
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · perkotaan
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93 Chs

Warrior Hunters

Keyoshi, Yuna, Isaac, Chana, Keno, Nidar, Acamara, Sarasti, Tilly, Sindid, Ferocia (Human Fish) & Skull (Human skull who can control the dead) from Verona's (She-dare devil) team, Mana (She-Wolf) & Lord Paragon (Vampire Duke of England) from Menandro's (Half man, Half-ape) Team, and Kara & Kisha (Twins with hallucinatory and voice change abilities) from Skipper's (Aviator Muscle Man) Team. These are the teams who qualified for the semis to battle the fiercest monsters, creatures and dragons of Yoshi Island.

Since all warrior hunters are professionals and have been doing their craft for such a long time, they don't need to practice arms, swords or powers but just a training on how to scout the place and island of Yoshi with its traps, forest terrains and up hills. Keyoshi was with Chana who is talking about how she found Nidar and Kelioz together near the bar. They were laughing when Yuna walked in front of them and tried to smile at Keyoshi. Chana looked at Yuna weirdly and Keyoshi wanted to smile back but instead she nodded her head in confirmation. Yuna breathed and smirked at Keyoshi's indifference. She went along and snobbed the girl. Chana clapped her hands and tapped Keyoshi's shoulder. Good job giving princess blondie a cold shoulder, haha!

Keyoshi smiled but she regreted the act, for she knows that this hurt Yuna the most. She is trying her best to be nice to her but she refused to give in to her sweet tactics. It's because Keyoshi knows that if Yuna falls for her she will just hurt her in the end. If the prophecy is indeed true then she will leave Yuna unhappy if she dies in Yomi Island.

My friend, don't look so sad, what is it about Yuna that you don't like. She is sweet, moody and snobbish at times but man, she has the bigggggg head….

Stop it Nidar! She is a good girl and don't talk about her like that. Go and fend for your big old owl, can you just stop it and get away from me!

I'm sure she will be a good girl especially in bed…uh..uh.uh….hahahaha, Nidar hyperventilating and moaning like he is having ex with someone or what.

 I said stop it. And don't joke about her like that…You…, Keyoshi humped on Nidar and punched him causing him to fall down flat to the ground. Oww…that hurts, Nidar's lower lip was cut. Keyoshi's knuckle hit Nidar's metal shield when he was trying to cover himself from the punches that caused it to bleed and swell. Yuna heard the commotion and saw how Keyoshi was silently groaning in pain of her hurt knuckles.

Okay, let's rest here and camp for the night. Tomorrow we will head to the docks and check on the rivers where will lead us to Yoshi Isle, Taiyo shouted. All warriors stopped and rested. Every one placed their weapons and built their tents for the rest of the day and night. Yuna looked at Keyoshi and used the chance to pull the girl with her beneath the tall trees of Toowomba mountains.

What are you doing? Yuna, I need to help Taiyo with our tent, let me go, Ouch!

Ah, I'm sorry! I heard you out there with Nidar! You shouldn't have done that. You know how big of a jerk Nidar is! Let me see your hand! Come here!

It's just that I don't want any one joking around about you. I hate it when you are being used and bullied like an object, cause…ah….well!

Because you are a brawler and a warrior! I understand! But you can't hurt a boy or a hunter every time they tease or bully me! Keyoshi, use your head and control your temper! Okay! I am fine and I can take care of myself!, Yuna softly said while putting herbs and placing bandage on Keyoshi's hand to cover her swelling knuckle.

Thanks. Okay, I'll keep it in mind, but I can't promise!, Keyoshi cried moving her fingers and wrist to check on the tightness of the bandages.

No, thank, you! I'll see you at the tent!, Yuna whispered and kissed Keyoshi on the cheek, then smiled, leaving the girl warrior proud, happy of herself, of what she did for Yuna.

Taiyo was standing at about a few feet looking at Keyoshi and Yuna getting along just fine. That was his first impression but when Yuna kissed Keyoshi like there is something going on between them, he didn't like it. Keyoshi is the Chosen Warrior, she must stand, live and survive, if not alone, so no one will ever get hurt when something bad goes wrong with the prophecy. She needs to focus on winning the Hunt and freeing the lost souls, defeating the demonoids most especially Kemolohlun for the sake of the dark spirits that need rescuing in Yomi Island. Yuna is her partner but only in the battle. But that's what he wants, for the two to have a good time and be more close than friends. But not too close for this type of relationship will ruin his plans for Keyoshi to be the greatest Sorcerer and Champion for Mimiko and the world.

Yin! Follow them! Check on what these two are up to!, Taiyo called out for his apprentice who suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost appearing from the shadows of the night. Yes master!

Yuna was brushing her long curly blonde hair. She just showered and it was cold this time of night that she wished for Keyoshi to come in the tent sooner. Keyoshi…you're ahh…..who are you?