

Lilith is a young beautiful girl raised and nurtured by vampire parents since she was a baby she has been shown nothing but utmost love and care. But the story plays a strange game after she goes to the Hallow party thrown by the vampires Duke. she meets a crazy man who seems to know her more that she could possibly think of , he teases her and got her annoyed and abashed at the party. Fate as it always plays it games on people bring this crazy man to her life to take a role not just any role but the lead role. " do you want to test my patience Dear Lilith" he asked his Mid night black eyes stared at her as thou she was his prey. Lilith frown deepened as she stared at him " shouldn't I be doing that " you just ruined my date " and instead saying you are sorry " you're doing the clear opposite" " sorry " ? he repeated her word " well if am to say sorry at least it should worth it " don't you think so Lilith"? lily opened her mouth to yell at the man but her voice muffed as thou it was locked, lily's eyes widened when she felt the warm lips on hers

cry_stal_12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


In a dark alley of the mansion stood a man ,he was leaning against the wall,on his hand was a glass of yellowish content his hand twirled the glass lazily,He stare at the crowd with an extreme bored look.

he wore a plain black shirt that clung to his well defined body that was indiffeniately mouth watering and sexy.

A man walked towards the alley with his his aura was cloth of nothing but extreme ego and his proudness was written all over him , he Bowed to the man who was still lazily looking at the crowd not bothering to look at him.

" do you see anything of your interest my lord " the man asked as he stood 2 step from the man

      The man looked lazily towards the man as he took a sip from his wine his Mid night black eyes stared at the man" do you see anything thing that might interest you Duke Edward "

     " Mi lord you know am a married man I can't stand to cheat on my wife on a big day like this" Duke Edward said with a nervous smile

     " Of course Duke Edward how can I forget your loyalty to your wife "am sure she really is proud of you" the man said, the sarcasm in his word weren't hidden but was there and very crude.

      A long silence enveloped the alley,while the man on black shirt was calm and careless the Duke was perplexed.

      " Perhaps if you look care fully milord you might see something that might interest you " the Duke said in a coaxial voice, but the statement blazed the man who was still sipping from his wine.

     " Are you saying my eye sight has become poor" ? The man asked and another moment of silence passed.

      " no ..... nooo... my lord am sorry that's is a misunderstanding milord this servant of your wouldn't dare " I mean sooth your self milord " the Duke said with a whole lot more perplexed look, when the man didn't say a thing the Duke Bowed and disappeared into another dark alley.

     The man let out a deep chuckle " coward" he muttered as he gaze went back to the crowd his eyes lazily swept through the crowd looking at nothing in particular,all of a sudden his eyes halt at a sudden movement.

      The movement slow as though she was counting her footsteps,her long wavy brown hair was left freely half of it sat on her slender shoulder that was reveling,her body curves was beautiful and well defined to the eyes.

    The man frowned, his black eyes blazing as he gulped down glass of yellowish wine " how dare you' he muttered before he disappeared.