
What is Love?

Love is many things. It's beautifully complex, yet so simple. It's so easy to love yet so scary to let yourself feel it towards another person.

Some find love early on, and get to experience the joys and heartbreaks of being with someone, and some are fine waiting for the right one to come around.

However, how do you go on loving when your heart has been ripped out by love? How do you find love again after you thought you had already found it once, twice or even more than that?

Even after repairing your heart, it'll never be the same. It's easier to feel jaded. Easier to think you found love again only to realize you were wrong.

But what's even is easier, is cutting off your heart from feeling love all together. To pretend that you are fine being alone, and never loving again.

Until eventually you realize that you are a whole other person without love, and it's almost magical.

You finally are able to be happy being alone, and truly happy now. Finally able to see your dreams and future ahead of you.

Until you find yourself feeling that burning sensation in your heart, not sure why but suddenly not wanting to be alone anymore.

What if you are finally happy and free of heartbreak, only to find that your heart has been lit aflame by someone?

Will you let yourself be drawn into their presence? Could you manage to be patient, or would you fall harder than you ever did before?

Suddenly, things become clear that you never could escape love forever.

But just because you fall for someone, doesn't mean they'll feel the same. Even if they do feel how you feel, there's not any guarantee they'll want to be with you.

How do you live in a world where you can't be happy in love?