
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · perkotaan
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93 Chs

Angels& Demons 2

With all the hate, anger and revenge, Abaddon flew so slow. His baggage and resentments keep him strong but unluckily burdens him down, that the more he hates, the more he keeps all the ugliness and bad inside which makes him vulnerable, so susceptible to bite any trick, that can bate him in thinking he is invincible, but he's wrong.

Keyoshi and Yuna along her team and heads of their tribes work together. Though there have been issues, misunderstanding that sometimes divide them, they still stay united and supportive of each other and their teams endeavors. Only focusing on one goal and one dream, to win the Hunt Games and be the Campion to save the lost spirits and brign him the winning prize, which is the crown as greatest Warrior Hunter and to own a piece of land in Yomi Island.

We need to act quickly!, Taiyo said and gathered the warrior hunters, 14 of them. He also asked the military soldiers to join them in capturing or when worse comes to worst, kill Abaddon. If they can kill him the better, but if not then they need to have a Plan B. Which I will need to talk to you about, Lolo and Jonas, thank you!, Taiyo added asking the heads for an urgent meeting.

Kemolohlun and his demonoids is about to cross the middle earth stretching their invisibility time to Yomi when they saw an enormous black to grey cloud. It's swirling fast and now enveloping them. Kemolohlun was at the end of his army, when one by one his demonoid disappeared into thin air and like smoke they puffed and died. Which is unbelievable because his evil team can't be killed because they're already dead.

Damn you!, Abaddon????, Kemolohlun said and faced his greatest fear. The angel that he and a friend tried to imprison when they were very young. You live! I thought we already wiped you out from the universe!