
Beneath The Mystic Veil

In a world of ancient Essentia and mysterious forces, a pale and nameless boy awakens amidst a sea of blood, driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge and a burning desire to uncover the truth behind his past and identity. As he struggles to uncover the truth of his past, he finds himself embroiled in a world of magic and mystery, where dragons rise to the heavens and ancient prophecies foretell of great upheaval. A journey to unravel the truth of his origins and kill those who stood in his way, as he rises like a dragon towards the heavens and challenges the very fabric of fate and destiny.

Mr_Cade · Fantasi
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2 Chs

For One An Awakening...

The air was thick with the stench of death and decay, the metallic tang of blood mingling with the acrid scent of smoke and burning flesh. Flies buzzed hungrily around the bodies, their incessant drone punctuating the stillness of the forest.

The trees that surrounded the clearing were thick and lush, their leaves a vibrant green that seemed to glow in the dim light. But the beauty of the forest was marred by the chaos that lay before the boy. Fallen soldiers in medieval chainmail and armor were scattered about, their weapons strewn haphazardly among them. The air was thick with the stench of blood and death, and the ground was littered with huge dents and scorched patches where trees once stood.

A young boy lay motionless amidst the carnage of the battlefield, his frail frame barely discernible against the sea of blood-soaked earth and fallen soldiers. His pale complexion was made even more ghostly by the dappled light filtering through the trees, casting an eerie glow on the grisly scene.

As the boy lay there, unconscious, his grey tunic was torn and bloodstained. His pale face was streaked with dirt and sweat, his chest heaving with each ragged breath. Despite his frail appearance, there was a hint of youthful handsomeness in his features that suggested he might grow into a striking man someday.

Slowly, the boy began to open his eyes. At first, his vision was blurry, and all he could see was a sea of blood and fallen soldiers. But as his eyes adjusted to the light, he began to make out the shapes of trees and foliage around him. He realized that he was lying in the midst of a forest, its trees towering above him like sentinels guarding the secrets within.

A strange feeling began to stir within him. It was a feeling of confusion and disorientation, as if he had been suddenly awakened from a deep sleep. His mind was foggy, his thoughts scattered and unclear. He wondered where he was and how he had come to be there, surrounded by so much death and destruction.

He struggled to sit up, his muscles protesting as he surveyed the chaos around him. As the young boy awakened, a piercing scream escaped from his lips, his frail frame wracked with pain. He clutched at his chest, struggling to catch his breath as he looked around in confusion.

A dead soldier entered his sight as he was laid right infront of him. As the young boy looked upon the dead soldier, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Yet despite the horror of the scene before him, he noticed something peculiar - the soldier was smiling at him.

It was a faint smile, almost imperceptible, but it was there nonetheless. The boy couldn't help but wonder what had caused the soldier to smile in his final moments, whether it was some sense of peace or acceptance of his fate. Or perhaps something else entirely.

The foul air assaulted his senses, the stench of death and decay almost overpowering.

As the boy lay there, trying to gather his thoughts, a sharp pain shot through his head, making him gasp in agony. It felt as though his skull was being split apart, the pain radiating through every fiber of his being. He clutched his head in his hands, groaning in pain as he struggled to make sense of what was happening.

But the pain was not only physical; it was as if something deep inside him was struggling to break free, to escape the confines of his body. It was a spiritual pain, a feeling of being lost and alone in a world that made no sense.


Despite the pain that still wracked his body, the boy pushed himself to his feet, stumbling as he surveyed the destruction around him. He came upon a gruesome scene of destruction.

Mangled bodies of soldiers lay strewn about, their limbs twisted at unnatural angles. Some had huge holes in their chests, as if they had been ripped apart from the inside out.

It was clear that this wasn't the result of mere swords and arrows - the devastation was far too great.

As he pushed himself to his feet, his eyes were drawn to the lush greenery that surrounded him. The forest, once a haven of life and beauty, had been transformed into a place of death and destruction.

He stumbled forward, his steps unsteady as he made his way through the maze of fallen soldiers and debris. With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, the reality of his situation dawning on him with renewed force.

"Where the hell am I" he muttered to himself.

The boy knew he must find a way out of the forest, to escape the horrors that surrounded him and find safety in the world beyond. But as he made his way through the twisted trees and overgrown brush, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever make it out alive.

The boy felt a shiver run down his spine as he continued to stare at the soldier's lifeless body, his mind racing with questions. How had he ended up here? Who were these soldiers, and what had they been fighting for? And most importantly, how was he going to escape this place alive?

With a deep breath, the boy tore his gaze away from the dead soldiers and set off once again through the twisted trees and overgrown brush. He couldn't let himself get bogged down by the horror of what he had witnessed - he had to keep moving, keep searching for a way out of this nightmare.

The boy's gaze fell upon the strange book floating in the pool of blood. It seemed almost out of place in the midst of the destruction, its black cover and strange symbols standing out against the sea of red.

Despite the pain wracking his body, the boy felt drawn to the book. It was as if something within him recognized it, a deep-seated instinct that urged him to pick it up and explore its secrets.

With trembling fingers, the boy reached out and grasped the book, wincing as the pain in his head intensified. He tried to open it, but the pages remained stubbornly shut, as if locked by some unseen force.

Frustrated, the boy threw the book aside, watching as it bounced off a pile of fallen armor and came to rest a few feet away. He tried to stand, but his legs felt weak and unsteady, and he stumbled and fell back to the ground.

The pain in his head was subsiding slightly, but it was still there, a dull ache that throbbed behind his eyes. He closed his eyes and tried to focus, to clear his mind and make sense of what had happened.

But the more he tried to remember, the more his thoughts slipped away from him, like sand through his fingers. He couldn't recall his name, or where he came from, or why he was lying amidst the fallen soldiers.

All he knew was that he was alone in a world that had turned to chaos, with nothing but a strange book to guide him. And as the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor, the boy realized that he had to find a way out, before it was too late.

As the boy struggled to his feet, he swayed unsteadily on his feet. His legs felt weak, and his head throbbed painfully. Despite his condition, he knew he had to move. He had to find help, find someone who could tell him what had happened and where he was.

"I might need a sword"

The boy's gaze fell upon the sword lying beside one of the lifeless soldiers. It was large, with a sharp blade and a hilt adorned with intricate engravings. He hesitated for a moment, but the urgency of his situation urged him to take the weapon. He gripped the hilt with both hands, feeling the weight of the sword in contrast to his own frail body.

As the boy stumbled through the dense forest with the sword in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The weight of the sword made him stagger with every step, yet it was as if the sword had called out to him, begging to be wielded.

He looked around at the towering trees that surrounded him, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The sunlight filtered through the branches, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. It was a beautiful sight, but the boy couldn't appreciate it fully as his mind was consumed with thoughts of the sword.

"I don't know what dangers lie ahead, but with this sword, at least I'll have a fighting chance."

With a shaky step, he began to walk, his movements slow and unsteady. He stumbled over fallen branches and uneven ground, the forest floor slick with blood and gore. The trees loomed above him like sentinels, their branches reaching out to him like skeletal fingers.

The boy wandered aimlessly, his mind foggy and his thoughts jumbled. He had no sense of direction, no idea where he was going. But he couldn't stop. He had to keep moving, keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Let me know what you thought of the first chapter. And support me in anyway you can, I love all of you future readers of my story.

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