
part-1(behind the success)

Every successful person in the world had a behind

story. Life is beautiful for someone,but for someone life is not beautiful. Now I will share a behind story of a powerful women.😍




In the month of April,in a small village of Bangladesh ,there were born a little girl .Who was not much cute and beautiful. whatever when she was born,at that time her grandmother was not pleased with her, because she was a girl.because at that time there were a very difference between a boy and a girl . when the girl was born in that house ,they were very poor. but her mother and her father was very very much happy to saw their baby girl. Her father was a very talented and good human being. But her mother wasn't nice at all towards her father's family members.she always doubt her father without any reason. she always distroy the peace of the family.

However,time was passing through with the nature. The girl was also grown up with the time.when she was 5 years old only,she knew that her mother is not good at all.she saw that her mother and grandmother always fight with each other. The girl were very sad 😢 seen them fighting. When she was 6 years old her grandfather had died,who loved her very much. After dead of her grandfather she was very sad. Then her mother bring her with herself and they were going to a new town in Bangladesh from that village. Her grandmother feel so sad after they came to a new town.