
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Make hats and cloaks

Julius and Victor searched for a while, found some silex stones, and then stopped. They don't eat rock anyway, so they don't need much.

After getting enough stones, Julius said:

"Hey, let's find something to use as a temporary weapon. After all, if you want to hunt wild animals, you need a weapon. Using your bare hands can easily hurt you."

Victor considered for a moment, then picked up a stone from the ground and said:

"For now, just use rocks to fight. It takes time to make proper weapons, and we don't have a permanent place to live yet. By the way, can you sleep sitting up?

Julius didn't know why he was asking this, but he knew how to do it. He nodded and replied:

"I know, but what if I sleep sitting up?"

Victor was surprised that Julius actually knew. He smiled and said:

"Ha ha, what kind of life do you normally live like? Sleeping sitting is not as comfortable as lying down."

This question is not unusual, so Julius explained:

"It's because I saw a monk doing that before so I followed suit. I just simply thought that we are all human, if he can do it then I can probably do it too so let's try. But I didn't expect that after trying it for a few days, I could actually do it. What about you? Hearing you ask like that, I'm sure you already know."

Victor nodded and said:

"Um, but the reason is different from yours. I just thought that if I slept, it would be difficult to get up to fight, so I learned to sleep sitting up to make it easier to react when being sneakily attacked."

When Julius heard that, the corner of his mouth twitched and he cursed in his heart:

"Damn it, are you training to be a strategist or are you training to be a warrior?"

In this case, he can only give a thumbs up and say:

"I admire you. You clearly live in a time of peace and your family is not short of money, but you make me think you are in a war zone."

When Victor heard that, he waved his hand and smiled:

"Ha ha, such a compliment. But the correction is that I am a strategist, not a warrior."

Julius also gave up, he nodded and said:

"Okay, you can do whatever you like. But you still haven't answered why you suddenly asked that."

Victor also realized that the two of them were discussing the wrong topic, so he said:

"I asked because it's easier to find a place to sleep sitting up. You just need to find somewhere open and with few insects. Also, I want to find a palm tree to make a hat and cloak to keep out the rain."

Julius was now even more surprised by this person, he exclaimed:

"You really know a lot of things."

Victor smiled and said:

"What is this? When we gather enough people and have a good place, I will try to create TNT explosives. Then everything will be much easier."

Julius said in surprise:

"Do you know how to do that too?"

Julius's word 'also' surprised Victor. He nodded and said:

"Looks like we're both not very normal."

Julius nodded and said:

"What normal person in modern society would want to be an emperor and a strategist? Moreover, it's so serious. Let's go find the palm tree. Palm trees often grow in places with fertile soil and water, so perhaps there is a possibility of it around here."

After that, the two of them set out to search. Luckily, they saw the palm tree not long after. Julian said:

"I already have a palm tree, but how can I turn it into a hat and a cloak?"

Victor thought for a moment then said:

"You help me make rope so I have something to tie them together. As for how to tie it, I will show you later."

Julius nodded and went with Victor to look for materials to make rope. The necessary raw materials are climbing plants or trees with durable bark to get fibers. They needed a tree that could provide long, soft fibers to make rope.

They were in a tropical forest and there were many types of trees, so they could quickly find the right tree.

After choosing the tree, Julius said:

"If we don't have a knife, we'll have to use some sharp-edged rocks."

Victor nodded and replied:

"That's the only way, there's no other choice right now."

Then they went to find stones that met the requirements and began to peel and separate the fibers. Care must be taken during this process so as not to excessively damage the rope.

Next, they use stones to gently press the newly removed strings. This helps smooth and make the ropes stronger and easier to use later.

After preparing the yarn, Victor asked:

"Hey, do you know how to tie a rope?"

Julius snorted:

"Huh, looking down on someone. Maybe I don't know as many things as you do, but it's not so much that I don't know even this little thing."

Victor nodded and said:

"That's good, hurry up so I can finish it before it gets dark."

Then the two of them started the final step to create the rope. They tied the ropes together using their rope tying skills to create ropes.

It took a while for the two of them to finally make some ropes. Julius took the ropes and gave them to Victor and let him do the rest.

At this time the two of them returned to the palm tree's place and Victor began to show off his handicraft skills.

Number One also observed the two of them until now and found it extremely interesting, he thought:

"Looking at these two people makes me want to come down and join in the fun. But what should I say to make them agree? Well, wait a little longer, if these two are so interesting, I will definitely go down and help them. I think Victor is also very interesting, but his goal is not to be emperor, so he can't be chosen."

Making these things with someone without experience would take a lot of time, but it took Victor just over an hour to make things for both of them.

The aesthetic aspect is also very good, and it is also extremely sturdy and guaranteed to be usable. As for the movements, it's not like doing it haphazardly but really having experience.

Julius could only give a thumbs up and say:

"You're really too professional. It's not like you've never done this before."

Victor said:

"I once took a leaf crafts class."

Hearing that, Julius felt confused and asked:

"Didn't you say you don't go to school?"

Victor nodded then gave the wide-brimmed hat and cloak to Julius. He said:

"It's true that I don't go to school, but just don't go to university. As for some life skills and survival classes and some military classes, we've done them all. Take your things."


Julius was now truly convinced, he saw that Victor was even crazier than him. If these two crazy people go together, perhaps one day they will create some big waves in this world.