
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

He Will Always Be Himself

Seeing Julius behaving differently than before, Number One pulled Victor to a secluded corner and asked:

"Hey, don't you think he's acting a bit different from before? Ever since he met Amelia, he's been this serious guy to the world but so gentle with her."

Victor laughed at Number One's observation and replied:

"Haha, you can read his mind, can't you? Why don't you do it?"

Number One shook his head and said:

"That's no fun. So, what do you think about this?"

Victor just smiled and responded:

"Just remember that he will always be Julius Kang, the one we know. No matter what happens, his nature doesn't change."

Hearing that, Number One seemed to understand and nodded:

"Oh, I get it. I thought my chosen one had become foolish because of love."

Victor found this amusing and said:

"Haha, he has indeed become foolish because of love, not just your imagination."

With that, he left, leaving Number One standing there in a daze. Reflecting on Victor's last words, Number One finally understood the hidden meaning. He laughed and said:

"Haha, my chosen one didn't disappoint me."

Then he ran after Victor. Once they got back, they immediately started roasting a rabbit. As for the method, they simply threw the whole rabbit into the fire and waited until it was cooked.

At this moment, Amelia and Julius had stopped kissing. Seeing the gruesome scene (the rabbit was killed on the spot and then thrown into the fire), Amelia ran to Julius, hugged him, and cried:

"Hic hic, I can't watch this! That image keeps haunting me."

Victor saw this and found Amelia quite stubborn. He thought:

"Why does she seem so stubborn? She's been starving all day without eating, and now she has complaints about food? Is she trying to show off to get his love? It's a bit impressive but quite useless at this moment."

After a while, the rabbit was finally cooked. Victor ate even the burnt part, much to Amelia's astonishment. She buried her face in Julius's chest and said:

"Why does a nobleman like him act so barbaric?"

Victor, while trying to swallow the disgusting-tasting food, was so startled by her words that he almost spat everything out. He thought:

"Damn it, if you don't know how to talk, then shut up. Right now, leveling up is extremely important, so who cares about those useless etiquettes? Besides, I'm not afraid of cancer. With Number One's guarantee, the information is 100% accurate. You better not eat and leave that rabbit for me."

Number One, who was admiring the beauty of determined willpower, feeling a reflection of himself in those times, was also disheartened by Amelia's words. He thought:

"Damn it, people have strong willpower and determination to become powerful because of their ambitions, and you talk like that. If he's a barbarian, then you're worse than a barbarian."

At this moment, Julius had to signal Victor to calm down because if Victor really punched, someone would definitely die. He said:

"Don't say things like that; he's my friend. Look, the meat is cooked now, so go ahead and eat."

Amelia, seeing the 'shadowy' roasted rabbit placed on a leaf, lost her appetite. But her stomach growled, making her feel a bit embarrassed.

Julius patted her head and said:

"You have to try and eat. If you don't, you won't survive for many more days. Getting proper food will take a lot of time, and surviving right now is already difficult."

The warmth in his voice made Amelia resolve to try eating. Julius peeled off the burnt skin and tore off a good piece of meat to feed her.

She took a bite but immediately spat it out and said:

"Is this really meant for people to eat?"

As soon as he heard that, Victor's eyes narrowed, and veins popped on his forehead. Julius saw things were getting out of control and signaled Victor to calm down again.

Fortunately, because of Julius, otherwise Victor's temper would have reached Fire Bullet level, and there would have been a casualty. At that moment, only God could save her, but God was sitting there watching her all this time and also wanted to give her a Fire Bullet.

Julius, seeing she wouldn't eat, started to console her:

"You have to try and eat; otherwise, you will really die. This world is not a game where you can resurrect after dying."

Hearing that, Amelia tried her best to eat, not wanting to die. But she could barely manage to eat half of the rabbit.

Julius sighed and said:

"Have you eaten enough?"

Amelia nodded and said:

"I'm kind of full already. I'll save the rest for later when I get hungry."

Victor, meanwhile, was still shoveling food into his mouth at a high speed. Hearing her talk like a normal person made him feel a bit strange. He thought:

"Is she finally getting smarter? It would've been better if she'd done this sooner. But this progress is acceptable, as long as she doesn't say anything stupid."

Amelia looked at Victor again. Initially, she thought he was some noble young master, but seeing his current eating behavior made her think he came from some underdeveloped tribe.

But it wasn't really Victor's fault. Rabbit meat, if not properly prepared, can be very smelly, so he wanted to eat it as quickly as possible. That's why his actions seemed a bit unrefined, but if he wanted to eat more elegantly, he could.

After eating a bit more than two rabbits, he felt full and said:

"I'm going to train a bit. After all, you can earn 1 exp each day from physical training."

Julius asked Amelia:

"Do you want to train too? If you don't break through, it'll be hard to survive once the protective barrier disappears."

She nodded and said:


She wasn't unfamiliar with physical training since dancing required agility and flexibility. However, she couldn't compare to Evelyn. Evelyn was more like a martial artist; with her body, she couldn't beat Victor but could still win against Julius.

After a few hours of training, they had each earned 1 exp. Now Julius had 22 exp, Victor had 5 exp, and Amelia had only 2 exp.

At this point, Victor said:

"Hey, let's get ready to find more people. With just a few of us, it's hard to accomplish anything significant."

Julius nodded. Despite being lovestruck, he still remembered his ambitions clearly.