
Believe It Or Not (An Eddie Munson Story)

Ripley Marro moved away from Hawkins in middle school leaving behind her longtime friend, Eddie Munson. They lost contact over the years but when her mom tells her she's gotten a new job and they will be moving back to Hawkins for her senior year she's excited to see her friends again. Will they be able to fall into the same rhythm they were in before or will being friends be too difficult now that they've grown up? Disclaimer: Smut and language warning. Trigger warnings as well for bullying, physical violence, sexual assault, and abuse. Read at your own discretion! I do not own/claim any of the character except for Ripley who is an original character for this story. I hope you enjoy the story & happy reading!

Lou_Russell · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


Eddie's POV:

"Thank you for being here during her recovery, Eddie." Ripley's mom says for what seems the millionth time today. Ripley is being discharged from the hospital and is finally going home and like I promised, I never left her side. Uncle Wayne had come by to drop off some clothes and school work off. He had made small talk with her mom and had joked with Ripley, making her laugh before ultimately leaving me here. Ripley's mom still had to work so I stayed on the spare bed in the corner of the room, reading to her until she fell asleep and then curling up and trying to sleep as well. When I did drift off, the same nightmare haunted me. Ripley's vacant and drugged expression peering up at me as I try to call for her, begging her to wake up and to come back to me. I've barely gotten much sleep, but I know it's nothing in comparison to the nightmares Ripley deals with.

The first few nights were the worst. She would wake up screaming and thrashing about, yelling for someone to help her. Finally, the doctors decided she needed to take something each night before bed for her nerves. She doesn't like the way the medicine makes her feel but she takes it none the less, desperate for the nightmares to end. Hopefully she will continue to improve once she is home and settled back in her own room.

"I promised her I wasn't going anywhere," I tell her mom and she smiles. She pats my arm affectionately and turns to finish filling out Ripley's discharge forms. I head back into her room. Ripley is perched on the edge of her bed, looking out the window, the sun shining on her face. She sighs slightly and when I approach she smiles sweetly up at me. I try to ignore the dark circles under her eyes.

"I'm ready to get out of here," she says softly and I chuckle sinking down to sit beside her.

"I don't know. I'm going to miss the constant beeping of the machines, the loud nurses going in and out all throughout the night, and the super sexy socks they give you."

She bumps her shoulder against mine and I laugh freely, my chest fluttering at the sight of a genuine smile on her lips. The sight so rare over the last week.

"I'm not looking forward to school," she sighs and I turn to look out of the window.

"Your mom has filed a restraining order against Jason and has brought it to the school. The principal has been informed of the situation and has placed Jason in in school suspension so he will only be on campus for class and then escorted off once they have finished. His classes will basically be like detention and he will not even be able to mingle with his normal friends or the general population. The principal is really being thorough which is a pleasant surprise."

"I'm sure there will still be rumors though. People will still be talking about it and about me. I don't know if I'm prepared for that."

"We will handle it together," I say softly and she looks up at me with a sad expression. "Our friends have our back. Nothing anyone else says matters."

She nods and leans over so her head is resting on my shoulder and we sit in silence. It feels really nice to just be still in this moment with her. She's no longer hooked up to any machines and she's wearing her normal clothes. It's almost like we can put everything that happened behind us. There's a knock at the door and we turn to see her mom at the door with a smile. She informs us that we are good to go. I stand up and grab Ripley's bag off the bag off the floor, having bought my own down already and turn to her with a smile. A nurse comes in with a wheelchair to wheel her out to the curb and she looks reluctant but sits down in the seat regardless.

I help her mom get her in the car and I put her bag in the trunk. Ripley's eyes follow me the entire time. I talk briefly to her mom as she thanks me yet again and gives me a hug, inviting me to the house anytime before I duck down and get on eye level with Ripley. She leans forward a little in her seat, her hand coming up onto my chest.

"I know I can't keep you, but is it selfish to say I want you with me still?" She asks and I smile. I cover the hand she places over my heart with my own.

"How are you not tired of me yet?" I jokingly ask and she chuckles softly.

"You'll see me soon, sweetheart. We have school the day after tomorrow."

She sighs and I bring our joined hands up to my mouth, kissing her soft fingers. Her eyes meet mine and I can see she is still worried.

"If you need me," I tell her. "You know you can call me anytime." She nods and her mom tells her they have to go. I drop her hand and close her door, stepping back so they can pull out. I watch them drive away, their car disappearing in the distance before I walk to the van. Steve had followed behind the ambulance in my van the night of the attack, knowing I would need it eventually but there was no way I was going to leave Ripley to drive it. I've thanked him so many times since that night but I don't think it will ever be enough.

I drive home in silence. I park and trudge inside, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I try my best to make as little noise as possible, seeing Wayne's truck out front. But when I close the door and turn, he's standing in the kitchen, a coffee in hand and dark circles under his eyes.

"You're home," he says with a smile and I nod. "She finally got discharged?"

"Yea she headed home with her mom." He nods at that and offers me a cup of coffee. I take the warm mug from him and sit at the table, yawning slightly. Wayne pours another cup and sits across from me, his elbows on the table.

"You did a good thing staying with her," he says softly and I sip my drink, unsure what to say. My hands shake slightly against the ceramic of the mug and I set it back down on the table. We sit in silence for a while, the only sound our collective breathing. Finally, I look up at my uncle. All the emotion from the last couple of days flooding back and catching in my throat.

"I was so scared," I whisper and Wayne's eyes dart back to my face, his expression softening. Tears fall from my eyes and I cry freely. I bring my hands up and bury my face in them, resting my elbows on the table. I wail and let go of everything I have felt over the last few weeks. I have held so much in and I let uncle Wayne see all of it. He sits there with me, a comforting presence as I cry and when I finally calm down he stands and tussles my hair.

"I'm proud of you, kid." He says softly before he puts our mugs in the sink and he walks down the hall into his bedroom. I wipe my eyes and get up, going to my own room and closing the door behind me. I change into sweats and a plain t-shirt and I flop onto my bed, curling into my blanket. My eyes are heavy and my head throbs as I stare into space. I fight against the sleepy fog in the back of my head for a while, afraid of the nightmare that waits to claim me. But ultimately sleep wins and I relax into the mattress, my eyes closing.


I gasp and sit upright, the knocking at the door growing louder. I place one of my hands to the side of my head and squint over at the clock on my nightstand. It's three in the morning and the room is pitch black. I get up and peek into Wayne's room on my way down the hall. He must have left for work hours ago because he isn't there. I grab the metal pipe we keep hidden behind the couch and move quietly towards the door. I look out the peephole and see Ripley, huddled in her jacket on the front step. Throwing the bar back onto the sofa, I hastily open the door and she turns, looking up at me with relief.

"What the hell are you doing out so late?" I chastise and she freezes, her expression turning from relief to hurt. I blanch slightly, but I try to stand firm. It's dangerous for her to be wandering around in the middle of the night.

"I was home alone," she says softly. "I got scared so I figured I would come over. I'm sorry. If you don't want me here, I can go." She turns to leave and I grab her arm, pulling her inside and closing the door.

"Next time call me and I will come to you," I sigh, rubbing my hands up and down her arms. She's so cold. "I don't like the idea of you out so late."

"Sorry," she murmurs again, looking down at her feet and I shake my head. I kiss her forehead and grab her hand, pulling her into my room. I flick on the light. Ripley reaches up and takes off her jacket revealing a pink button down pajama shirt with strawberries on it and matching shorts. I look hastily away, busying myself with tidying up a bit. I go to move past her towards the kitchen, nodding my head to the bed.

"You can sleep in here and I'll take the couch," I say as I try to pass and her hand comes out to stop me. I look down into her blue eyes. She looks so tired.

"Please don't leave me in here alone," she says. "We can share the bed."

"Ripley, I-" I say hesitantly and she tilts her head, looking up at me pleading. I place the things in my hand down on the dresser and sigh. I gesture for her to climb in the bed and she complies. I flick on the bedside lamp and move to turn off the overhead light. I rub my hands nervously down my legs, seeing her cuddled up on my mattress. I lay down beside her and focus on my breathing. My nose fills with the sweet sent of her and I close my eyes, listening to the hammering of my heart in my chest.

"Eddie?" she whispers, rolling over so she can face me. The light is so dim it casts shadows over her smooth face. Her eyes shine in the dark though and I look into them, losing myself in their deep blue depths.

"Yea?" I breath and she shimmies a little closer. I can feel the heat of her through the blankets and I feel too warm all over.

"Have you been sleeping alright?" she asks and I debate for a moment, worried if the truth will be too much for her.

"No," I admit softly and she closes her eyes and nods her head. When her eyes reopen, there is concern and hurt there. I reach up on impulse and run a finger along her cheek trying to soothe her.

"A part of me is glad that you have been here. But another part of me wishing it was anyone else, but you," she says and I pull away from her.

"What makes you say that?"

"This is a lot for anyone to handle. The last week has been far from easy and I really wish you didn't have to see me like this or find me like that. I never would have wished for you to have to live with that."

"You'd rather face it alone?" I ask her, incredulous and her eyes drift up to the ceiling. She fidgets with the blankets as she talks.

"If it meant you wouldn't have to go through this, then yes."

I press my palm to the side of her face and gently coax her to face me again. She looks prepared for my anger, but I can't bring myself to be mad. I know too well the desire to protect someone from getting hurt. I would do anything for her. How can I be mad at her desire to do the same for me? I rub my thumb gently over her bottom lip and she parts them slightly, her breath brushing against my skin. She relaxes into my touch and I move a little closer, reveling in her warmth.

"You would not have been able to keep me away even if you tried. I would have fought my way into that hospital room with everything in me, even if I wasn't the one to find you at the party. I would have sat there day in and day out until I knew you were going home. I wouldn't have changed anything I did because I love you. This isn't the way I imaged things would pan out, but this is where we wound up. I didn't want to admit to myself that I cared this deeply until you left. Then I wanted nothing more then to figure out how to fix it, but I wasn't strong enough to function with the constant thoughts of you and the fear of you moving on. I saw you with Patrick leaving the convenience store and going to your house and I lost myself. I gave up on myself, but most importantly us. Again at the party, I saw you with him and I was too chicken to even approach you. If I had, maybe the night would have ended differently. So even if I hadn't been the one to find you, which I'm not even going to even think of what would have happened if I didn't, I would still blame myself so fiercely nothing you could say would change the things that currently plague me."

Ripley adjusts slightly against the pillows and reaches up to brush some of my hair from my face. My voice shakes as I talk and my hands tremble against my chest. She cradles my head and pulls me forward, holding me against her chest and I move my body completely forward, wrapping my arms around her body and burying my face in her chest. I feel a few stray tears leave my eyes and I don't bother wiping them away, letting them dry on her shirt. Ripley runs her hands through my hair and I relax against her.

"I ran away too you know," she said softly. "I can be quite jealous and I kept picturing you with that girl in the alley. I kept replaying it in my head and I kept telling myself that you were just toying with me, that you didn't care about me and you probably preferred girls like that. I kept tearing myself down and I could barely get out of bed, I was so depressed. Robin called every day to make sure I at least ate something and was drinking water. I kept eating junk food to try to heal the hole in my chest, but eventually I ran out so I walked to the convenience store. Patrick was there. He made some lame excuse for skipping and talked to me while I shopped. He asked if I was still going to tutor him and kept asking when we could set up a date and time. He was really insistent so I figured I would just get it out of the way and invite him over. He came to my house and I genuinely tried to tutor him, but once he made it obvious he wasn't actually interested in tutoring I asked him to leave. I told him I was only interested in being friends and he quietly left. He didn't seem upset at the time and I thought we were alright. Apparently, not.

I saw you at the party too, but I also got too scared and didn't approach you. I had actually wanted to approach you right before I took the final drugged drink that ultimately did me in, but I got upset and went with Patrick instead. If anyone is to blame for their stupid decisions, Eddie, it is me. I was throwing a tantrum and I should have talked to you. I should have told you how I felt and let you tell me your side. I should have listened to my gut that night and gone up to you and asked you to take me home. But we can't focus on the should have, could have, and the would have's. I'm safe now because of you. Because you were brave enough to face Patrick and Jason and get me the hell out of there. You just have to promise not to go kissing anyone else from now on."

I laugh at the last part and nod against her chest before looking up at her.

"I don't want to kiss anyone but you so that's an easy promise to make. I swear." I say and she smiles.

"Kiss me then," she whispers and I raise my eyebrows.

"You sure?" I ask, not wanting to push her with everything that has gone on.


I don't ask a second time. I pull her mouth down to mine and she slides her body down against me. I wrap my hand in her hair and kiss her gingerly, wanting to make sure I don't make her uncomfortable. She kisses me back sweetly, her lips moving in time with mine and my whole body buzzes with longing. I remind myself to be tender, moving my other hand down her arm and taking a hold of her hand.

"Eddie," she whispers against my lips, her voice sultry and I shiver slightly. My heart races in my chest and I can hear my blood pounding in my ears.

I hum against her lips in answer and she reaches up and tugs on my hair making me groan.

"I won't break," she complains and I pull away slightly, my eyes meeting hers.

"I just want to make sure you are comfortable and you feel safe. I don't want you to remember when you are with me. I don't want this to be painful for you."

Her face softens as she looks at me as I place our foreheads together, my body still yearning to be pressed against hers.

"Give me a happy memory then," she says, kissing the corner of my mouth. She moves her lips, peppering me with kisses and I close my eyes melting into her touch. "Make me forget everything and think only of you."

Her lips move down my jawline to my neck and she kisses and nips a path across my skin making me gulp, my Adam's apple bobbing. She lays me back and hovers over me, her small hands on my chest and I'm sure she can feel my heart thundering against my ribcage. She finds a sensitive spot on my neck and isolates it with her mouth, making me scrunch my eyes and throw my head back as she bites and sucks. She continues her torment for another moment before she trails her lips up to my ear and kisses the lobe.

"Eddie, please," she whispers and my head spins. My hands come up to her waist and I grab her hips, pushing her top up slightly to feel her bare skin. I feel like I'm going to burst out of my skin. When I open my eyes, her face is inches above mine, her eyes blue flame and I quite literally go up in smoke.

"Fuck it," I grunt, dragging her lips back down to mine.