
Beneathe the Willow

In the heart of the wilderness, five unsuspecting souls – four young adults and a child – embark on a journey, each drawn to the camp for their own reasons. An unexpected twist of fate lands them at the wrong destination, or so it seems. As their world spirals into a web of horror and mystery, they realize their arrival was not a mistake but a chilling orchestration. Stranded amidst the eerie silence of the forest, they are forced to confront an ominous question: Who wanted them there? And why? As they grapple with their terrifying reality, they must unravel the sinister secrets lurking in the shadows. This gripping thriller will have you on the edge of your seat as you delve into a haunting tale of deception and survival. Are they mere pawns in a twisted game, or will they uncover the truth before it's too late?

JordanRah · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter XXII: Reflections

The fluorescent lights of the school bathroom flickered ominously overhead as I huddled against the cold tile floor, trapped in a cruel twist of fate. A dull throb resonated through my battered body, the aftermath of a beating I hadn't seen coming. Blood trickled down from my nose, a crimson reminder of my own vulnerability. The purple bruise forming around my eye was a stark contrast to the cuts etched into my brow.

Laughter echoed around me, taunting and cruel, as the cheerleaders who had cornered me relished in their victory. Their accusations had been sharp, their words stinging like a thousand bees, and their blows had landed with an unexpected ferocity. All because of a simple misunderstanding – a misread glance, an innocent comment, a harmless smile. I hadn't meant to draw anyone's attention, let alone their wrath.

My vision blurred as one of them, her face contorted into a twisted sneer, grabbed me by the hair and forced my head up to meet my reflection in the grimy mirror. My battered face stared back at me, a mosaic of pain and defiance.

It was in that moment, as I stared into my own bruised eyes, that a spark of determination ignited within me. Despite the pain, the humiliation, the raw vulnerability, I made a silent vow to myself. A vow that one day, I would look into that mirror and see a reflection that I was proud of, a reflection that wasn't marred by the judgments of others.

In the midst of the chaos, a quiet strength began to rise within me. The determination to rise above the cruelty that surrounded me, to break free from the expectations and assumptions that others projected onto me. I knew that this battle was just the beginning, a skirmish in the war to define my own worth.

As the cheerleaders left the bathroom, their laughter fading into the distance, I pushed myself off the floor, wincing at the pain that shot through my body. Clenching my fists, I wiped away the blood from my face and met my own gaze once more. A mixture of anger, resilience, and a stubborn refusal to be defined by the cruelty of others stared back at me.

With a shaky breath, I straightened my posture, gathering the tattered shreds of my dignity. As I exited the bathroom, I carried with me not just the physical wounds, but also the unwavering resolve to shape my own narrative. One day, I knew I would stand tall and face that mirror with a fierce pride, my reflection a testament to the battles I had fought and the strength I had found within myself.


I lay on my bed, my room enveloped in the soft glow of evening light filtering through the curtains. The aches and pains from the day's events still throbbed beneath the surface, a constant reminder of my vulnerability. As I gingerly pressed an ice pack to my swollen eye, the door creaked open, and Jessie walked in, her expression a mixture of nonchalance and something resembling concern.

Without a word, she tossed a small ice pack onto the bed beside me, her actions brisk yet oddly caring. I watched her as she perched on the edge of my bed, her eyes scanning my bruised face with a critical gaze.

"Beauty tip," she said, her tone almost dismissive as if she was sharing some secret that everyone should already know. "To make those bruises less obvious, use a color-correcting concealer. Green cancels out the redness, so it'll help tone down the purple."

I blinked, surprised by her advice. It was strange to see her offering help, even in her own peculiar way. "Thanks," I muttered, acknowledging her words as I pressed the ice pack against my eye once more.

She raised an eyebrow, studying me for a moment before rummaging through her bag. She pulled out a compact mirror and a few makeup products, arranging them in front of me on my bedside table. "Here," she said, her voice a touch softer than before. "Let me help you."

I watched as she meticulously applied makeup to my battered face, her hands gentle yet practiced. She blended the concealer expertly, camouflaging the purplish hues beneath a layer of carefully applied cosmetics. It was an odd intimacy – one I hadn't experienced with Jessie before.

As I caught sight of my reflection in her hand mirror, I was taken aback by the transformation. The bruises were still there, lurking beneath the surface, but they were no longer the focal point of my face. The pain and humiliation they represented were temporarily veiled by a skillfully applied layer of makeup.

Jessie met my gaze through the mirror, her eyes unexpectedly soft. "You're tougher than you look," she said quietly, her words laced with a hint of grudging admiration.

I couldn't help but offer a wry smile in response. "Guess you learn a few things when you're constantly trying to blend in," I replied, my tone tinged with self-deprecating humor.

She paused, her gaze holding mine for a beat longer. "Remember this," she said, her voice more serious now. "Never let anyone see your scars. They're your armor, and you don't owe anyone a glimpse into your battles."