone by while she was sorting the files. That was one peculiar thing about her. Even when she didn't feel like doing something. All she needs is a push to start and once she starts, there's literally no going back.

Her phone's screen lit up but it was until she felt the reverberating vibrations on her fancy office table, that she realized that her mobile phone was ringing.

Throwing a lazy glance at it, a smile lit up her round face as she reclined properly on her plush swivel chair.

"Hey boo", she said, the smile not leaving her eyes.

"Where are you?", she said, then waited for his response.

"Okay! See you in about 2 hours?"

"Oh! I shouldn't come? Okay. Where should I meet you?"


"I love you!"

"No! I love YOU more"

Their short conversation had managed to uplift her mood. And despite the fact that Gabriella had made sure to send a birthday message, better yet an epistle, to her adoring boyfriend as soon as she got to the office.

She still felt bad that she didn't call him early enough. She didn't sing a birthday song for him as is their tradition.

So, to make it up to him, Gabriella decided to plan a surprise birthday party for him. Of course, it was a walk over. All she needed to do was call a few of her father's colleagues and they all came running.

In no time, everything that was needed for the party was ready, well everything but the final element.

The final element being her boyfriend.

Earlier that morning, Gabriella had racked her head long and hard on how to bring him to the party without making him suspicious.

The first step was to convince him that she would meet him at his office but then knowing him, he'd disagree. Then, she'll suggest that he picks a location and then, when he does. She'll agree to wherever he decides to pick.

So, she did just that. Now, all she had to do was go to his house, call the planners and decorate it based on their instructions. He would still be at work by the time she was done.

That way her plan would go uninterrupted.

Later, she would go to the spot they chose and spend the evening with him.

He'd never expect the kind of surprise she had planned.