
Behind bars

Ryan was trying to built a prison with the government budget. But will he make good prison or will he make a prison not even fit for death row prisoners?

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Prison building

Ryan, wanted to start a new prison. The theme of the new prison was forgiveness in which that the prisoner were given a privilege like food and water. However, if the prisoner were to step a bit out of line, the prisoners would be thrown into depths of hell.

So for starter, like any good prison, there should be some cell. So Ryan, builds more private cells with only a single holding cell. While the yard would had some hedge maze to make sure the prisoners would had some hard time to escape the premise. There was also a big canteen with a shower rooms. Comparing to the previous prison that he had ever build it was like a paradise.

While for the solitary confinement room would be just rooms surrounding the center of all the suffering, execution room. In the middle of execution room would be an electric chair.

While Ryan was building the execution room, the investor of this prison was calling Ryan, telling him to reduce the meal quantity and variation for saving money. Ryan definitely refuses the order from the investor as he wanted to create paradise for well-behaved prisoner. Since Ryan had refused the order from the investor, the investor started pestering him by calling every single day.

The prison doesn't had any electricity. So in turn, the prisoner was eating in the dark at night. This was actually what his normal prison would looks like. The generator was never being built due to the tight budget so for his prison, having electricity would be like a gift from the god.