
Being the main character of a horror, romance novel.

This book is about a girl who dies and reincarnates as the main protagonist of a horror, romance novel. When she discovers that she’s in a novel that the main protagonist ends up dying in the end?!? read now to see what I’m trying to say!!!

Shimmer_Sunshine · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 6. Finally! The fifth male lead!

*Knock Knock* Nevermind. I was joking. I can never catch a break 🥲. As I checked the door I was so happy. I realizied this man immediately. I was so happy. I finally met the FIFTH MALE LEAD! I sighed a breath of relief. It's okay, everything is fine. Wait…WHY WAS THE FIFTH MALE LEAD AT MY DOOR?!?! "Hey! Filthy fairy! Are you new here?" Now I'm sure he is the fifth male lead! The fifth male lead was always rude to Remi. But he alway protected her when she needed him. He was like an actual older brother. I forgot his name. Um what was it. Lauren? Lemu? Lemi? "Hey. Fairy. I know you want my name so I'll tell you! My name is Luca, fairy!" "My name is Remi nice to meet you!" "I know. It an honor to meet me!" He says it with so much confidence. Now I remember him! Luca. 19 years old. Animal king. He can shapeshift into any animal. His self-esteem is over the top! But when he is with Remi he teases her. Luca buys everything Remi looks or want. 💭He could maybe be my sugar daddy 😉😃. All jokes aside he is a tsundere. "Give your phone number! Fairy!" He demanded. Luca had black hair, golden eyes, nice face, very nice figure, cat ears, and a dog tail? "Suuuree" as soon as I gave him my phone number he lifted me up

like a princess. "H-h-huh?!" "If your wondering where we're going. I'm taking you out to garden!" His smile said 'I'm doing nothing wrong!' He's lucky that he's attractive, because his voice is starting to really annoy me. I looked at his ears and thought 💭what would happen if I touched his ears? I started to lift my arms but then "what are you doing?" His voices snapped me out of my touching trance. "I just wanted to touch your ears!" He blushed at my answer. He grabbed my hand and planted my hand right on his cheek. Then I cupped his cheek, while he put his hand back where it was before. His hand on my back, and another hand under my knees. I started to caress his cheek. He seemed so happy with my touch. I could see his tail wag everytime I caressed his cheek. He was blushing really hard that I could feel his warm cheeks. Soon we came to the garden as he said. When I tried to put down my hand, Luca grabbed my wrist, and put his mouth to my palm while putting me down. His hand on my waist, his other hand on my wrist making sure I don't escape his mouth to my palm. Flower pedals started to fly around us. It was romantic and adorable. He looked like a cat that just wanted to be loved. I gave him my affection. I started to giggle after a minute. "Why are you giggling?" "Because you look like a cute cat!" "You like cats?" "Of course! I love cats,dogs,lizards,birds,mammals about any animal!" "I like you." He whisper. Finally, he started to put down my wrist, but he definitely did not want to let go of my waist. Soon he said "Please just let me stay by your side!" With his ears down, and with his golden puppy eyes I couldn't just say no so I said "of course you can, I'd be glad!" 💭Can he hear my heart, can he see my red face, WHY IS HE SOO FIINE?!?! MY HEART IS GOING TO EXPLODE BY THIS POINT!! Soon he started to take me back to my dorm. When we arrived he told me "I can't wait to see you tomorrow!...…master ~❤️" he said with a flirty smirk, but I could tell that he was blushing hard under that smirking mask. "See you tomorrow Luca!" Soon Luca disappeared into the hallways. When I saw there was no longer a figure of him, I headed back in my room. I FINALLY TOOK A NICE LONG BATH,CHANGED IN SOME ACTUAL COMFY CLOTH AND WENT ON THE BED!! I plopped on my bed replaying the whole day, and started to prepare myself for the next day. I know tomorrow will be way more chaotic.