
4. Vengeful Spirit

"I heard from a senior that poor girl saw a very horrifying figure, hiding behind the bushes. A figure of a mangled body of an unknown dead girl, asking her for help. As soon as she saw that, she screamed like a mad person while running away in fright. She stumbled upon the facilitators in charge, crying and wailing in distress, speaking incoherently. But, rather than calming down, her condition is worsening." Lee informed them about the incident that happened last night in chronological order.

"Worsen? Why would her condition get worse?" Fakhrul asked impatiently. He holds the urge to sip his milk tea as he asks this question. This kind of story always aroused his interest.

However, Izzat will always be looking at him in disdain. He would say said, "A coward person should hold back their curiosity. Lest that they will get hurt by such inquiry." or something along these lines. But, Fakhrul will always neglect Izzat's advice and pursued his passion for finding the truth!

Right now, the two of them are having their breakfast. Well, just a simple toast with some jam and a cup of coffee or a glass of milk tea for this enjoyable breakfast.

"She saw the figure of the dead girl approaching her. That thing actually followed her around. The other two girls also saw the eerie figure and get affected by such terrifying sight. That's why the screaming match ensued. The facilitators are in a panic state because those girls acted wild and dangerous. Luckily, a security guard is patrolling the area and take control of the situation. If not..." Lee shuddered when he is remembering such an incomprehensible thing had happened in front of his eyes. He refused to experience such a thing again. Too bad for his fragile heart.

"A mangled body? That girl sure is a brave one. She didn't even faint. If it is me, I might collapse onto the ground, desperately wishing for the ground to bury me deep into the soil. Maybe, I should pretend to die if I do meet one in the future." Fakhrul rubbed his arms as he felt goosebumps raking all over his body.

"You think the ghost will disappear if you're pretending to die? That thing is a ghost. Not a wild bear, silly." Lee snorted. "Oh, where is Izzat? Is he went back to sleep? How rare. It's almost 8.30 am. We still had our morning assembly after this." He checked the time with his smartphone. He didn't want to be the unfortunate person that will get detain by Senior Zamri. Being on that man's list is as scary as comes across the ghost himself.

"He's outside, staring at the parking lots without blinking. He had been like that since 7.00 am. I don't know. He might see something interesting out there."

After Fakhrul said that, Izzat entered the house with a solemn expression. He sat down beside Fakhrul and continued on sipping his warm milk.

"What's wrong with your expression? Is someone going to die today?" Lee asked him.

"Hush, don't jinx it." Fakhrul furiously snapped at Lee. His face is serious. "Be careful of what you said. It might come true later. This is based on my personal experience."

Lee soon apologized because of his slipped tongue. He finished his coffee in a gulp.

"When will our other housemates come?" Izzat suddenly asked after being silent for a while. He looked at Lee, gesturing for him to answer his question.

"They're our seniors. So, they started their classes a week later. It is a custom in Astana Bintang to put seniors and juniors in one house. The Residential College Management Office sets this rule for safety purposes."

Izzat nodded his head. He continuously sipped his milk until the cup is drained out of its content.

"Those girls...what happened to them after the incident last night?"

Lee shrugged his shoulder.

"The dean probably will send them back to recuperate and nursed their health, physically and mentally, at their home for a week. The sick leaves might get extended depending on the severity of the situation. I heard one of the girls, Hanna, get a very high fever and is rushed to the hospital this morning. She is admitted into the ICU and is still unconscious. The doctor who checked her condition couldn't find the reason why she is unable to wake up. He said, further examination is required before he can conclude anything."

"The doctor will never believe that she gets badly traumatized by her unfortunate encounter with a ghost. It's for the best anyway for those girls to distance themselves from this place. If they stayed here any longer, they might go crazy. That mangled body is still wandering in the parking lots, after all." Izzat said the last sentence in a low voice.

Lee and Fakhrul whipped their heads simultaneously, looking at Izzat with a confused expression. Lee scratched his ears. Did he mishear something?

"Pardon? I think I heard you said something about a mangled body? Whose body is still wandering around like a zombie?" Lee definitely heard something scary comes out of Izzat's mouth. But, Izzat's indifferent expression is not making any sense at all right now. If he did mention something frightening about zombies or ghosts, shouldn't he act a bit panic or scared?

"Huh? Did I say something about zombies? I don't think so? And, we're already late. It's 8.30 am. Time for our scheduled morning assembly, guys."


"Lee, enough. Just dropped it." Fakhrul interrupted his word. "Come on, let's go."

Lee sighed. He glanced at the used cup and glass on the table.

"But...one last question. Before we go out, whose going to wash this dirty glass and cup?'

Fakhrul pointed his finger to Lee and shamelessly nodded his head. While Izzat waved his hand at them before running away hastily. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared!

"Who else? You're the last person to wake up, after all. So, please diligently do your charity work." Fakhrul replied with an innocent smile.

"Eh???" Lee's eyes widen in astonishment. He is not mistaken, right? These two scoundrels didn't just dump their dirty dishes on him, right?

"Hurry up, Lee, or you'll get scolded by the scary senior, Brother Zamri. You know what kind of person he is. He hates sleepyhead more than anything. I'm afraid that you'll be forced to run ten laps around the residential building if you keep dilly dally."

"Hey, not fair!" Lee said. "You also wake up a bit later than Izzat! If not because of your roommate, you will also oversleep, like me!"

"Fine, fine. Tell that to your dearest senior Zamri, okay?" Fakhrul snickers. He runs away in a flash while crackling in laughter.

"Damn you, Fakhrul! Come back, here!" Lee roared in anger.