
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Julius in Love?

Upon hearing Amelia's question, Julius didn't rush to respond but instead assigned the next task to Victor. Naturally understanding the intention, he asked:

"What skills do you have?"

Amelia hesitated for a moment before saying:

"I… I'm not sure."

Victor didn't show any sign of disappointment. Not being sure didn't mean she had none. He asked another question:

"So, what did you do before?"

Amelia responded:

"I was an internet celebrity. Although you two might not know me, I have millions of followers."

Victor could clearly sense the boastfulness in her words, but this information wasn't what he needed. Being famous on the internet could mean many things, so he didn't know what field she belonged to. He asked:

"Could you be more specific? Like, what kind of videos did you usually make?"

Hearing this, Amelia replied proudly:

"I made dance videos. I dance very good, and many people love my videos."

Although a bit disappointed, it wasn't to the extent of being useless, so Victor said:

"Wait for us to discuss this a bit. The situation is difficult right now, so please understand."

In reality, Victor was lying to have an excuse to discuss outside. Currently, they were entirely capable of supporting a dozen people.

Number One and Julius also understood the intention, so they nodded. Julius then said to the girl:

"Rest assured and wait here. A beautiful girl like you, of course, I will try my best to help. It's just that the situation is a bit difficult, so we need to discuss to avoid displeasing others."

Hearing Julius' warm and friendly voice, Amelia felt much more at ease. Then the three of them moved to a secluded corner far from her and began their discussion. Victor spoke first:

"I see that although she is a burden at the moment, she will be useful in the future. We can use her to form alliances with other forces. Especially with a leader who is a womanizer, he will definitely be lured."

Is he ruthless? Is he heartless? Saying so is both right and wrong. His behavior of treating others as necessary items makes it hard to call him a good person. But remember, Amelia was entirely incapable of surviving alone in the forest. If they didn't save her, she would likely die soon.

To develop a force from nothing to a point where they can consider forming alliances would take many years. Victor, helping someone who was supposed to die early and live comfortably for many years, must be considered extremely kind-hearted.

Number One also nodded and said:

"Indeed, a brilliant strategist. Such a far-sighted vision, enduring temporary hardship for a bright future. This investment is not a loss at all. Victor is the best!"

Being praised by Number One, especially in the capacity of a skilled strategist, made Victor feel elated. He smiled and said:

"Haha, you exaggerate, but of course, I am a good strategist."

Victor wasn't easily flattered, but the person praising him was special. Being praised by Number One held great significance for him.

However, at this moment, their leader's eyes were vacant, staring into an indeterminate space as if pondering something. Then suddenly, he said:

"That won't do, I want her to be my wife."

His words struck like a bolt of lightning, startling the other two. Victor with a surprised tone, said:

"Are you joking? Snap out of it, don't let lust cloud your eyes. Remember that only ambition is eternal, our ambition is the most important thing."

But Julius shook his head and said:

"From the first glance, I felt there was something special about her. After watching her for a while, I realized I truly love her. This must be what people call love at first sight."

The two of them were wide-eyed with astonishment, seeing that Julius didn't seem to be joking. Victor frowned and asked:

"Are you sure you really want this?"

Julius nodded and said:

"Yes, I want her to be my wife, to be the one I love and cherish. But rest assured, I won't forget our ambition because it is always the most important."

Victor couldn't understand why his friend was acting this way, but perhaps this was what they called love. He sighed and said:

"Ah well, it's up to you. I've never experienced this kind of love, so I don't know what it's like."

Hearing this, Julius laughed and said:

"So, it turns out you've been single for a long time."

Number One patted Victor's shoulder and consoled him:

"No need to feel down, I haven't had a wife in billions of years."

Victor snorted at this:

"Hmph, I'm not single because I can't find someone. I've been busy learning skills. I'm so handsome, with a muscular body, and my family is wealthy. There's no shortage of people who want to be my girlfriend. And you, you're a god, not even the same species as me. Why do you need human love?"

Number One replied:

"But I was once human, a long time ago."

Victor not being a fool, said:

"That doesn't change anything. You might have been human once, but your nature has always been godlike. Otherwise, you wouldn't have had the qualifications to become a god."

Unexpectedly, Victor could guess this. Number One smiled and said:

"Haha, I didn't think you'd figure that out. I really want to give you a gift."

Victor immediately shook his head and said:

"No need. The opportunity you gave me is enough for me to be grateful for life. I won't accept anything else."

First it was Julius, and now Victor. Number One found this very amusing and laughed:

"Haha, you two madmen are very similar. Both of you suit me well."

Julius, remembering that Number One had said something similar to him and received the same response as Victor, laughed and said:

"Alright, let's head back. Amelia is waiting for us."

He quickly ran back to his newfound love, with Number One following. Victor watched Julius's back, lost in thought for a moment before following after them. No one knew what he was thinking, as Number One had turned off his mind-reading ability.

Seeing Julius approach, Amelia asked:

"Can I come with you?"

Julius gave her a warm smile, like the sun warming all creatures, and said:

"Don't worry, stay by my side from now on. I'll take care of you."

Amelia was mesmerized by his smile. After all, he was just as handsome as Victor, only lacking the muscular build because he didn't train like Victor.

By this time, the other two had also arrived. Julius said:

"She seems tired, so let's rest here for today. We'll continue our journey to find others tomorrow."

Amelia feeling his concern, smiled and said:

"Thank you."