
Beneathe the Willow

In the heart of the wilderness, five unsuspecting souls – four young adults and a child – embark on a journey, each drawn to the camp for their own reasons. An unexpected twist of fate lands them at the wrong destination, or so it seems. As their world spirals into a web of horror and mystery, they realize their arrival was not a mistake but a chilling orchestration. Stranded amidst the eerie silence of the forest, they are forced to confront an ominous question: Who wanted them there? And why? As they grapple with their terrifying reality, they must unravel the sinister secrets lurking in the shadows. This gripping thriller will have you on the edge of your seat as you delve into a haunting tale of deception and survival. Are they mere pawns in a twisted game, or will they uncover the truth before it's too late?

JordanRah · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter II: Cottonmouth Breath

With a heart pounding to the rhythm of her favorite K-pop track, Candy stepped out of her candy-colored bedroom door. Simple hello to her parents and a simple goodbye after she nabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. She would've preferred a candy apple but hey—you take what you get. The morning sun shining on her pink hair, casting an enchanting glow, matching the gleaming smile on her face. At least she hoped she was smiling. She'd done a homemade mask for her channel, meant to tighten her face up better than botox and now, she couldn't feel herself smile. It'd wear off eventually. She went all out today—a bubblegum dress with all her favourite candies on it, candy cane umbrella and her little lemon drop top hat. Some called her crazy, but the town had come to warm up to her. Maybe it's because her parents owned the only candy shop in town and their toffee was to die for, but she also told herself it was because she was sweet.

A loving chorus of 'goodbyes' and 'take cares' from her family echoed behind her, their words wrapping around her like a warm hug on a cold day. Their love was a constant, even if miles will soon separate them. She was leaving for camp today, and she couldn't help but feel like she had butterflies in her tummy with a tinge of nervousness. But hey, she wasn't a social media star for nothing! She'd braved the camera's blinding flash and the internet's harsh glare—a little camp won't be too hard to handle, right? It's just three months. She'd be back, and she'd be a new creature. Camp shaped people for the better and it'd be a chance to make new friends. And if there is something she was absolutely good at, it was making friends.

Her suitcase rattled along the pavement— it was pink of course, with glittery patches that sparkle under the sun. Everything she owned carried the same theme; pink and glitter were more than just colors to her — they were symbols of what her mom called, her 'sprightly' personality. And a whole lotta hello kitty stickers. Who doesn't love stickers?

The old, yellow bus creaked to a halt in front of her, rusty edges seeming starkly out-of-place in her glitter-filled world. Yet even as she skipped towards it, couple of kids glaring at her through the window there was absolutely no dread weighing her down. She was eager to get to camp. And she was sure they'd let down their defenses sooner or later and they'd be eating marshmallows and telling scary stories, making memories in no time.

So here's to new adventures! As she stepped onto the bus, she waved to the driver who gave a grumble for a reply, disappointing but he'd let up too. Taking one final glance at her family waving from their doorstep. With a deep breath, she waved back before turning around to face what awaited her at camp. Camp Willow Wind, here I come!

Is what she thought, before she actually stepped into camp. Or more precisely, before her foot was ankle deep in mud. She pulled it out, nearly losing her balance but steadying herself with her umbrella, but now it was covered in mud. She swallowed hard, pulling down her headphones, k-pop music still blasting at full volume. She was shocked more than anything, because—sure, she'd never been to camp but was this something she'd actually show to her subscribers? It looked like a dump! Was this how all camps usually were?

She raised her slumped shoulders and put on a brave face. No. She signed up for this and she wasn't one to give up. And besides, her followers needed an immediate update that she had just gotten to camp. She fished her phone up but her heart sank when she looked at the screen. Black. She was sure she'd charged it right before she left home. Or maybe she took the wrong phone. That must be it. She'd charge it later in the cabins.

She looked to her left, where the other girl from the bus was standing. She had a bit of a dark aura, but she looked moderately friendly. She had white hair too, maybe she was a k-pop fan or she was into cosplay like her. Or was that a rude assumption? She'd seen her around. She was the town mayor's daughter. Not many people knew it, but she was. For some reason, she didn't want anyone to know that. She wasn't mean per sae, she was just a bit...jaded. She didn't talk much. No one could blame her though, not after what she had been through...

She shrugged. She'd already made up her mind that this girl would be her friend this summer. And she would make it her mission to make sure that it remained that way even thereafter. So she skipped up to her and extended a hand.

"Hey there!" she chimed. "I'm Candy. Wanna be cabinmates?"