
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Learn about two people

When Julius learned about Stanley's past deeds, he was very surprised. It's important to know that in the modern world, the number of people who participate in the battlefield is very small. However, Stanley was quite special, so Julius asked:

"The plants you're holding must be herbs, right? Although I don't remember their names, I've seen their relatives before. Finding them in such a short time suggests you might be a doctor or something similar, right?"

Stanley was astonished by the young man in front of him, both his demeanor and observational skills were exceptional. He replied:

"That's right, I am indeed a doctor."

However, Victor, feeling a bit curious, asked:

"Why do you, a doctor, give me the impression of a real warrior?"

Stanley didn't expect Victor to sense such things. He nodded and said:

"I am a doctor, but I rush to the battlefield to provide timely treatment for the wounded. On the battlefield, those who are severely injured are likely to die if not treated in time. Additionally, by directly participating in the battlefield, I am also capable of killing the enemy."

Julius felt something was off and asked:

"Do you have a medical degree? Or are you a military doctor?"

Stanley shook his head and replied:

"Does saving people require a degree? On the battlefield, the best thing is just being able to save people. But because I don't have a degree, I can go to the battlefield instead of being in the medical department. As for the medicines I use, they are either things I picked up on the battlefield or various herbs I know have healing properties. I don't know whether I belong to Eastern medicine, Western medicine, or something else. But I can assure you that I know how to save people and how to perform bullet extractions."

Julius and Victor were extremely surprised upon hearing this. At this moment, they both thought:

"Impressive. Another monster."

Calling the old man a monster wasn't an exaggeration. A person who hadn't gone through formal education but knew such things was really quite remarkable. Julius said:

"If you didn't go through formal education, where did you learn these things?"

Stanley responded:

"Of course, I read them in books. During the war, bookstores were destroyed, and I went there to find medical books to read. As for practical experience, I just helped anyone I saw who was injured."

Hearing this lack of practical experience, Julius asked:

"How long did you study? And how many times have you practiced?"

Stanley thought for a moment and then said:

"I read books very quickly, remembering all the important content in just a few days. As for practice, there was no shortage of wounded people on the battlefield. Though I don't remember the exact number, I have saved over a thousand people."

Upon hearing this, Victor's eyes revealed a greedy light. He thought:

"A genius, this is truly a genius. This treasure has great potential. A warrior who taught himself how to save people and has saved over a thousand lives. This is a treasure trove."

Stanley was startled by Victor's gaze and thought:

"Is this a joke? What's with that look? These two kids are really scary, not ordinary people at all."

At this moment, Julius asked the other person:

"Edric, what did you do before, and what knowledge do you possess?"

Finally getting his turn, Edric replied:

"I used to be the director of a small bank. As for knowledge, aside from finance, I don't have anything particularly special. My ability to survive is thanks to his teachings."

Julius nodded and thought:

"Finance, huh? Right now, the kingdom hasn't formed, so finance doesn't seem important, but in the future, it will be essential. This person is worth inviting to join."

Victor shared the same thoughts. As a member of a wealthy family, he naturally understood the importance of finance to society.

Julius then asked Stanley:

"I see you are a patriot. How do you define a nation? Is it the place where your people live? Or the land where your ancestors lived for generations?"

Stanley was taken aback by this question. Throughout his life, he had always heard of the homeland but never of its specific definition. However, he always had something he called a homeland and understood what it meant. He said:

"Both, the homeland is the land where our ancestors lived for a long time, and it is also the place where our people currently reside."

This answer was ordinary, so Julius asked further:

"So, do you think your old country was a good place? I want an honest answer."

Stanley thought carefully about his experiences and said:

"To be honest, every country in the world has its flaws. At least up until now, I haven't seen a perfect nation. However, overall, the strengths always outweigh the weaknesses. That's also the reason why a nation is formed."

Everyone nodded, understanding this. Then Julius said:

"As you can see, the land of your ancestors no longer exists because the Endless World is not Earth. Your people are now scattered everywhere, and no one knows exactly where they are. So, would you two like to join me in creating a kingdom where everyone can live the best life?"

Both Edric and Stanley were startled by Julius's statement. They knew this young man was extraordinary, but they didn't think his ambitions would be this grand. Edric asked:

"Do you want to be an emperor? But in modern society, most countries are no longer monarchies. Is that really a good idea?"

This was also Stanley's question; he too wanted to know the answer from the young man in front of him.

Julius merely smiled and replied:

"Exactly. I do want to be an emperor. But do you know why modern society gradually lacks the presence of monarchies? It's because good emperors can't live forever. A good emperor doesn't guarantee that their descendants will be good. That's why dynasties collapse over time. But in this world, it's different. As long as I reach the ninth level, I can be an eternal emperor, perpetually developing the dynasty without worrying about incompetent successors."

The two were taken aback upon hearing this. They had never considered this issue, but Julius was right. No matter how capable an emperor was, no matter how respected they were, on Earth, they had yet to find a way to live forever and rule the kingdom.