
Ben 10 X My Hero Academia: Zero to Hero

ArsenalSpider · Sci-fi
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Ben 10 X My Hero Academia: Zero to Hero

This is a general description of characters and their back story if you would rather read the actual story skip to the next chapter.

Your name:Ben (Benjamin) Kirby Tennyson.


Omnitrix Appearance:Classic Omnitrix.

Back story:

When Ben was 10 years old he went on a camping trip with his grandpa Max and his childhood friend Kyoka Jirou as a summer road trip, once they got to the camp site grandpa Max walked out of the rust bucket which was a motor home that max owned and walked towards the log as Ben and jirou followed him, max turned over a log to reveal some worms and told the kids that was there food for the night. He headed back in the rust bucket to fetch something to go with it as he did Ben and jirou discussed what food they had on them hoping they could make it last the whole summer but they both knew it wouldn't. Some time passed and they were all sat outside under the night sky and after a little argument between Ben and Jirou about Ben getting bullied and wedgied to a tree branch after trying to help a kid who was being bullied by Bens childhood bullies JT and Cash who were abusing their quirks and threatening the kid, Ben stormed off in anger to leave the argument since he did not want to hear about how he couldn't protect the kid. He headed into the forest where he saw a shooting star in the sky he stared in amazement at it before it began falling directly towards him, it crashed and made a crater Ben was luckily not as he jumped out of the way harmed he investigated what had crashed and fell into the crater he saw a pod sitting in the middle of the crater and walked towards it. The pod opened and a bright green light emanated from it was the light cleared he saw a watch like device inside. He reached for it and suddenly it jumped out of the pod and latched onto his left arm around his wrist. He was scared and ran away from the crash site while trying to remove the watch. He tried biting it, smacking it and using a stick to pry it off but nothing worked, he gave up and fell to his knees he pressed a button on the watch and the top sprung up. Turning his head left from right he liked to see if anyone was watching him no one was there, he liked at the face of the watch and a silhouette of a creature with a human like figure appeared, he gave into his curiosity and pressed down the lid suddenly he began to transform.

Ben began to panic and yell out I'm on fire repeatedly until he realised he wasn't in any pain, he laughed and looked towards a near by tree and grinned as he had an idea. He then Shot out a fire ball from his hand that destroyed the tree Ben was excited and turned to another tree and shot out another fire ball that destroyed multiple trees he then celebrated what he had just done. He felt like he was no longer weak and quirkless instead he felt amazing knowing he had powers but he soon realised that the fire ball he throw had started a forest fire he tried to put out the fire around him but it was futile. Back where Jirou and Max where Jirou was scared and worried about Ben as she felt bad leaving him in the state he was in when he stormed off, Max reassured her it was fine and Ben just needed some time but they suddenly smelled some smoke they looked up and saw the smoke was coming from the forest. Jirou questioned what was going on and Max said it looked like a forest fire was probably about to start and they should tell the ranger station and that the culprit was probably just some dumb kid messing with what they shouldn't. Both Jirou and Max looked at each other as they realised something they yelled in unison Ben, Max grabbed a pair of fire extinguishers from the rust bucket and gave one to Jirou and they both ran towards the forest fire. Back in the forest Ben still stuck as a rock and fire creature tried to stomp out the forest fire but it didn't work, Jirou was in the middle of the forest fire using the extinguisher to put out the flames. She kept going through the forest trying to put out more of the fire she turned around to put out more of the flames, she then unknowingly sprayed Ben he turned around and Jirou was being stared down by a giant rock and fire creature, she screamed he tried to tell her everything was ok and then she whacked him around the face with the fire extinguisher. Ben was kneeling on the floor and was being sprayed in this face with the fire extinguisher putting out the flame on his head, Ben reignited his head and looked to her she told him to stay down if he know what was good for him. He stared at her foot and made it catch fire and laughed at her she screamed and sprayed the fire with the fire extinguisher she told him that she warned him Ben who was standing back up and told her "don't even think about it freak". Jirou instantly recognised who she was looking at "Ben? Is that you? What happened?" She asked Ben began to explain what happened.

See next part to continue the introduction chapter.