
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Julius and Amelia

Seeing the scene before him, Number One decided to retract his previous statement:

"Forget what I said earlier. When in love, Julius can really do some stupid things."

However, Victor didn't show any disdain toward Julius and said:

"It's alright, I still believe in my friend."

Now, it was Victor's blind faith that puzzled Number One. He could only say:

"Well, I'll just join for the fun of it. You two are the main players here, so I can't give much advice."

After finishing his water, Julius walked over to the two of them, smiled, and said:

"Let's go hunting."

They nodded and began their search for forest animals. Although there were many forest creatures, their exact location was unknown.

After wandering around for a while, they finally spotted a group of rabbits. Victor said:

"Now, we'll surround them from three directions to catch the rabbits. Setting traps would take too much time, and we don't have any with us right now. Besides, the three of us are skilled and agile, so the rabbits won't escape. Oh, Number One, can you join us?"

Number One sought permission for a moment and, after getting it, said:

"Sure, it's just catching rabbits. It's not a big deal, so I can join."

Hearing this, Julius asked:

"And how's the strength of this incarnation?"

Number One replied:

"Overall, it's slightly weaker than you, but it's still sufficient."

Once everything was arranged, the three of them surrounded the rabbits from three directions and slowly approached. When they got close enough, Victor signaled everyone to speed up and catch the rabbits.

The rabbits, sensing danger, scattered in all directions. Julius initially missed his catch but made a decisive leap to grab one.

Victor struggled a bit but, being more skilled, managed to catch two rabbits. Number One, on the other hand, effortlessly caught two.

Victor looked at Number One and marveled:

"How did you do that?"

Number One said:

"Simple, just predict their exact movement direction, and catching them becomes very easy."

Julius shook his head and said:

"But you didn't say how to predict their direction."

Number One then gave them some guidance:

"You just need enough real combat experience. Later, after the barrier's effect wears off, if you fight monsters continuously for decades, even in a child's body, you'll catch at least one."

The two nodded, acknowledging their lack of real combat experience. However, in their modern society, battlefields were scarce, and there was no reason to go to them, so they hadn't. But if what Number One said was true, they would have to fight a lot in the future.

Julius said:

"Let's go back. This is enough for two people to eat. For now, I won't eat until we have a surplus of food. Besides, Victor needs to level up quickly."

Victor saw that his friend was still as trustworthy as before, so he said:

"Thank you. These rabbits are quite big, so each one probably gives 1 exp."

Number One nodded and said:

"About that. That girl probably only needs one rabbit from Julius to be full, so the two rabbits I caught are for Victor. Remember to eat well and grow strong."

Julius laughed out loud:

"Pfft, ha ha ha. If I didn't see it, I'd think an old man was taking care of a little kid."

Although Victor's mouth twitched a bit, he didn't refuse. He said:

"Alright, I'll take them. This should be enough to eat in one day."

Suddenly, Julius remembered something and reminded:

"If rabbit meat isn't processed correctly, it can smell pretty bad. Can you really eat it?"

Victor laughed and said:

"That's not a problem. Just pinch your nose while eating, and bad food will taste normal, while good food will also taste normal. But I can eat it without pinching my nose. Don't underestimate my endurance; I've been through much harsher training."

Hearing this, Julius could only give a thumbs up and say:

"I must say, you are a unique strategist, rare and hard to find, once in a thousand years. At least, I've never heard of anyone like that."

Then the three of them went back with their spoils—five fairly large rabbits.

Amelia saw them return and ran out to check, but when she saw the adorable rabbits they were holding, she was startled. She asked:

"Are you planning to feed me this? How could you possibly slaughter such cute rabbits?"

Victor looked at her with a gaze that screamed 'fool' and said:

"If we don't eat this, then what? If you prefer eating bugs, go ahead. There's no shortage of them here."

Although she didn't want to eat bugs, she insisted:

"But shouldn't we love animals? Animals are friends, not food."

Victor replied:

"If you like, you can pick leaves to eat. I guarantee they are edible, but you'll probably need about 10 kilograms to get enough energy to survive the day. And remember to roast them to kill most of the bacteria. Besides, if we ever run into a tiger cub, leopard cub, or bear cub, I'll let you play with them. Let's see how long you last before they gobble you up."

Hearing this, Amelia shuddered and ran to Julius for protection. He didn't blame her for this, saying:

"Don't blame her. She's just come from modern society and isn't used to this yet. She'll get used to it gradually. Don't hold it against her. And if you don't want to eat, then I can't help it. After all, in the forest, you can't always get what you want."

Amelia nodded and said:

"I... I will eat."

Victor, hearing this, felt like exploding. He cursed inwardly:

"Damn it, if you don't eat, I'll eat. It's not like anyone's forcing you. You're driving me crazy."

Number One watched this scene with amazement and said to Victor:

"Let her be. If she can make Julius fall in love with her, she must have some skills. Just eat your share; after all, she gets one, you get four."

Number One's words made Victor feel a bit better. He nodded and said:

"Alright, let's give her some more time to adjust."

But Julius's next words left the two of them, or rather one person and one god, in shock. He patted her head and said:

"Just live in a way that makes you comfortable; you don't need to change anything. I'll take care of everything."

Hearing this, Amelia hugged and kissed him in front of the two who were 'petrified.'