

The change of mood of their Alpha, didn't escape the attention of the Night Shade pack. It was a joyful celebration, that they all knew, but this wasn't the first, tenth, or hundredth time they were celebrating their fellow wolves finding their other half. In every celebration, their Alpha was happy for them, but this time was different. There wasn't any sadness in his eyes, there wasn't a forced, or pained, smile formed on his lips, there was no pretentious happiness. He was happy, truly happy, and that created whispers all around, even from those outside his pack who had just come to take their mate. They might not have been part of the Night Shade, but they didn't need to. The Night Shade pack was known as the best pack all over the country, and part of the top three over the world. Apart from the Royal Moon pack of course, no pack can beat the royalties. As if the pack alone wasn't enough, their Alpha sure made an impact. Feared by other, loved by his pack members, Orion Starrk was, short of a better term, a legend to all

"He's practically flying over the moon right now"

"I know, right"

"But, I'm glad he is"

Julian looked at his mate, tenderly, with a smile

"Same here" she replied

He squeezed her waist slightly. They held each other gazes for a while before returning them back to Orion

"I hope his happiness remains permanent" Chloe said

"Of course. It surely will"

He kissed the top of her head

Orion went up the steps, to the center of the stage, regally and flowing with authority. Just the sight of respect, commanded respect from every wolf in the room. Automatically, the murmured disappeared

"Good evening to all. I trust you've had a lovely time" he started, his voice coating the air with command. Murmurs of agreement came around, before silence descended back

"We are here to celebrate our brothers and sisters who have found their mates. As it's always done, they'll be transferred over, but to those who wish to stay, you're are more than welcome to. As long as your Alpha agrees. Enjoy, and congratulation"

He left the stage

'Not now?' Julian asked

'Not now' Orion confirmed, 'It doesn't hurt to be be careful'

'Since she's human'

Orion nodded even though he couldn't be seen

'I'll tell them when members of the other packs are gone. I don't want to take any risk' he said

'Understandable. Chloe and I are heading in for the night'

'Isn't the Alpha supposed to head in before the Beta?' Orion asked with a smile on his lips

'Good night' Julian said and cut off the link

۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞

Samantha signed as she leaned back against her chair, she was finally done for today. She shut down everything, took a brief glanced at the empty seat beside her office and went down

"Bye, Samantha" the security guard greeted as she passed him

"Have a lovely night, Tom" she said

She was about to start her journey to where her car was parked when she was stopped by a horn. She looked at the direction and smiled. She waved as she approached the car

"Hi" she said

"Hi" Sean replied

She chuckled

"Have you been waiting for long?" she asked as she went to the passenger side

"Not quite" he answered also entering the car

She yawned, finding the most comfortable position

"Did you eat lunch?"

"Breakfast. With Cole and others"


"The new friend I told you I made. She came with company"

"You make friends easily"

"Now, you sound like Diana"

"We came out for the same womb"

"Oh, is that so? Thank you for the valuable piece of information. I'll be sure to keep it to heart" Samantha mocked

Sean smiled

"How was it? The meeting with your new friends"

She was about to say something normal before her mind went to the man who sat at her front, Orion

"Strange" she confessed


She looked at Sean for a while, before she gave a small smile

"It's nothing. What's for dinner? I'm hungry" she said, subtly changing the topic

"Do you want to eat out or at home?" Sean asked

"At home, with ordered food" she replied

"Combination of both. Nice" he noted

"In other word, Perfect Balance" she said

He looked at her, then they both laughed

"What would you like?"


Sean looked at her, knowingly. She responded with a smile of her own

After a couple more minutes, they reached their destination

"I'm going in first" Samantha said

"Make the order, then" Sean told her

She gave him a thumbs up, not looking back, as she made her way into the house, while Sean parked the car

She smiled as she hit the call button

"Hello, I'd like to place an order for spaghetti. The usual" she gave the address and hung, not waiting for the receiver to say a word. Sean entered just as she finished setting the table


"Yup" she said, sitting down

Couple of minutes passed, and their order was finally here. Ryan glared at her as he entered

"My restaurant is probably the only one that delivers, and I'm the only boss who delivers instead of my employees" he said, also finding a place on the floor

"I don't think boss is the right word to use" Samantha said

Sean nodded

"CEO. Boss makes you sound like a gangster. And the world is large, your restaurant isn't probably the only one" he said, and received a jab from Ryan

Samantha chuckled

"How was the car hunting?" she asked

"Cole-ish" Ryan replied

"With Diana?" Sean asked

"Yeah" he replied

Sean nodded

"What of Lee? Ryan asked

"He's still at work. Had some work left to do?" Sean answered

"And you?"


"Why are you here?"

"He can do it by himself"

"If you guys ever start fighting over full ownership, I'm taking Lee's side"

"Same here" Samantha agreed

"Well then, you both had better wait for our next lives, Ain't happening in this life" Sean said, digging into his food

Two for them laughed, following suit