

Bell possessed a mysterious pouch from which he pulled out various mysterious items. From a small windmill-like contraption that granted flight to a door capable of transporting one anywhere. Helping people and shocking many others, this was the story of Bell and his pouch. Slight Doraemon crossover.

IntriguedShitcan · Komik
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9 Chs


"This one, please," Hestia said, clutching a sketchbook and pointing at one particular drawing.

The sketch beautifully captured a stunning white formal toga dress exuding classic charm. The dress featured graceful layers cascading from the shoulders, creating a wonderfully fluid look. Delicate floral patterns adorned the top and bottom, adding a touch of elegance. A slim blue ribbon was elegantly fastened at the waist. The sketch portrayed a floor-length gown that exuded both class and sophistication.

Sketching and illustrating, in general, was Hestia's hidden talent that she rarely used. She never expected that this skill of hers would be useful for something like this.

"That's a beautiful sketch, Goddess," Bell praised. He, as usual, then reached for his pouch and pulled out another gadget. "Dress Up Camera." He exclaimed.

The gadget was a simple handheld rectangle with a circular lens in the middle. Hestia tore the sketch paper and handed it to Bell, who promptly inserted it into the gadget. He held the gadget in front of his face, aligning the dress sketch and Hestia through the lens. Then...



A white fog enveloped Hestia, gradually dissipating to reveal her now wearing the exact white toga dress she had sketched. Hestia beamed as she twirled and spun around in her new dress. She then turned to a mirror, admiring how well the dress suited her. The only thing left was to style her hair, a task she could easily managed by herself.

Hestia turned toward Bell, a smile adorning her face. "Hehe, I'm so lucky to have you in my familia, Bell," she said, then paused before cheekily grinning. "And also, I thought I needed to... you know, undress first before using that gadget."

"U-Uhh, I mean you could, but you shouldn't, Goddess," Bell stammered, his face turning red.

"Oh? I wouldn't mind if you took a peek, you know."

"Goddess, please don't tease me..."

Sensing she had teased enough, Hestia giggled at Bell's flustered expression. "You're so cute, Bell." She then pulled Bell into a hug. "Uhhhh, if only I could bring you to the banquet."

"Hahaha, that would be nice, but the banquet is Gods-exclusive, right?"

Hestia pouted. "Unfortunately, grrrr....."

After getting ready, Hestia was now set to attend the banquet. Her beautiful warm appearance suited that of a Goddess of Hearth. In her hands, she held a small pink purse that Bell insisted she always carry with her, just in case, as Bell told her.

"Ah, I forgot to mention it. I'll be staying at Hephaistos' place for the night. You don't need to wait up for me, Bell. Also, remember to lock the door, okay?"

"Got it," Bell nodded. "Please be careful and enjoy the banquet, Goddess." He then waved his hand.

He watched as Hestia waved back and headed to the banquet. He had initially offered to use the Anywhere Door to take her directly there, but she declined, explaining that she wanted to enjoy walking through the city. He could understand that; he too preferred a scenic route whenever possible.

Now, Bell put on his jacket as the night was getting slightly chilly. Locking the door, he stepped out to have dinner at the Hostess of Fertility. He had only eaten there once, but he already liked the pub. The food was good, the atmosphere was pleasant, and although he wouldn't admit it out loud, he found the girls cute.

Unbeknownst to Bell, Syr's plans were working wonders on him, hook, line, and sinker.


Hestia's eyes twitched as she beheld a massive statue of Ganesha, her fellow God. The statue itself wasn't the issue; sure, it leaned a bit gaudy for her taste, but that wasn't what irked her the most. It was the fact that the entrance to Ganesha's manor was through the statue's crotch.

She let out a sigh as she entered through the questionably positioned entrance, blissfully unaware of the numerous Gods, especially the male ones, who turned their gaze in her direction.

In terms of appearance, if there were a scale ranging from passably good-looking to drop-dead gorgeous, and finally to Love Goddess, the former Hestia would likely have been categorized somewhere around passably good-looking. However, the current Hestia easily fell somewhere between drop-dead gorgeous and Love Goddess.

Her beauty didn't cause a frenzy of Gods vying for her attention like Love Goddesses, but it did manage to turn more than a few heads. Some even found their jaws dropping, stunned by her drastic transformation.

Naturally, she had always possessed a certain beauty, but it had been obscured by various circumstances, including but not limited to financial struggles. In the past, she couldn't afford beauty products or buy expensive well-made dresses. Add to that the stress that certainly didn't help her overall situation.

Now, with Bell by her side, she lived a relatively stress-free life. Her day-to-day quality of life had improved drastically, thanks in no small part to Bell's many gadgets. He had also generously gave some of his Valis to her, allowing her to purchase beauty products and makeup for special occasions like this.

She hadn't anticipated her life taking such a complete 180-degree turn, but she was immensely grateful nonetheless.

At times, she felt Bell might be pampering her a bit too much, because of this she was determined to support him in any way she could. She had already begun working with Hephaistos to forge a weapon for Bell. She was also on a personal mission to recruit new members for their Familia to aid Bell in his dungeon dives.

Hestia gazed at the enticing spread of delicious foods, snacks, and cakes that Ganesha had provided. She contemplated for a moment whether to take some home. Bell would certainly love it. However, her attention was diverted as someone approached her from the corner of her eye. She turned and saw Hephaistos waving at her with a smile.

"Good evening, Hestia. You look beautiful tonight," Hephaistos greeted warmly.

"Good evening, Hephaistos, and you don't have to say that hehe. You look gorgeous too," Hestia replied.

"I mean it," Hephaistos grinned. "Although I personally prefer my usual outfits over dress like this. It can get a bit... stifling."

Hestia hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I still think the dress suits you."


They each grabbed a drink and engaged in chat on the edge of the ballroom. While chatting, Hephaistos couldn't help but notice that Hestia was attracting a few stares. Some Gods, particularly those with less-than-stellar reputations, attempted to approach her. Yet, a single stern glare from Hephaistos was enough to dissuade them from getting any closer to Hestia.

Hephaistos scoffed. She'd sooner sell her own forged weapons at a bargain than allow those Gods near her friend.

"By the way," Hestia inquired, "how's the progress on the knife?"

"Just need your help for the finishing touch," Hephaistos replied.

"Great, can we continue working on it after this banquet? You wouldn't mind if I stay overnight, right?"

Hephaistos found Hestia's enthusiasm quite amusing. "Sure thing. After all, you've freeloaded at my place for weeks before. One night is nothing compared to that," she joked.

"Geh, you just had to remind me of that," Hestia pouted. "Umuuuu, just you wait. One day my Familia will be as big as yours, and I'll pay back everything I owe with interest!"

Hephaistos chuckled. To her, what she did for Hestia was far from being a "debt." In fact, their current agreement for letting her use the Copy Mirror had most likely covered the cost of the knife Hestia had asked her to forge and the expenses associated with her stay back then.

"Oh my, who do we have here?" Suddenly, a voice chimed in, catching both Hestia and Hephaistos' attention.


"I am Ganesha!" A God donning an elephant mask declared in a resounding voice. "So many of you have gathered in my humble abode..." Ganesha launched into a rambling speech, mostly ignored by the attendees.

"It's been a while since we last met, hasn't it?" One God remarked to another.

"Yeah, I believe the last time was about a century ago."

The first God extended a cup of wine to his companion. "So, how's life in Genkai?"

Accepting the drink, the other God took a sip. "Fairly okay so far, I suppose."

They chatted amicably while observing the other Gods. Their attention shifted to Takemikazuchi, who was consuming food with Hermes by his side. Then to Ganesha who still continued to ramble on about something. Eventually, their gaze settled on a particular Goddess.

"Hey, who's that? A newcomer?"

The God being addressed narrowed his eyes before recognition dawned. "T-That? Is that Hestia?"


"Uh, she's a Goddess who recently descended and stayed at Hephaistos's place. The last I heard, she was kicked out and ended up living in some rundown church somewhere."

They scrutinized Hestia, taking in her appearance. Nothing about her suggested she was a struggling Goddess. Her dress alone looked like a finely tailored, expensive, and high quality dress. They observed as Hestia laughed beside Hephaistos, and cheeky smiles tugged at their lips.

"Do you think I should approach her?" the God whispered to his friend.

"Not until I've spoken to her first, kehehe."

The two Gods shared a chuckle, but their banter quieted when they noticed Hephaistos glaring in their direction.

"Damn, what's her problem?"

"I know, right?"

"We haven't even done anything yet, and she's already giving us the stink eye," one God scoffed.

"Tch, if only her Familia weren't part of the prominent blacksmith Familia in the city," added the other God.

As the two Gods grumbled to themselves, the other attendees in the room turned their heads to observe a new arrival. The Goddess moved gracefully, seemingly unaffected by the gazes of admiration or infatuation directed her way.

"Hey, is that—"

"Yeah that's Freya, huh I thought she despised attending banquets like this."

Unperturbed by the hushed comments of the other Gods, Freya made her way over to a certain petite Goddess and her blacksmith friend, leaving a trail of curious glances in her wake.


Hestia and Hephaistos turned to see a stunning Goddess with long silver hair approaching them.

"Good evening, Freya," Hephaistos greeted.

"Ugh, Freya," Hestia flinched slightly at the sight of her.

The newcomer, Freya, let out a soft giggle as she addressed them.

"What's the matter, Hestia?" Freya asked in her usual gentle voice.

"Nothing," Hestia simply replied. "It's just that I always get a strange feeling around you."

"Oh my, usually others would love to... spend time with me," Freya giggled to herself. "But you're different, and that's why I like you."

Hestia raised her brows. "Thanks, I guess?"

"It's unusual of you to come to a banquet like this, Freya," Hephaistos chimed in.

"Well..." Freya put her right hand on her cheek. "I just want some change in my habits, I suppose. Like attending something like this for once."

"Hmm, I thought you only enjoyed watching us from the top of Babel Tower while letting your children do whatever you asked them to do," Hephaistos said.

"Oh my, I would never. Also, did you just assume I'm a lazy Goddess?" Freya gave Hephaistos a playful pout.

"Freya! Hey, Freya!!" A shout was heard, causing the three Goddesses to turn their heads.

A beaming Loki waved her hands and ran towards them. She skidded to a stop, then stared at Hestia. She blinked once, twice, and thrice, then narrowed her eyes.

"Itty Bitty?" Loki tilted her head.

Hestia forced a smile. "Good to see that you never change, Flattie."

A gasp escaped Loki's mouth as she eyed the smaller Goddess up and down. "U-Uh, you... umm, nice dress?"

Hestia was a bit shocked by the out-of-nowhere praise. She then smugly smiled. "Isn't it? My child made it for me." She twirled her body a bit to show off her dress.

"Made it? So, it's a handmade one and not bought from a store? Interesting," Freya mused.

Loki was silent for a moment before she remembered.

"Oh, I'm now in Hestia Familia," a certain rabbit had told her.

T-This wouldn't do... damn it, she almost teased and belittled Hestia just like she used to do. But after knowing Hestia had Bell in her Familia, she needed to act more... proper, friendly even. That meant she couldn't play around with Itty Bitty anymore. She really needed to establish a friendly relationship with Bell and Hestia. She couldn't afford to burn bridges that had only just been built.

Loki cleared her throat before awkwardly saying, "U-Um, nice weather we have tonight, right? How are you doing, Itt—I mean, Hestia?"

Hestia was shocked.

Hephaistos raised her brows.

Freya wore a shocked yet amused smile.

The other Gods who heard Loki stopped whatever they were doing.

Loki, that Loki who was infamous for always butting heads with Hestia. She greeted Hestia properly and even called her by her name instead of making fun of her?!

"Did I mishear it?"

"No, I heard it too loud and clear."

"Wait, what did I miss? Why in the world did Loki act like that?"

"It's the end of the world!!"

"The only reason I came here was to see the showdown between the Busty Loli and the Flat-Loki. I'm disappointed."

"...Dude, you need a new hobby."

Hestia put her hands on her hips. "Okay, I'll bite. What happened to you, Loki?"

Loki awkwardly smiled and laughed. "Haha, nothing. Just, you know... from one Goddess to another, maybe we should, you know..."

"Should what?" Hestia asked.

"Ummm, be friends?" Loki continued.

Hestia's mind went blank before rebooting itself. "What's with this sudden... change?"

Hestia couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Her and Loki's relationship could be summarized by two polar opposites that couldn't mix very well. Loki was rich; she wasn't. Loki had a big Familia; she hadn't. Loki's Familia was the top Familia in Orario; hers was at the bottom of the barrel. So on and so forth.

She wouldn't go as far as calling them enemies, as even she knew most of the banters between them were harmless most of the time. But she also wouldn't say she was fond of Loki.

"Hmm, is this change because of that white-haired boy, Loki?" Freya joined the conversation, mentioning Bell.

Before Loki could respond, Hestia interrupted her. "Wait, what's this about Bell?"

Hestia then turned to Loki. "Do you know Bell?"

Loki nodded weakly. "Well, my captain invited him over to my manor..."

"Ah, so that's where he went. And?"

"Umm, he was interesting?" Loki sheepishly said.

Hestia narrowed her eyes at Loki. "You, you just want to use my Bell, didn't you?"

"Geh," Bullseye.

Hestia huffed. "Let me guess, you came to witness Bell's gadgets in action and want him for yourself, right?!"

"Well, if you're willing to let him do some conversions—"

"No!" Hestia cut off Loki.

"I expected that," Loki sighed. "Look, I want his help from time to time. I would even pay him. So, it would be beneficial if we... mend our relationship, to say the least."

"Heh, it's funny when your Familia rejected him, and now you come here asking for his help," Hestia laughed.

"... Don't remind me," Loki grumbled, still salty about that.

Hestia smugly grinned. "Hohoho, isn't this interesting? Well, let's hear what you're offering, and I might ask Bell to offer his help."

"Guuuh," Loki gritted her teeth, knowing she didn't have the best position in this situation. She just needed to be patient and let Itty Bitty have her fun.

Be patient...

Be patient...

She looked at Hestia and saw her smug smile.

Be patient, damn it!

While Hestia and Loki were busy with each other, Hephaistos and Freya remained on the side, watching. The Goddess of Blacksmith then glanced at Freya.

"Freya, don't. I know that look of yours."

"My, what do you mean by that?" Freya said with her usual smile.

"That look, you only give that look if you find someone you want to toy with. And if my guess is right, then you're aiming for Hestia's child."

"Hmm, well, you're not wrong. I am intrigued by him, that much is true," Freya mused. "But don't worry, I won't... take the child away from her," Freya reassured Hephaistos.

Freya then giggled and muttered to herself.

"Well, not right now, at least."


Ais walked through the streets of Orario at night, the city still bustling with activity as people took advantage of the evening hours to relax and enjoy themselves. Pubs and restaurants were bustling with patrons, and food stall merchants enthusiastically called people out to promote their businesses.

In her hand was a warm Jagamaru-kun she had just purchased. She nibbled on the delightful street snack as she wandered around Orario. Although she didn't have a specific destination in mind.

"Ais?" someone called out.

She paused and turned, finding Bell standing there with his trademark smile. Her usually stoic expression wavered momentarily, and she instinctively adjusted her appearance. Swiftly wiping her mouth with a napkin and clearing her throat, composing herself.

"Bell, good evening," she greeted Bell

"Good evening to you too," Bell replied, his smile lighting up his face.


Ais felt an unusual flutter in her chest. She couldn't quite place the feeling, and her own reaction puzzled her for a moment.

Bell's voice brought her back to reality. "What are you up to?"

"Just taking an evening stroll, I suppose," she replied, then gesturing casually to the half-eaten Jagamaru-kun in her hand. "And buying some Jagamaru-kun. How about you?"

"My Goddess went to a banquet, and I'm on my way to have dinner at the Hostess of Fertility."

Ah, the banquet. Ais recalled the gathering of gods and goddesses that had taken place this evening. Thanks to this event, she was free to take a leisurely stroll by herself. After all, if it weren't for the banquet, Loki would surely have begged to join her.

"Jagamaru-kun, huh?" Bell's gaze lingered on the snack. "I used to eat those a lot when my Goddess worked at a Jagamaru-kun stall. My favorite is the one with cheese topping."

Ais's eyes brightened at his words. To her, those who appreciated Jagamaru-kun were inherently good people. Also, there was nothing that beat a hot Jagamaru-kun for filling up your belly before diving into the dungeon.

And no, she wasn't obsessed, despite what her fellow Familia members said. She was also definitely not a bit miffed by the rumor that she ate only Jagamaru-kun.

That was ridiculous.

Now, every time she passed by a Jagamaru-kun stall, she would always get called out to try the delicious snack. More often than not, she was also offered extras or discounts, which she gladly accepted.

That was nice, but the rumor was still ridiculous.

She extended her hand, Jagamaru-kun held delicately between her fingers, offering it to Bell. "Wanna try it?"

"..eh?" Bell responded in shock.

Ais tilted her head, puzzled by Bell's reaction. "It's still warm," she reassured him.

Bell frantically waved his palms. "No, no, that's not the issue here."

"Hm? You don't... want some?" Ais replied, her voice sounding a touch hesitant as her gaze briefly dropped.

Ais still couldn't understand what the problem was with sharing food, especially food that both of them liked. Jagamaru-kun was Jagamaru-kun, best served while still piping hot or warm, after all.

"W-Wait, umm, sure I'd love to have... a bite."

Perhaps after seeing the slightly disappointed look on Ais's face, Bell quickly nodded his head. Ais's expression brightened once more, a soft smile gracing her features.

She stepped closer to Bell. "Then..." She held her half-eaten Jagamaru-kun in front of Bell. "Aaaaah," and proceeded to offer him a bite.

A flustered Bell then opened his mouth and took a bite. His mind tried not to dwell on the indirect kiss he had just experienced. He slowly munched the Jagamaru-kun and swallowed it not long after.

"How is it?" Ais inquired, blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil Bell was experiencing.

Bell frantically answered, "Y-Yes! Yes, it's delicious!"

"Want another bite?" Ais offered her Jagamaru-kun again.


It was important to note that they were still standing on a bustling street, surrounded by curious onlookers. Some wore expressions of disbelief at the scene. Ais, however, seemed indifferent or oblivious to the attention, while Bell was undoubtedly flustered.

In Ais's mind, she was only sharing her Jagamaru-kun with Bell as fellow Jagamaru-kun lovers. Although feeding Bell felt like she was feeding her cute rabbit. She strangely liked it.

Ais's mind came to a halt.

Her... rabbit?

Her rabbit....

Huh... she really liked the sound of that.


It appeared that Bell had underestimated Ais's affection for Jagamaru-kun. When she invited him to accompany her on a shopping trip for more Jagamaru-kun, he nodded, assuming they would simply buy a few. Oh, how mistaken he was.

Ais took him on what could only be described as a citywide Jagamaru-kun stall tour. Given that Jagamaru-kun was the unofficial local delicacy of Orario, the city was dotted with numerous stalls selling them, and they visited quite a few.

They stopped at a stall Ais claimed had the best-sized Jagamaru-kun, leaving with two that were at least twice the size of normal ones. Then they proceeded to another stall with unique toppings, exclusive to that vendor, where they bought two more. Afterward, Ais led him to yet another stall selling "premium" Jagamaru-kun, which were not only delicious but also significantly more expensive than the standard fare. To Bell's horror, this was just the beginning; they continued visiting more stalls.

Forget having dinner at Hostess of Fertility, Bell found himself feeling full after devouring only the second Jagamaru-kun. He managed to keep up with Ais because he could tell she was enjoying the Jagamaru-kun tour immensely. Though her stoic expression remained intact, she occasionally flashed a beautiful smile, making it all worthwhile.

Currently seated on a bench near the Church of Hearth, both of them were savoring their Jagamaru-kun. Ais relished every bite, while Bell struggled to stomach another. The surroundings, now beautifully renovated, exuded a certain atmosphere as they spent this time together.

"Thank you, Bell," Ais murmured, nibbling on her Jagamaru-kun.

Bell swallowed his final bite before responding, "For what?"

"For accompanying me tonight. It was quite enjoyable," she replied with a small smile.

"Uh, you're welcome?" Bell was taken aback by her gratitude.

"Hehe," Ais's angelic laughter danced in Bell's ears.

With their Jagamaru-kun finished, Ais turned to Bell with a question. "Bell, do you have a dream?"

"A dream?" Bell considered before chuckling, "Well, I guess I used to have this dream. My grandpa loved telling me tales of heroes and their adventures. He often mentioned how many heroes were surrounded by admirers, girls, and he encouraged me to do the same." He admitted sheepishly, "So, I used to dream of having a harem, haha."



Ais pinched Bell in response to his remark. He saw her pouting, her eyes giving him a cold stare. She released her pinch and huffed.

"Any other dreams?" she asked, her gaze distant.

"Um, yes," Bell quickly nodded. "I dream of helping people around the world. Offering a helping hand to those in need."

This dream was a reflection of the time Hestia had extended her hand to him, inviting him to join her Familia when others had rejected him. Just as Hestia had done for him, he wanted to offer his assistance to those who truly deserved and needed it.

"That's... a noble dream."

"What about you? Do you have a dream?" Bell turned the question back to Ais.

For a brief moment, a somber expression crossed Ais's face. She took a deep breath. "I want to become strong. No, I need to become strong. That's my dream."

Bell sensed there was more beneath her words but decided not to pry. He simply responded, "Then I'll help you achieve that, and in doing so, I'll pursue my own dream while aiding yours. Sound fair?"

Ais glanced at Bell, finding no doubt on his face, only a resolute determination to genuinely assist her. She let out a small laugh. "I... am glad I met you."

"Me too. By the way, do you have any other dreams or wishes? I shared two of mine, so it's only fair you do the same."

Ais's expression soured momentarily as she recalled Bell's earlier dream. After a brief contemplation, she spoke, "I suppose I'd like to fly in the sky. To experience the freedom of a bird soaring above."

Bell smiled, finding this wish quite easy to fulfill. He reached into his pouch and retrieved two Take-copters, handing one to Ais.

"What's this?" Ais asked, a hint of excitement in her eyes at the sight of the new gadget.

"It's a Take-copter. It lets us fly in the sky," Bell explained. "Here, let me show you."

He placed one Take-copter on his head and another on Ais's. Bell demonstrated how to activate it by pressing a small button.

Ais followed suit, pressing the button on her Take-copter. Its blades whirred to life, lifting both of them off the ground. Ais initially struggled to control it, but Bell quickly grabbed her hands, steadying her.

"Don't worry, I'm here," he reassured her with a gentle smile.

Ais slowly nodded, calming herself. With Bell still holding her hands, they began ascending into the air. Ais gripped Bell's hand tightly as they gained altitude, her initial fear giving way to awe as she took in the breathtaking nighttime scenery.

"Look," Bell said.

The vibrant colors of nighttime Orario stretched out below them, a dazzling sight from their elevated vantage point.

"I can see the entire city..."

Guild, park, market streets, Twilight Manor—they were all visible.

"Want to give flying on your own a try?" Bell suggested.

Ais's eyes widened in momentary panic. "Wha—"

Bell chuckled, putting her at ease. "Don't worry, I'll be right here watching."

After a moment of uncertainty, Ais weakly nodded. Bell released her hand, and Ais tentatively began to maneuver her Take-copter. While her movements were awkward at first, she gradually grew more accustomed to the controls.

"See, it's not so difficult, right?"

Ais furrowed her brow. "It took some effort."

"Practice makes perfect, they say. How about a little tour of Orario's skies?" Bell proposed, his smile inviting.

Ais agreed with a nod. "That... sounds wonderful."

Under the gentle moonlight, they soared through the night sky. Stars adorned the dark canvas above, casting a soft glow on their shared experience. As they glided on the wind, a memory formed—one that the Sword Princess and the Rabbit would surely treasure forever.

-[Chapter 6 END]-

Dress Up Camera : The Dress Up Camera has the capability to create any attire using an inserted image. If a blank image is used, it will result in the target's prior clothes disappearing. Caution is advised for the user.