
Behind the Ballroom Doors || MHA quirkless/ never met au

Ochako is a new assassin and has to deal with an interesting first client and weave through many severe incidents along the way. Follow her as she solves cases of murder, betrayal, fraud, and any other crime that has been committed behind the ballroom doors.

Marli_Freakshow · Komik
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2 Chs

Number Nineteen

The only emotion I could feel was happiness. I was accepted into this agency so easily that is was scary. They seemed to be really desperate for new recruits. After going into more detail about what they did here at Musutafu Shadows Agency; stupid name right? I finally decided to join, there was a little hesitation about the whole killing thing but it was bad people that I would be eliminating. No need to feel guilty right? I'd be cleansing the world of it's sinners. Starting here.

"So, this is the new recruit you were obsessing over? Is that right, Sev?" A short lady said with an exhausted tone. The sudden conversation starter ripped me from my thoughts. Seven looked over to me and nodded, telling me to introduce myself.

"Yep! That's me alright! At least I would think so-" I exclaimed with a megawatt smile plastered onto my face. The small lady slid her mask off and grinned at me. She seemed like a really cool person.

"Number Nine. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said, still sounding a bit tired but genuinely happy. Nine extended her arm out to me and a shook her hand firmly.

"Likewise" I slipped with a smirk. She snickered a bit before flipping her her short black hair to reveal dyed red layers. She was even cooler than I thought. She even wore the same generic suit as me. We all matched! :)

"Well time for the Initiation Ceremony!" Seven shouted quickly as he led me through a maze of hallways with Nine tailing behind us. We stopped at a pair of black wooden doors with gold encrusted in the middle of both of them, they are a mixture of dragons and swirls of wind. He threw open the door to see only about 100 people. No wonder they were so desperate for another operative, I thought.

"Welcome Ochako Uraraka or better known yet Number Nineteen!" A booming voice came from the huge room, it resembled a meeting room but larger of course. I turned to the voice to be met by the gaze of a tall woman with pale brown hair that reached her the middle of her back even in that high ponytail. She had piercing red eyes that sent shivers down my spine, but I wasn't scared. She was holding a mask close to her chest, it wasn't hers since hers has resting on the side of her head. Maybe it was for me.

Number Seven pushed me over to her, she was standing on this tall podium and I joined her on it, smiling sheepishly as my eyes rolled over everyone in the room and watched Seven and Nine take their seats in the front row.

"Well? Having anything to say?" The woman bellowed with a grin. I rubbed the back of my neck before speaking up.

"First off, thank you, all of you. Even though I only know 3 of you guys I am happy to know that you all accept as a new associate of yours. Secondly, this seems like the kind of job I've been searching for, even though I will admit I was quiet hesitant at first about the whole killing thing. But I realized how beneficial it would be, not only for me but for the community. I want to help. I want to be of use!" I exclaimed and somehow everyone heard me. The crowd rippled with applause and I received my first ever standing ovation.

I was going to love this job.