

this is alternate reality of ben 10, with my own twist of events. this is my first book i ever wrote, so please support me and I'm open to criticism. just don't go overboard with the criticisms.

dramatic_reader69 · Televisi
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21 Chs

The Interview

Kent was not satisfied with the vague answer but didn't press any further, then he glanced at his question card and asked Ben, "Ben, you have two partners, right? Lucky Girl and Absorbing Man. We noticed that from your previous heroic duties, your partners are absent. What's the reason behind that? Did you guys break up, or did something happen to them?"

Ben chuckled and replied, "Nothing like that, we're still good friends. They just have some missions in different areas."

Kent had a look of realization and said, "Well, that makes sense. Ben, we've heard rumors that you and Lucky Girl are dating. Is that true, or did you guys break up? Is that why she's not here?"

Ben looked at Kent as if he'd asked the most ridiculous question ever. Then Ben said, "That's ridiculous. There's no way we were dating. She's like a sister to me. And to be honest, she was dating Absorbing Man."

Kent, listening to this, had stars in his eyes. "What?! Lucky Girl and Absorbing Man! Man, I did not see that coming. Well folks, looks like we've got some juicy scoop. Let's take a break and we'll be back in a jiffy."

During the break, Ben said to Kent, "Look, I understand there should be some personal questions, but don't ask about my partners. They have their own privacy, and I don't want to make them feel bad."

Kent then says, "Okay, if you say so."

After that, Ben interacted with some of the audience and gave autographs to them.

Then, after the break, Kent changed the topic and asked Ben about his heroing career, "So, Ben, how long have you been doing this? I mean, from which age specifically?"

Ben dodged the question by saying he started at fifteen years old, and everyone believed it. Some remained skeptical, especially the villains, who knew the real age but were embarrassed to admit it since they weren't willing to accept that a ten-year-old had beaten the crap out of them.

Kent then asked, "Ben, since you transform into different aliens, is it safe to assume that there are a lot of aliens in our solar system?"

Ben thought carefully for a minute before answering, "Yes, there are a lot of alien species in the universe. There are multiple alien kingdoms too, some are good, some are bad. But mostly good. Every planet I've visited, I encountered very nice aliens. Only a few are bad. I mean, who doesn't? Even in humans, there are many bad people, but that doesn't mean we're all bad. Similarly, aliens are also like that. So, don't fear the aliens so much. If there are any bad aliens,let them come, I will take care of them." Ben flexed his non-existent muscles confidently.

As Ben finished his statement, there was a mixed reaction among the crowd. Some seemed reassured by his confident demeanor, nodding along with his words. Others, however, exchanged uneasy glances, uncertainty clouding their expressions.

One audience member spoke up tentatively, "But, Ben, what if the bad aliens are too powerful? What if they come with weapons we can't even imagine?"

Ben grinned, attempting to ease their worries. "Hey, I've faced some pretty tough challenges before, and I always come out on top. Besides, there's strength in numbers, right? If we stand together, we can overcome anything."

Another voice chimed in, skepticism evident in their tone. "But what if these aliens aren't like anything we've ever seen? What if they're beyond our understanding?"

Ben's expression softened, understanding the fear in their words. "I get it. The unknown can be scary. But think about it this way: just because something's different doesn't automatically make it dangerous. Sometimes, it's about understanding and finding common ground."

The uneasy murmurs in the crowd began to subside, replaced by thoughtful contemplation. While the fear of the unknown lingered, Ben's words offered a glimmer of hope and reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

Sensing the tension in the air, Kent decided to inject a bit of humor into the conversation. Clearing his throat, he addressed the crowd with a playful smile.

"Alright, alright, let's not get too worked up about aliens invading just yet. I mean, if they show up looking for trouble, we'll just send Ben here to flex his muscles at them, right?"

A few chuckles rippled through the audience, and Kent continued, "But seriously, folks, let's not let our imaginations run wild. We've got our very own hero right here, ready to defend us if need be. So, let's trust in Ben and focus on enjoying the here and now."

His lighthearted approach seemed to ease the tension slightly, with a few more smiles breaking out among the crowd. As they shifted their focus back to the present moment, the uneasiness about aliens began to fade, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and optimism.

"As the mood seems to lighten and everyone is in high spirits," Kent announced to the audience, "Well folks, now for today's main topic, we have an announcement from Ben. So, let's jump right into that without any further ado!"

His words were met with anticipation and curiosity from the audience as they eagerly awaited Ben's announcement, the earlier tension now replaced with excitement and intrigue.

Ben cleared his throat and confidently addressed the audience, "Everyone knows that I'm a hero who can turn into different kinds of aliens, but what you don't know is that I'm also skilled in technology. With a lot of research and development, I'm proud to introduce my new company called Omnicraft Technologies, and the product I'm going to sell is this revolutionary gadget smartphone."

The audience looked skeptical at this unexpected reveal, some unsure if Ben was trying to sell them a gimmick.

Kent, ever the inquisitive one, spoke up, "Congratulations on starting your own company, Ben. But I have to ask, what sets your phone apart from the ones currently on the market?".

ben smiled at this question and said,"I'm so glad you asked kent, my smartphone is....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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