
Behind the Ballroom Doors || MHA quirkless/ never met au

Ochako is a new assassin and has to deal with an interesting first client and weave through many severe incidents along the way. Follow her as she solves cases of murder, betrayal, fraud, and any other crime that has been committed behind the ballroom doors.

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2 Chs

Eyes all around me

It was a cold night. I huddled under my warm cotton blanket, attempting to absorb the heat into me, trying to keep myself from freezing to death. It would be too expensive to turn on the heat so I have to endure. I have to endure the sudden temperature drop throughout the city. I have to endure being poorer than poor. I have to endure the fact that I am no use to my parents. No matter how much they deny it, I can see it in their eyes. Despair. They crave wealth and stability. But it's just right out of their grasp. Right out of ours. So I will push it closer to them. To us. And to do that I am yet to find out how.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that I could come up with an idea. And quick. My rent is due next week and my parents don't have enough to spare to pay. Usually they'd have just enough but business has become even worse after the wipe out a few years ago. Tears began to prick my eyes as the thought of my parents wasting away, not having the money or the energy to go on with life. Salty tears hung on my lashes, I squeezed my eyes again hoping they'd fall but they hung on, like the burden I am to my parents. I told myself that in the morning I will search for work and I will get a high paying job, most likely one using my physical skills. I had a lucky opportunity during high school to learn martial arts with Gunhead, the best fighter in all of Musutafu. That would surely be put to good use. Right?

Hopefully, I need another job, being a waiter at a maid cafe is fun and all, making new friends and designing new acts, but I want something more fulfilling, something that benefits society. Something that makes me special. And with that thought I drifted to bed.


Sunlight beamed through my small rounded window, making my skin glisten. I happily sighed, this was a nice way to wake up. But as my eyes wandered round my small apartment my mind remembered today's goal and I shot up out of my futon and ran to my dresser. I threw on my only suit, a jet-black one and quickly sprayed deodorant on, I took a shower before bed so taking one now would be a waste. I styled my hair into a spiky ponytail and left my bangs (?) out to flap around in my face. I grabbed an apple out of the fridge, my keys from the desk, my flip phone, and slipped on a pair of black flats before bolting out the door and locking it from behind. I basically stumbled down the stairs as I made my way out the door. I looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and was on my way. I made my way out the gates. Today was the day I would find work.

Before I could make it to the heart of the city I was caught off guard by a tall lanky man. He wore a white mask with large black circles playing as eyes and a long smile. He had black silk gloves and a gray top hat on his shaggy pale brown hair, complimenting his black suit that looked almost identical to mine. He stood in front of me and extended his hand. Before I could respond he grabbed my risk and led me to a small cafe, windchimes whistled as we entered and took our seats at a small table towards the side window.

"Excuse me but why am I here?" I asked gently, attempting to remain calm. I sat up and folded my arms trying to look as professional as possible in front of the intimidating figure.

"To get coffee, silly!" He chuckled at me and I rolled my eyes. I already knew that we would be the best of friends. He leaned a little closer to me and rested his head on his hands.

"What would you like to have today?" A cheery looking waiter asked the both of us. It startled me a bit but I replied to the waiter with a sheepish smile and the excuse that I had a heavy breakfast and a snack wouldn't do me any good. The guy across scoffed then turned to the waiter.

"Two Caramel Cappuccinos please! And extra whipped cream on both if you don't mind?" He said with an artificial tone that made him sound as if he was some depressed middle schooler trying to go through his 'about me' presentation on the first day of school. Anyways, the waiter nodded and rushed over to the next table. I shot my head towards this guy and cocked my head. Did he really need to order one for me too?

"Oh come oooon" he groaned "I know you barely ate anything this morning so at least drink something to boost your energy! I'll pay!" He sounded so sure of it, like he 100% knew whether or not I ate.

"Whatever...what do you need from me? You picked me out of a crowd and brought me here? Why?" I asked, leaning close to him but still maintaining an appropriate distance.

"We need your skills. Your agility and strength. Your clever mind, sleuthing experience, and amazing amount of common sense." He chirped desperately. I was a bit confused, who was we? But I nodded, not accepting anything, but as a signal to let this guy know that I was listening. He understood and carried on. "I'm a part of a group of-" he lowered his voice "mercenaries." I kept quiet and let him continue though my mind raced. What made him think I would kill? I am desperate but...would I really go that far?

"Intriguing." I muttered and leaned a bit closer as doing so. I could sense him smirk from beneath his mask which made me feel like I was getting myself into the wrong situation. I mean I know being a mercenary isn't the safest career path but it's a productive one. And productivity is what I've been craving. And I think I can keep my other job so that's a plus.

"Would you like to sleep on it or-?" He asked hopefully. With that tone I couldn't say no, but I needed a little more info. I sat back in my chair, oozing into it's comfy cushions.

"Remind me of your name." I stated lazily, keeping silent while waiting for a response.

"Number Seven. Pleased to meet you." He extended his hand once again and this time I accepted it, giving him a firm handshake.

"Likewise, Number Seven."

He chuckled again, this one more genuine than the last. Interrupting his laughter was the same waiter giving us our cappuccinos which we both drank with delight. He lifted up his mask slightly to take a sip which allowed me to see a part of his face. He had smooth olive skin from what I could tell and he had plump pink lips like a child's. And dimples. How lovely.

"Take a pic, it lasts longer." The cliche line slid from his mouth and made me huff out in anger causing him to chuckle again. That laugh is already etched into my memory. Great.

When we finished our drinks Seven paid the bill and we left. He told me to follow him and led me to an average sized building hiding behind the extravagant pubs and thrift shops. Seven waltzed through the double doors with me right behind him. There was a blonde lady sitting at the front desk, her eyes averted from her phone to meet my gaze. She stood up and clasped her hands together.

"Finally! Our new Number Nineteen!"