
Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist

"The once inviting living room was now bathed in an unnatural, eerie glow, the darkness seeming to pulsate with a life of its own. And then, it appeared. The banshee was as terrifying as the stories painted it to be. Its long, matted hair framed a face that was grotesquely distorted, the mouth pulled wide in a silent scream. Its eyes glowed an eerie green, full of malevolence and hatred. Its long, bony fingers ended in razor-sharp claws, and it wore a tattered, dirt-stained dress." ...... Synopsis: Ren Higurashi was just an ordinary guy - an ordinary guy who could see ghosts. Befriended by spirits and guided by the supreme demon Baal, Ren stumbled into a world veiled to most, a world brimming with supernatural forces and relentless phantoms. "Under the guise of a quirky exorcist, Ren forges an unconventional path as an exorcist. Each chapter of his life unravels an unpredictable saga, as he encounters everything from vengeful spirits to dark witches, and from skeptical officials to love-struck admirers. His life isn't all gloomy encounters though, as it's laced with moments of warmth, humor, and human connections. He shares food with his childhood friend Jiro at bustling ramen stands, rescues stray animals, and navigates through unexpected flirts and marriage proposals! Yet, in a world teetering between the normal and paranormal, not everyone sees Ren as their savior. Accusations of being a fraud, threats from black magicians, and repeated attacks by stronger entities keep him on his toes. "Beneath the Con: The Rise of an Exorcist" is a thrilling journey, teetering on the edge of horror and comedy, set in a world just like ours - only a little more haunted. Join Ren as he balances the scales between good and evil, all the while grappling with the realities of his own unique destiny. This is not just a story of an exorcist - it's the rise of an unlikely hero in an unseen world, all tucked away beneath the veneer of a simple con. Step into Ren's shoes, embrace the chill running down your spine, and immerse yourself in the world of spirits - are you ready to face what lies beneath?

CreamOfSroom · Seram
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: Friends and Foes

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky, Ren was already stirring. His encounter with the last spirit was still fresh in his mind, but there was no time to dwell on the past. His mark of Baal twitched restlessly, a sign of another spirit's unease.

As he neared his office, a figure standing by the entrance caught his attention. A woman, about his age, with a stern but composed expression. Her eyes, alert and vigilant, met his gaze without wavering.

"You're Ren Higurashi?" she asked, her voice firm but not hostile.

"That's me," Ren confirmed, watching her curiously. "And you are?"

"I'm Yuna. I'm an exorcist from a town nearby." She reached into her bag and pulled out a newspaper. It was folded to display the headline: an article detailing Ren's recent exorcism exploits.

"I've heard about your recent... success," Yuna continued, her gaze unwavering. "Impressive, to say the least."

"Thanks, I guess?" Ren replied, slightly taken aback. It wasn't every day that he received compliments, let alone from fellow exorcists. "What brings you here?"

"I have a problem. A case... it's complicated. Too complicated for me," Yuna admitted. She took a deep breath, her eyes showing a hint of desperation. "I've been following your deeds, and... I think you might be able to help."

"Come in. Let's talk about it," Ren suggested, leading the way into his office. This conversation would mark the beginning of a new alliance for Ren. An alliance that would prove crucial in the days to come.

The day was spent in animated discussions, brainstorming strategies, and sharing their experiences as exorcists. Ren noticed Yuna's dedication to her job - her detailed knowledge of spirits, her insightful questions, and the spark in her eyes when she talked about her work.

Ren had always been somewhat of a loner, but he felt comfortable with Yuna's presence. Perhaps it was because they shared the same experiences and challenges. Or maybe it was her dry sense of humor that occasionally slipped into their conversations, lightening the mood.

Whatever the reason, Ren was glad to have her on his side. In a world filled with restless spirits, alliances like these were invaluable.

It was a new day, and Ren Higurashi was ready to embrace it. His city needed him, and he was determined to answer its call. The path of an exorcist was not an easy one, but for Ren, there was no other choice.

The afternoon was waning into evening when Ren and Yuna emerged from the office. They had spent the day discussing each-other's experience and trying to understand each other.

While Ren was no stranger to dealing with formidable spirits, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of nervous anticipation. This would be his first case with a fellow exorcist, and Yuna was relying on him. He had to deliver.

They walked towards a nearby restaurant, their conversation shifting from work to more casual topics. Their rapport was natural, built on the shared experiences of being exorcists and living in a world that walked the line between the mundane and the supernatural.

Over dinner, Ren got to know Yuna better. She was the daughter of a fisherman and a school teacher. She became an exorcist when her small coastal town started having frequent encounters with marine spirits, her natural abilities making her the first line of defense.

The fact that they could sit together, have a meal, and laugh about the peculiarities of their job was a welcome change for Ren. He was used to dealing with things alone, and having Yuna's company felt... comforting.

As they walked back to the office, Ren felt a sense of contentment that was rare in his line of work. Despite the dangerous job they did, this was a moment of peace, a fleeting taste of normalcy that both of them cherished.

But as they neared the office, Ren's mark twitched again. This time, it wasn't a gentle prod. It was an urgent warning.

Ren stopped, alert and ready for anything. His eyes scanned the surroundings, his body poised to react to any threat. Yuna, sensing his tension, mirrored his stance.

Just as he was about to suggest they move away, a chilling gust of wind swept the area. The temperature dropped sharply, and an eerie silence descended. Ren's breath hitched, recognizing the signs of a powerful spirit's presence.

"We have company," Ren murmured, his hand instinctively reaching for his staff.

The chilly wind whipped around them, carrying with it a sense of foreboding. The air was thick with tension as Ren and Yuna stood side by side, their attention focused on the emerging dark entity.

The spirit took form before them - a swirling mass of shadows that seemed to swallow the surrounding light. It was an intimidating sight, more powerful than any spirit Ren had encountered so far.

With an intense focus, Yuna reached into her coat and pulled out a small charm, her fingers clenching tightly around it. She whispered an incantation under her breath, and a soft glow emanated from the charm, creating a protective barrier around her. It was her own version of an energy shield, a fundamental spell for exorcists. Ren had been honing a similar ability.

Although Ren didn't have a staff yet, he could still muster a powerful shield of his own. The mark on his arm flared as he summoned his energy shield, enveloping him in a golden aura that matched Yuna's.

"Stay vigilant, Yuna," Ren called out, his gaze fixed on the shadowy spirit. "It's strong."

"I can feel it," she answered, her voice steady despite the intense situation. "But we can handle it, Ren."

With a deafening roar, the spirit charged at them. Instinctively, Ren extended his arm, directing a surge of energy towards the entity. His offensive spell, known as the Spirit Hex, temporarily halted the spirit's advance.

But the spirit recovered swiftly, retaliating with a bone-chilling wind that felt like shards of ice. Despite the intensity of the attack, Ren held his ground, maintaining his shield.

Yuna followed suit, casting her own spell with the charm. A radiant beam of light shot out, striking the spirit and causing it to shriek in what seemed to be pain.

The battle raged on, with each counterattack met by a forceful retaliation. Ren and Yuna, despite their different skills, fought cohesively, each complementing the other.

However, as time passed, Ren could feel the spirit's overwhelming power slowly but surely wearing them down. Their attacks didn't seem to be doing much damage, and it wouldn't be long before they were completely overpowered.

Suddenly, an audacious plan flashed through Ren's mind. It was risky, yet potentially their only chance at defeating the spirit. He caught Yuna's eye in the midst of the chaos. Understanding the silent communication, she gave him a nod.

They would have to resort to a more potent spell.

"Yuna, now!" Ren yelled above the tumult. Without hesitation, Yuna took a step back, reaching into her coat once more. This time, she pulled out a small, incense burner.

Beneath the shadow of the spirit, Yuna set the burner on the ground, rapidly lighting the incense and beginning a chant that Ren recognized as a spell of distraction. The burner began to glow, releasing a thick, heady scent that filled the air and seemed to disorient the spirit, if only momentarily.

This was Ren's opportunity.

Drawing from the deep well of power within, he pushed past the strain of maintaining his energy shield, focusing instead on a spell that was more potent and required far more energy - The Wrath of Baal. A spell that was taught to him by the whispers in his soul, by the vestige of Baal himself. It was a force of pure, destructive energy, a raw display of the power that he possessed.

With the spirit momentarily distracted, Ren gathered his energy and reached deep into the reservoir of power within him. The mark on his arm flared brighter, radiating intense heat. He felt the energy surging through him, a torrent that threatened to tear him apart.

But Ren held on, his eyes locked onto the spirit. Then, with a roar that echoed around the empty lot, he unleashed the spell.

The Wrath of Baal exploded from him in a beam of searing light, the raw power making the air around them tremble. It shot towards the spirit, slamming into it with an explosive force. The shadowy figure let out a piercing screech as the beam struck, its form disintegrating under the sheer power of Ren's spell.

The lot fell silent, the shadowy figure gone, replaced by the moonlight that once again bathed the area in a soft, cool glow. Ren's breath came in heavy pants, the use of such a powerful spell draining him of most of his energy. Beside him, Yuna sagged in relief, the strain of the fight evident in her posture.

The fight was over. The spirit had been vanquished. But there was a cost. Both of them were drained, physically and mentally. They would need time to recover, but for now, they were safe.

It was a stark reminder of the world they lived in - a world where spirits and humans intertwined, where each exorcism was a battle for survival. And as Ren gazed at the spot where the spirit once stood.

Yuna collected her incense burner, placing it delicately back into the pocket of her coat. The pain was evident in her wince, an echo of the strains that Ren was feeling in his own muscles. The air between them was heavy with spent energy, the remnants of their shared struggle against a malevolent spirit.

Finally, Yuna found the strength to speak, breaking the silence that had held them captive. "I should leave," she confessed, her voice ragged and tired. "We both need to rest and recover."

A pause hung between them, both regaining their breath, the pain slowly starting to subside. Ren watched her, a newfound respect in his eyes. She was strong, determined, a true exorcist.

She locked her gaze with his, a serious expression on her face. "Ren...there's a spirit in town," she began, a noticeable blush spreading across her cheeks. "It's different. Powerful...dangerous."

As she hesitated, Ren raised an eyebrow. This was unusual; Yuna was always so composed, so professional. Seeing her blush was... intriguing.

Yuna continued, the words coming out in a rush. "It's a lustful spirit, Ren. From the Heian era, a court lady known for her...excessive desires. She's causing problems. Big problems."

A smirk formed on Ren's lips. "Making life difficult for males of that area, is she?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Yuna gave him a stern look. "It's not just that, Ren. After she...interacts with these males, they are found dead the next day. It's not a laughing matter."

Ren's smirk faded, replaced by a serious expression. "I see. That is...complicated. We'll deal with this next week."

Yuna nodded, seeming relieved at his agreement. She turned to leave, bidding him a tired goodbye. "Get some rest, Ren. We have our work cut out for us."

As Yuna walked away, Ren found himself mulling over her words. A lustful spirit that caused death? That was a new one. He sighed, shaking his head. As he turned to go home, he was aware that his life had taken yet another unexpected turn.

But for now, all he wanted was a warm bath, a comfortable bed, and a day of peace before he had to face another spirit. As he walked away from the spot where Yuna had left, he couldn't help but think, life as an exorcist was anything but dull.