
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Stanley and Edric

At this moment, the four of them were preparing to set off in search of new members. Initially, Number One thought that to be fair, everyone should be spread out rather than grouped together. Moreover, those who were close to each other might not necessarily be from the same country but were randomly assigned.

Therefore, the current group of three already belonged to three different countries, and the fourth person was not necessarily a citizen of the same country.

Julius called out to Amelia:

"Open your box to store the meat inside."

Amelia looked at him in confusion, not realizing she had any box to keep. This confusion was partly because Number One hadn't provided complete information, thinking he had said enough and the rest should be figured out by everyone themselves.

Seeing her puzzled expression, Julius understood that she didn't know about the box's existence, so he explained:

"You just need to think about the box in your mind. Each person has a total of ten boxes, it's the Bag section in the status."

Hearing this, Amelia finally understood how to use it. She immediately summoned a transparent box in front of her and then asked:

"What should I do next?"

Julius placed her rabbit into the box and said:

"Just do it like this and then think about storing it, and it will disappear on its own. Whenever you want to check what's inside the box, just look at the status."

Amelia then followed Julius's instructions and tried storing the box. The box suddenly disappeared into thin air. She cheerfully said:

"Does this mean I have superpowers?"

Julius nodded and replied:

"That's right. But now we need to get going quickly."

Amelia nodded and said:

"I hope I can find my parents. Julius, do you worry about your parents?"

Mentioning parents caused both Julius and Victor to freeze for a moment. It wasn't because of memories or worries but because they thought family members were relatively trustworthy. If they joined forces, it would be beneficial.

Julius pondered for a moment and said:

"A bit, but I can't change anything. This is a fair competition, and survival depends on strength and luck. I can't change anything, haiz."

He sighed, his face showing sorrow and loss, and then walked ahead. Seeing this, Amelia followed behind to comfort him.

The two people standing there found it amusing; they gave Julius a thumbs up and said:

"Great performance."

Obviously, they spoke very quietly, so Amelia couldn't hear them.

The truth was that Julius was indeed acting. He was a man of principles, and the principle he valued most was fairness. Only by treating everyone fairly could the people trust him and follow him to develop the dynasty.

Fairness here meant not favoring close acquaintances but valuing those who made significant contributions and had higher value to society. 

However, he also needed to create opportunities for anyone to rise. The next generation continuing the progress of the previous one would ensure the sustainable development of the dynasty.

Although he currently favored Amelia more than the others, he was definitely thinking of ways to compensate so that no one would feel dissatisfied with him. 

After all, his ambition was the most important thing to him, even more than his own life, so he would undoubtedly prioritize it.

The four of them randomly chose a direction and started walking. After some time, they saw two men sitting together.

An old man and a middle-aged man, both didn't look foolish. Victor began observing them closely to evaluate them. He thought:

"The middle-aged man looks decent, possibly an intellectual. His body is in good shape, not weak or useless. But the old man is very special; he has various herbs around him. These must be newly found and not from Earth. To gather these in such a short time, he must have specialized knowledge in this field. But why does a doctor have the eyes of a warrior? This case is indeed special, but he must be a talent."

Seeing a group of four approaching, the two men became cautious. The old man spoke first:

"I am Stanley Floyd. Are you perhaps looking for companions?"

Stanley, being someone still active on a real battlefield despite his age, was not an ordinary person.

As soon as he made contact, he noticed two pairs of eyes scrutinizing and analyzing him. He felt from those two the same sensation as from a leader searching for talents.

At this moment, Julius was different from when he was being affectionate with Amelia or chatting idly with the others. His demeanor and mannerisms were completely serious, embodying a true leader. In short, he looked incredibly trustworthy and immediately captivating.

He nodded and replied:

"My name is Julius Kang. Would you both be willing to have a private conversation?"

Stanley looked at the middle-aged man and nodded. The man followed suit and said:

"My name is Edric Brooks. Let's step aside and talk for a bit."

Julius nodded, then turned to Amelia and Number One, saying:

"You two wait here while we talk."

Amelia obediently nodded, understanding that she couldn't act recklessly in such chaotic times. As for Number One, though slightly displeased, he had no other choice. He was participating mainly for fun, as an observer rather than a main actor. He thought:

"I guess I'll have to use a bit of my ability, otherwise, with this weak incarnation, I'm no different from an old man. I can't hear anything from here."

He then used his ability to change his perspective, allowing him to closely observe their conversation.

The four of them walked a bit further to a relatively distant spot when Victor introduced himself:

"I am Victor Raven, a strategist. Could you both detail what you've done previously?"

Since Stanley was older, he was given priority to speak first. He said:

"I don't have a specific job, just an old man who picked up a gun to defend the homeland."

Hearing this, Victor understood why he had the impression that the old man resembled a true warrior. It turned out he really had participated in battlefields, and from his skin color, Victor could guess which battlefield he had been on.