
Best Buddies Together

It's all about friendship and romance

allijah_e · Lainnya
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Simone's POV

" Hey, Simone. Where are you? " Rivo asked through text.

" I'm in the middle of the class. Why? " I replied.

" Oh, I see. I'm picking you up later after class. "

" Okay then. "

Rivo's my trusted friend, we're bestfriends ever since.

They said we're like a lover but no HAHAHAHA.

Shortly after class I went out.

As I was walking out of school I saw Rivo standing on the side of his car.

I was surprised when Kiara looked at me. But I ignored it, instead I went to Rivo.

If you don't ask. Kiara is Rivo's ex girlfriend. I don't even know why that woman is so mad at me. She knew that Rivo and I had been friends ever since

" Why are you late? " Rivo asked me

" Why? why did you come here? you still have a meeting with tito Zachi right? "

" Don't think about that. That's why I'm here because I want to be with you "

" Oh really? who did you fool, you can't fool me hey " I flipped my hair.

" Take that ride and we'll go to the billiards club. Let's play. who beat hobbyist dinner. Game? "

By the way, Rivo is the son of the CEO of a famous company here in Manila. Rivo is the only son of Zachi and Yna Mitsuhide. Rivo will bequeath MCOMPANY so he needs to be serious when it comes to the company.

Tito Zachi and daddy are business partners. since childhood, daddy and tito Zachi have also been friends, so there is no denying that Rivo and I are also close friends.

By the way, daddy is not here because he is running a business in Australia. I was the only one left. I have no family if not just daddy. My mom died early so my dad had to take care of me.

So I was usually at Rivo's house too. Auntie Yna is like my mother because she takes care of me once when I'm at their house.

" Hey why are you stupid there and just looking out the window? " Rivo breaks the silence.

" I'm wondering what if you lose again? Oh poor Rivo. Practice first before we fight in billiards " I smirked.

Playing billiards is our hobby.

When we arrived at the billiards club, I immediately got out and left my other belongings in his car.

" Hey will you leave all that? your money? phone? "

" Don't worry I have it all "

When we entered the billiards club, I was immediately stopped by a security guard.

" She is with me. " Rivo said, reason for the guard to leave

" Gosh rivo, they don't know me? "

" Maybe you're in uniform, after all, that guard is new. "

" Whatever. "

While Rivo was adjusting the heel he was going to use, I just noticed that he was handsome in what he was wearing.

He was wearing a white tshirt and pants. and she was wearing the necklace I gave her for her birthday.

" Just one game ah I'll do more school works later "

" Okay "

Soon I was halfway to enter the ball, and I would still stay.

" Pray for that Rivo and I will win it "

" No need, I'll win. just assuming you "

Because of what he said my shot was thrown off the ball

" Ah, because your noise didn't make the ball enter! "I said " while looking badly at him

" I told you. It's my turn "

it didn't take long for him to leave the last ball.

" How is that? I won "

" If you weren't so loud I would have won " I said as I stared at him

" Don't be shy, give me dinner for free "

" okay "

I rushed into his car and gave him dinner

after we ate he immediately took me home.

" better luck next time Simone "

I just stared at him and entered the house.

after I did my school works I fell asleep due to fatigue