
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


An elderly man dressed in black suit approached James. "young master…everything has been prepared." His grey hair was stylishly styled in a western way. He stood straight and elegantly with his hands crossed at his back.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jones" both Sandra and Liam greeted him. Mr. Jones is Margate family's butler. A man with excellent qualities. He has many international certificate on different field, such as finance, cooking, martial art and so on.

He gracefully bowed in response to their greetings and turned to James "young master..." he called out to him.

"excuse me for a while. I will be back." James said to his friends and left with a scowl on his face. The butler slightly heaved a sigh of relief and followed behind him.

James walked straight to his bedroom, pushed the door open and was welcomed by a huge screen which stood in the middle of his gigantic room with a chair in front of it. The screen was 200 inches wide with a large television stand supporting it. It was temporarily moved to his room because of an important meeting being held that needed his presence.

He refused to attend the meeting using school as an excuse. However, the board members proposed that a screen should be moved to the chairman's office in school so he would be able to participate during break time. Because of this, he decided to skip school and use this day to retrieve the item to bring his problem to a pause. When butler Jones called him, he knew what was up, he knew butler Jones had reported his presence at home and they had prepared everything for the meeting he has been trying to avoid. 'Young master, everything has been prepared'. James mocked in his heart "like I asked you prepare anything" and spoke out lowly.

There was no way he could avoid it. His father would do everything in his power to ensure that James would be present when the meeting is being held. So the shares could be quickly transferred to him. Greedy man.

The Large screen displayed a group of aged men and women professionally dressed in black suit seated in a vertically parallel form to one another with a long table in front of them. Microphones and can water were placed on the table, in front of each and every one of them.

Occasionally when conducting meetings, they normally arranged the table and chairs in spherical form but because the meeting was that of a video conference with James, they had to be arranged in a horizontal form, so that the camera could capture all of that was present. Eminent Lawyers and close relatives were made present in the meeting in order to record and bear eye witness to all that would happen.

As James was looking at each and every one of board members with a scowl face; he spotted his Father who sat at the high chair for CEO where his mother normally sitted during board meetings before she had an accident. The Chair was not exactly high but that's what they called the chairs for CEOs. It was situated in front of the board members and was a little bit higher than all other chairs in the room. Normally that's where his secretary stands during meeting, beside him.

His father looked at the screen present in their board meeting room with an indifferent face when he saw that his son had appeared on the screen in the meeting room. Eventually, he turned his attention back to his secretary whom he was having a conversation with earlier. The screen is exactly the same size as the one that stood in James's room.

"young master, please" Butler Jones called out to James to sit down. James spared him a glance and looked back to the screen with detest, 'acting all righteous when you have all conducted a meeting in my back and have all been bribed.' They had all betrayed his mother for money. The woman who took pity on them and helped them rise.

Mr. Margate sat up and held the microphone. "Please can we begin." He said calling the attention of the board members. When the board member heard him, they all adjusted and looked towards his direction.

"yes, let's begin. James is the speaker there working perfectly fine? can you hear us clearly?" One of the board members asked James looking at the screen.

"yes" James replied elegantly.

"that's great. I wouldn't want any problem to occur since you are not physically present here. As you can see we brought the lawyers here to ensure the allocation of shares goes perfectly fine without any form of rigging…". As one of the board member spoke, Butler Jones respectfully handed a file and a pen over to James.

Another member of the board meeting who sat next to his father cut him off "why all these formalities. I bet he doesn't understand what you are saying. Let's go straight to the reason why we are here today." The man sat up and looked forward to the screen. "we would like to go back on our decision with your mother, Mrs. Margate on making you the heir of this company. We can't trust a young child in the management of the major shares of this company. Therefore, we have come to a conclusion, each and every one of us here have concluded that you should transfer all your shares to your father. Anyway he is family. When you get of age and learn…"

"Mr. Franklin…" James called out to him as he stood up. he gently dropped the file and the pen on the chair. Then he faced the screen. "I understand. You people are making this great this decision for the betterment of our company and I respect that." He said eloquently and righteously while mocking them in his heart, 'old cargos, greedy things, I respect my foot.' He looked at his Father casually and thought in his mind 'let's see if you will have your way.'

James exhaled to calm the anger in his heart and continued "am not in support in anything that will bring destruction to a company that my mother suffered to build along with you prominent men. Since you men saw that the company would be at a disadvantage for a young man to hold the majority shares. I agree to sign it to respect your decision. You know a lot more than me."

As he spoke some of the board member listened with admiration, doubting whether it was this same rebellious boy they thought he was. His father watched closely, looking at him curiously. He wondered what his son was up to. Where his long speech was heading to? why is he easily agreeing to sign the shares over to him? one of the reason he conducted this video conference was to expose his arrogant behavior to the board members when he refuses to sign the document. So that he won't in any case be a threat to him anymore.

"but I beg of you people to give me three days to let go of this great responsibility my mother handed over to me before she…" he feigned sobs. "just three days… I know it won't in any way affect the company." He stared into the screen hopefully with hints of tears in his eyes. "I know my father handling it makes no changes but I want to visit my mother at the hospital one last time before I leave the country with that responsibility on my head.".

"James this is not just your family business. We can't do that. Three Days can create lots of changes in the company. Please kindly sign the document before us and stop delaying." Mr. Franklin said firmly. He doesn't have the time to sympathize with him. He knew that no harm will come to the company if the shares was not transferred under three days but he could gain a lot within three days if it happened.

"Mr. Franklin, am not dumb. just give me three days." James said arrogantly. Enough playing around with these greedy old men, he thought. "Within this three days, you guys can decided whether I should transfer my shares to my father or not. have a nice day." he left the room without looking back. "What an arrogant child…. who does he think he is…guys calm down and let's give him what he asked for…. besides there will be no harm", the board members argued amongst themselves while Mr. Margate fumed with anger.

He walked towards to the corridor where he left Liam and Sandra earlier hoping she had agreed. She was his only hope to end this rubbish. He got there but they weren't there. So, he asked the security man that was assigned to stand at the door "where are my friends?"

The man pointed towards a distance and said "they went to the playground."

James raced out to them. He got close to them. From a distance he saw them sitting together engrossed in a conversation. Liam suddenly started patting her head like he was pleading as he spoke to her.

Seeing that, James anger rose. He walked to stand in front of Sandra stumping his feet. "Sandra must the world come to an end before you agree to help me?" he asked angrily "okay, am sorry for everything I have done to you. please just this time, help me." He raised his hand and dropped it in frustration.

"James she agreed." Liam reported casually. "I doubt that she will be able to open it but there is not harm in trying." James quickly looked at Sandra to confirm whether what Liam said was true. she shook her head in affirmation.