
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Victor's Displeasure

Now it was time for Julius to show his affection. He sat next to Amelia and said:

"If you're sleepy, lie down on my lap and sleep."

Amelia was about to rest her head when she suddenly saw a big worm on his lap and screamed loudly:


Hearing the scream, Julius picked up the worm, determined if it was edible, and then tossed it to Victor. Then he said:

"Don't be afraid, with me here, you'll be safe."

Although she was very scared, Amelia felt somewhat relieved after hearing his gentle voice. Once she saw there were no more creatures on his lap, she dared to lie down.

On the other hand, Victor didn't mind the worm. As long as the creature wasn't poisonous, he would eat it. He threw the worm next to the fire to roast it before eating.

At this moment, he noticed Amelia's palms. These hands clearly hadn't done any heavy work since she arrived. He asked:

"This fire definitely wasn't started by you, right?"

Amelia knew these people were highly capable and couldn't lie. She nodded and replied:

"That's right, I don't know how to start a fire. I was just wandering around at night and happened to find this fire here without anyone around, so I stayed."

Hearing this, Victor could only curse in his heart:

"Useless! With this level of survival skill, it's a wonder you've lived this long. But if you stick with that man, he probably won't let you die. After all, while you might be useless in terms of survival, your beauty is top-notch."

However, out of respect for Julius, he didn't scold Amelia directly.

As for Julius, his expression showed no disdain. Instead, he gently said:

"From now on, leave the heavy tasks to me."

Amelia was delighted and said:

"Thank you so much."

She used to be wealthy, and a beloved daughter in her family, so she never had to do any difficult tasks. Obviously, she didn't know how to do them and didn't want to.

After all, not every wealthy person is as crazy as Victor. His strange set of skills, in times of peace and modern society, besides making videos to earn money, seemed to be good for nothing else.

Seeing the two of them being affectionate made Victor's eyes itch with irritation, but he said nothing. Now that someone else was with them, they had to act properly to appear trustworthy. If they acted like two madmen as before, who would dare to trust their leadership?

Number One sat watching the show, not fully understanding it but finding it amusing. When it came to matters of love, he was clueless. He knew about it but had no feelings about it, as his personality was unlike that of a normal person from the start.

And so the three went to sleep, with one person zoning out until the sun just began to rise. He then said:

"The sun is up, time to go hunting."

At his call, the other two immediately woke up, but Amelia was still asleep. Julius saw this and gently woke her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and said:

"You guys are up so early? Is there anything to eat? I'm starving."

Number One and Victor's mouths twitched, while Julius didn't know what to say. Victor cursed inwardly:

"What the fuck! Besides being pretty and cute, what does Julius see in this girl? She's treating survival like a picnic, asking for food as soon as she opens her eyes. Damn it! She doesn't work but just demands to eat. If it weren't for Julius, I'd definitely make her earn her keep through alliances or resources."

Number One also found this girl incredibly strange, thinking:

"Haiz, she doesn't seem like my girl, does she? Well, it's true, from the beginning, gods' personalities weren't like humans. And I never paid much attention to ordinary people back in the day since we were so different."

Julius felt it was inappropriate to say nothing, so he said:

"Don't go hunting, it's dangerous. Stay here and do what you can. If not, just sit here. Leave the hunting to me."

Victor took a deep breath to control his frustration. However, he wasn't angry at Julius but at Amelia. He was annoyed because she had become an unnecessary burden on the person he respected.

If Amelia were a bit more diligent, even if she did a terrible job, Victor wouldn't be angry. At least she'd be contributing something, and with a positive attitude, she could improve over time.

But since this was out of his control, he said:

"Let's go quickly; I'm getting a bit hungry too."

Suddenly, Amelia said:

"Is there any water? I'm very thirsty."

Victor wanted to punch her but managed to keep his composure.

Having observed for some time, Number One knew what Victor hated the most. He pulled Victor to a relatively distant spot and said:

"I understand what you hate. You hate useless people, right?"

Seeing that Number One understood him so well, Victor felt a bit less annoyed. He said:

"Isn't she just pretty? Acting like she's so valuable. Doesn't she see that Julius is as handsome as any actor from the old world? It drives me crazy. I hate seeing useless people more than enemies. Especially those who don't realize they're useless."

Number One nodded and said:

"I understand, but I believe Julius wouldn't do anything foolish because of her."

Victor nodded and then they both returned. When they got back, they saw Amelia asking:

"Where did you get this water?"

Julius replied:

"I got it from a stream quite far from here."

Amelia asked again:

"So, it must have been purified, right?"

Julius shook his head and said:

"We lack the tools and time to purify it right now."

Hearing this, Amelia's face changed, feeling nauseous but with nothing to throw up due to ability to convert anything edible into energy.

Victor, who had just calmed down, felt the urge to hit someone again but was held back by Number One. Victor asked:

"I thought you couldn't interact with physical matter?"

Number One replied:

"I can if I try, otherwise, it's as you've seen before."

Hearing this, Victor didn't ask more as the abilities of gods were beyond his current understanding.

At that moment, he turned to see Julius holding water in his mouth and coaxing her to drink by transferring it mouth-to-mouth. The scene made Victor feel like his body was turning to stone and shattering into pieces.