
Beneathe the Willow

In the heart of the wilderness, five unsuspecting souls – four young adults and a child – embark on a journey, each drawn to the camp for their own reasons. An unexpected twist of fate lands them at the wrong destination, or so it seems. As their world spirals into a web of horror and mystery, they realize their arrival was not a mistake but a chilling orchestration. Stranded amidst the eerie silence of the forest, they are forced to confront an ominous question: Who wanted them there? And why? As they grapple with their terrifying reality, they must unravel the sinister secrets lurking in the shadows. This gripping thriller will have you on the edge of your seat as you delve into a haunting tale of deception and survival. Are they mere pawns in a twisted game, or will they uncover the truth before it's too late?

JordanRah · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter XV: Sweet Sorrow

The morning sun was barely peeking through the trees when an urgent announcement crackled over the camp's intercom. The words echoed through the cabins, rousing us from our groggy dreams. A summons to the cafeteria at this hour? My mind raced, tangled in a web of confusion and curiosity. It wasn't every day that Miss Dawson, our camp counselor, disrupted our sleep.

As I walked to the cafeteria with Anabelle, Dwight, and Penny, the same question hung over our heads, visible in the furrowed brows and whispered conversations of other campers. "What's going on?" I asked, my voice hushed, not wanting to disturb the air of anticipation that gripped us.

Anabelle shrugged, a mixture of intrigue and worry etched on her face. "Beats me. Maybe they've run out of pancakes and need us to pitch in."

Dwight chuckled, but his eyes betrayed his unease. "Yeah, right. Or maybe they finally realized we're terrible at arts and crafts and they're banning us from glue forever."

Penny clutched her stuffed bunny, her eyes wide. "Do you think someone got hurt?"

I shot her a reassuring smile, but my own thoughts were churning. Something wasn't right. The air felt charged, like the calm before a storm. The four of us huddled in the common area, our confusion forming an unspoken bond.

As Miss Dawson entered the cafeteria, a hush fell over the campers. Her expression was somber, her eyes carrying a weight that sent a chill down my spine. She stood before us, the gravity of her presence commanding our attention. "Campers," she began, her voice trembling just a touch, "I have some grave news to share."

My heart skipped a beat, and I exchanged a worried glance with my friends. The room seemed to hold its breath as Miss Dawson's words hung in the air, heavy with an impending truth we were not yet privy to.

"I regret to inform you that a tragedy has occurred. Candy has been found dead, near the murky lake. Her body was discovered in the early hours of this morning. We are still piecing together the details, but as of now, we do not know who spoke to her last. Please understand that this is a grave situation, and we will be cooperating fully with the authorities in their investigation. In the meantime, counselors and staff are here to support you. If anyone has any information, please come forward immediately."

Panic surged through the once calm cafeteria like wildfire. Whispers spread like a contagion, the shock of Candy's sudden death rippling through the campers. Chairs scraped against the floor as campers shifted uncomfortably, their faces etched with disbelief and fear. The air felt charged with a mix of grief and anxiety, the usual chatter reduced to a hushed symphony of worried voices. Friends leaned closer to each other, seeking solace and confirmation that what they'd heard was somehow untrue.

A murmur of questions filled the space, each voice a tremor in the collective uncertainty. Eyes darted around the room, searching for any clue, any explanation for the tragedy that had befallen their once carefree camp experience. Miss Dawson's words still hung heavy in the air, a weight that no one could escape.

The tense atmosphere in the cafeteria crackled with electricity as Sarah and Emily stormed towards our table. Accusations hung in the air, heavy with anger. My heart raced, my confusion adding to the chaos around me. Before I could react, Sarah's words pierced through the turmoil like an arrow aimed at me.

"You killed her you bitch! You killed my best friend!" Her voice quivered with rage, her eyes blazing with accusation.

Lance and Emily grabbed Sarah, attempting to restrain her, but the storm within her wouldn't be quelled. It was as if the torrent of emotions was too much for her to bear. Her fury took shape, and her clenched fist swung wildly, connecting with my jaw in a painful collision.

I stumbled back, stunned by the blow, my hand instinctively flying to my aching jaw. The cafeteria seemed to blur as gasps and murmurs swept through the onlookers. The world narrowed down to the searing pain in my face, the thudding of my heart, and the realization that I was being falsely accused of something I hadn't done.

Anabelle's voice cut through the chaos, her tone low and assertive. "Step away, Sarah, or I won't hesitate to hit back." She stood beside me, a pillar of support in the midst of the storm.

Dwight, never one to back down from a confrontation, stepped forward as well. "This is ridiculous. Jordan was with us the whole time."

The accusing glares of the other campers bore into me, a mixture of disbelief and judgment. It was like being trapped in a nightmare, one where my innocence wasn't enough to protect me from the onslaught of accusation.

Penny, usually quiet but with a heart full of wisdom beyond her years, frowned. Her small voice carried a weight of certainty. "Jordan would never hurt anyone."

Sarah's eyes flashed with fury as she turned her attention to Penny. "Oh, please. What does a child know?"

Dwight's voice cut in, firm and unyielding. "Hey, watch your tone. We're all shocked and upset, but jumping to conclusions isn't helping anyone."

Amidst the tension, a hushed silence seemed to fall over the cafeteria. Sarah's angry words hung in the air, her hostility like a storm cloud ready to burst. I held my throbbing jaw, a mix of shock and frustration coursing through me. Anabelle's presence by my side was a steadying force, her unwavering support a lifeline in this tumultuous moment.

Dwight's determined stance showed that he wasn't going to let baseless accusations go unanswered. His words had a calming effect, like a voice of reason cutting through the chaos. He was right – this rush to judgment was only fueling the fire, and it was tearing our camp community apart.

Penny, standing her ground, voiced the truth with a conviction that belied her age. Her defense of me was a ray of light in the midst of the storm. But Sarah's scornful response cut through the air like a knife. "A child like you doesn't understand anything."

My heart ached for Penny, caught in the crossfire of our growing conflict. Anabelle's grip on my arm tightened, her gaze steady as she faced Sarah down. "You're upset, we all are. But hurting each other won't change what's happened."

Lance, his rebellious facade momentarily forgotten, finally managed to guide Sarah and Emily away from our table. The remnants of their heated confrontation lingered in the air, leaving a sense of unease in its wake.

As the cafeteria began to buzz with a mix of disbelief, anger, and sorrow, the truth remained that Candy's death was a tragedy that had shaken us all. The unity, if any, of our camp community had been fractured, and as we looked around at one another, the realization dawned that we were all facing the same storm of emotions, each in our own way.

As we walked towards the camp infirmary, my throbbing jaw served as a painful reminder of the earlier confrontation. Anabelle's steadying presence on one side and Penny's concerned gaze on the other helped soothe the rising turmoil within me. The infirmary door creaked open, revealing an empty room. My brows furrowed in confusion; this wasn't how it was supposed to be. I exchanged glances with Dwight and Anabelle, my unease mirrored in their expressions.

"Where is everyone?" Penny's voice was small, her worry palpable.

Dwight scratched his head, his brow creased. "Yeah, this is getting weirder by the minute."

In the infirmary's sterile embrace, Anabelle gently dabbed at my swollen jaw with a damp cloth. The sting of her touch was oddly soothing, her focus on my well-being a reassuring presence. As she worked, our eyes met, and a subtle smile tugged at the corner of her lips. The memory of our playful charade in Miss Dawson's office flickered between us, a secret shared in glances and unspoken words.

"Sarah's words, Jordan," she murmured, her fingers lingering just a tad longer than necessary. "Don't let them get to you. She's grieving, and grief can be a beast."

Her words held an undercurrent of understanding, and I offered a small nod, my gaze locked with hers. Anabelle had a knack for reading my mind, her wisdom a soothing balm to my doubts.

Penny sat nearby, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Dwight's protective stance was heartwarming as he scooped her into his arms. "Hey, no tears, alright?" His voice was gentle, carrying a sense of reassurance. "Nothing's going to happen to you. I've got your back."

As Anabelle continued her ministrations, her gaze flickered towards the window. I followed her line of sight, and a chill slithered down my spine as I saw the men in black outside. They were carrying a body, their attire conspicuously different from paramedics. Anabelle's voice, tinged with suspicion, cut through the air.

"Those can't be paramedics," she mused, her tone low. "Look at how they're dressed."

Dwight, still cradling Penny, stepped closer to the window, his brows furrowed. "You're right. This whole thing is getting weirder by the minute."

As if on cue, a knock sounded at the infirmary door. My heart raced as Lance's figure appeared, his face a mask of urgency. "Miss Dawson wants everyone back in the common area. She's about to make another announcement."

We exchanged a glance, uncertainty clouding our features. What could possibly be the issue now? Despite our shared confusion, we nodded and made our way to the common area. Miss Dawson's words washed over us, chilling the air further. All camp activities were suspended, and a gathering was scheduled at the campfire to pay respects to Candy.