
Gaining An Identity

I must say, my acting prowess is Oscar worthy.

I made Peter Pettigrew believe that I am Voldemort! The look on his face...it was completely hilarious.

And the Yew wand is a perfect match. Now all I have to do is get the Holly wand....

I prepared myself to visit Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. I select a grey dragonhide jacket and a pair of Battlemage class wand holsters from my treasure trove, along with a pair of black dragonhide boots, two extendable trunks, a Mokeskin pouch and about five thousand Galleons.

After I get dressed, I check out myself by conjuring a mirror. Black shirt, black jeans, grey dragonhide jacket and black boots of the same material with two Battlemage class wand holsters on my forearms combined with a navy blue cloak, I looked badass.

I know that Ollivander recognises people by reading their aura. And thanks to the transmigration, my aura has changed. It's now stronger and calmer. After all, I am no longer Lord Voldemort or Tom Riddle. Neither am I the person I am used to be. I need a new name, a new identity.

And I know what it will be.

I am Revan Eanqua.

Like Darth Revan, I was a Villain and a Conqueror. And like him, I shall redeem myself by becoming a Hero and a Saviour. And I was reborn like a Phoenix, and I shall shine like the Eanqua in the night sky.

Maybe I will make a lightsaber too...