
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Lester Henrie

Isaac's POV

I stretch my hand over to the passenger seat and press a rag to her abdomen and tell her to apply pressure on it.

"Hey wake up. Don't you dare die on me" I say to her as I notice her slipping away.

"Why are you helping me?" she croaks out from a face that is rapidly losing color.

"I was actually hoping you could answer that for me," I say with a chuckle as I look over to her to see her smiling

"You do know that it's my duty to arrest you once I survive this," She says with a smirk

"That's good,yeah you have to survive this," I say to her as I speed up a little

"I wasn't reassuring myself. I was reassuring you. Besides, I still have to arrest you don't I?" she says with a laugh that breaks down into a coughing fit

"Yeah you'd have to buy me dinner first though" I joke back

"I'd like that. My name is Helena by the way" she says with a soft smile and I honestly don't know why I don't have the nerve to lie to her

"Isaac" I reply with a smile of my own as we sit together in silence, enjoying the toots from angry drivers as we pass them by.

I pull up to the hospital curb and jump out of the car and rushing around I pull her out of the passenger seat where she'd passed out 2 minutes earlier from the shit ton of blood pouring out of her abdomen

Carrying her in my arms I rush inside and shout at the top of my lungs "We need a fucking doctor"

Immediately the Emergency room personnel rush over with a stretcher and cart her away while analyzing her situation and I won't bore you with the medical jargon but it was something along the lines of

Doctor: "She's lost a lot of blood, I don't even understand how she's still alive with no preliminary first aid administered"

Nurse: "She probably stayed alive this long so she can kick her big dumb date who probably shot her by mistake"

Me: "I'm standing right here. And by the way, if you were a real nurse and not some community college washout you would have noticed that her gun is still perfectly holstered by her side and the entry wound is too large which indicates a higher caliber weapon"

Cue perfect smirk I get whenever I put someone in their place.

Meanwhile, the nurse is so stunned that she stays glued to her spot as we wheel away Nicole.

We eventually stop so the doctors can assess her wound so they quickly cut her jacket and shirt open to reveal a pink bra cupping two perfect breasts that I shouldn't be thinking about sucking while she's dying but I can't really help myself but get excited. Which is why I'm a little disappointed when her bra isn't cut open too.

They quickly clean the blood around the entry point and seeing as the bullet missed all vital organs by a fraction they stitch her up and prep her for surgery before wheeling her into the OR.

As I stay behind in the waiting room I can't help but wonder 'Why the fuck am I still here. I'm a motherfucking criminal and honestly the minute I found out she was okay I should have let so why the fuck am I planning to wait until she gets out'

I contemplate the decision for a few seconds and I'm made to regret that decision a few moments later when the police show up

"Detective Desmond Etienne," A big burly man says as he offers me his hand for a handshake.

Thankfully I'm saved from having to tell him my name when Ryan suddenly shows up in a fairy costume?

"Oh, honey there you are," Ryan says with over-exaggerated relief.

"And who are you?" The detective asks as his face is covered in absolute confusion by our choice of costume.

"My name is Richmond Henrie and this is my husband Lester Henrie," Ryan says as he offers his hand to the detective for a kiss but the burly man just awkwardly takes it and gives him a handshake instead.

"Well Mr. Henrie, your husband brought in a cop with a gunshot wound and I was just about to take his statement." The detective says as he tries to usher Ryan away but the eyeliner filled with glitter-clad fairy doesn't budge.

"Firstly, I identify as she/her, and secondly, as his lawyer I highly recommend to him that he doesn't talk to you outside of an official summon to the police station," Ryan says in what can only be described as queen bitch tones.

"We can always just arrest him and take him down to the station as a suspect then we can speed it along," The detective says in a tired tone.

"On what grounds?" Ryan asks

"Well for one his dressing. Secondly, the David statue was just stolen from the Louvre where officer Jacques was posted tonight so even if we don't arrest him for the suspected theft he will have to be put in protective custody as a possible prime witness" the detective says with a little annoyance in his tone that Ryan won't just let him have his way.

"For your information officer, we were on our way to a costume party tonight when my hunk of a husband remembered that we had forgotten to feed our purebred poodle. So we turned around and we saw the officer bleeding on the ground so we drove her here" Ryan says with an air of triumph at a perfectly good explanation

"Well as I'm sure you already know since you're lawyers we will be calling you in for an official statement right after we check your alibis but until then, I recommend that you don't leave town," he says before handing us his card and walking off.

"Now can we go" Ryan asks but I tell him not yet cause just then I see Nicole being wheeled out of the OR.

"Sir the surgery was a success but I have to ask the both of you to take it easy for some time. No strenuous exercise for he time being. Also I'd recommend calling this 'Isaac' fellow. She kept muttering his name in the OR so he must be important to her" The doctor says before rushing off to attend to some other patients.

"Great, we've seen that your girlfriend is is okay, so now can we go" Ryan says impatiently and I almost object until I see some police officers coming down the hall and searching for someone who is probably me so I agree quite enthusiastically because I do remember a certain raven-haired beauty promising to arrest me and I plan to at least watch her try.

As we finally make it out of the hospital Ryan turns to me and says "You owe me one cause you don't know how many costume shops I had to visit to find a costume that fit me. Also if you tell anyone about this I will murder you"

"That's fine with me as long as you get us out of here" I say as we peel off leaving a couple of frustrated officers in our wake as they discover their punctured tires courtesy of Ryan.