

~~~Saline port ~~

"Earvin come on faster. You told me breakfast is the most meal of the day. Because of you, we are going to be late "(Akio)

" Why don't you go ahead, I will be right behind you."(Earvin)

Akio looked at Earvin seriously and said "NO."

Earvin stopped walking for a moment sways his head side to side and continued walking with a small smile.

Akio and Earvin had their breakfast in the orphanage. Earvin looked at Akio and thought to himself "Man... 6 years have gone by since coming to this world. Akio and my total savings are 16,000,000 berries. I should say that a lot, I can buy a house or a small boat with it and still have some left-over. The orphanage soon going to be closed I heard from the town people. In all this time no one ever found out about Akio devil fruit powers, I should say Akio is quite good at hiding her abilities."

"Say when we are going to start our adventures??" Akio told with big puppy dog eyes.

"When you are 16...wait no I mean 18 then only. " Earvin said seriously.

"Noo you told 15 ." (Akio)

"Only when you are 18 till then you are a child."(Earvin)

The negotiation ended within an hour the final winner was Akio. Akio made a victory pose

"Fine but you to pass my test only then you can go on adventures."(Earvin)

"Fine NAYYYY," Akio said with her tongue out.

For the rest of the day, Earvin was preparing a list of things to teach Akio.

~~~Next morning~~~

"Finally done"Earvin expressed with a happy voice while looking at the list.

The List had borders around it which made it look manila.

"Akio comes here, I got something for you," Earvin called Akio.

Akio came running "What do you have for me " exclaimed.

Earvin gave her the list.

Akio had a few seconds of happiness after that a lot of sadness looked Earvin.

In the list


* Stories of GrandLine

* Art of Navigation

* Armament haki and able to pass through objects

* Observation haki using all times

* Climate change and Weather Formation

* Map drawing

* Complete control of the devil Fruit

* Art of first Aid and medicine

* Knowing the News of the World

"You do all that then only I will allow you to go on becoming an Explorer," Earvin said with a satisfied smile.

Akio looked at Earvin has if the demon himself with tears in eyes.

Earvin continued teaching Akio with a devilish smile on his face.

A month has pasted Orphanage has been closed down since then Earvin and Akio living in their base.

"Earvin I am hungry "(Akio)

"You just had lunch" (Earvin)

"Yes yes What do you want ?" (Earvin)

Akio's eyes sharped and demanded "Potato Chips."

"Okay but I have to warn you If eat will become fat." as Earvin telling that took 2 potatoes from a sack nearby washed the potatoes took out the skin made into fine slices. Saucepan half-filled with oil started to boil. Slowly adding potato slices and left for frying. After a few minutes, slices had a golden color was taken out and put in some waste paper a mixture of salt and chili powder was a sprinkle on top of it.

In all this time Akio intently watching all this. Earvin gave her the chips while taking a bite for himself.

"Once you finish eating clean up while I start my business Bye take of the base"(Earvin)

~~~At mid-noon~~~

As Earvin was walking to his base thinking himself "What do I make dinner today? maybe curry with fish at the side"

Earvin enters the base "Akio I am hom....." Earvin was shocked has he saw a girl with orange hair dark blue shorts with a light blue shirt with a tattoo.

"Earvin meet Nami I saved her. "(Akio)


Chapter 9 End