
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Find silex stone

Victor saw that his friend was wondering about his definition of a strategist, so he decided to explain in detail:

"What you said is right, normally a strategist is someone who mainly uses stratagems and strategies. But we see that if that's the case, there's a shortcoming: we don't have a way to protect ourselves. If you are unlucky enough to be surrounded by enemy troops when you are alone, you won't know how to fight. A good strategist is someone who must prevent as many bad situations as possible. That's why I decided to become stronger so that even if I'm surrounded, I can still fight the enemy."

Julius's explanation made sense, but it still felt like something was wrong. He thought:

"Sounds reasonable but something is wrong. Ah, that's right. The main factor is time. A person's time is limited, so if you spend it on physical training, you won't have time to learn more knowledge. But this factor is not so important at the present time because life expectancy can increase. Victor may be a crazy guy on earth, but in Endless World he fits in very well."

But he also wanted to express his thoughts, so he said:

"Have you ever thought about the time factor? Each person's time is limited. If you spend all day exercising, what time do you study?

Victor nodded, he had thought about this for a long time. He said:

"I can practice while listening to lectures or books. Whatever it is, my memory is very good, I can do this."

Julius' eyes widened in surprise when he heard that. He exclaimed:

"You really are a monster, I give up on this matter."

Obviously, Victor also knew that he was smart, it was just that unusual ambition that made him drop out of school. But when he was in school, his achievements were still very good. He laughed and said:

"Ha ha, of course, I know I'm very smart. Although I don't know if anyone is better or not, I am definitely far ahead of many people. Hey, I'll eat first now. It's inconvenient to carry a snake."

Julius nodded and said:

"Okay, do you need me to help you find anything?"

Victor thought for a moment then said:

"We just got here not long ago so we don't have a fire starter yet. And fire is essential for survival, so I think we should find silex first."

Julius nodded and said:

"Then let's go look for it."

Victor was stunned for a moment then asked:

"Do you know what silex stone looks like?"

Of course, Julius knew, he had also read a few books about survival in the jungle. He said:

"Usually gray to black in color. It can have streaks of different colors due to different minerals. Furthermore, it has high hardness, am I right?

Victor nodded and exclaimed:

"Well, it seems like you're not quite normal, are you? In modern times, people should buy lighters instead of using this one."

Julius snorted:

"Huh, you're no different from me. Since it is often found in streams, we can temporarily solve the water problem. Before, I was planning to filter the water, but now I don't need it anymore."

When Victor heard that, he was stunned. He didn't understand why there was no need to filter the water. He said:

"I know that with that ring you don't need to eat or drink, but other people aren't like that."

Julius suddenly realized that he hadn't talked about it with Victor yet so he said:

"Ah, sorry. I forgot to tell you two important news. Firstly, most of the leaves in the forest are edible and can help you level up. Second, after leveling up, your body will be in the best condition, so you don't need to worry if you get sick. Furthermore, after leveling up, the immune system also levels up, so it will be more difficult to get sick."

When Victor heard that, his eyes widened in surprise and he asked:

"Are you sure this information is correct?"

Julius now said to Number One:

[Hey, can I reveal it to you?]

[Okay, but I'm Number One, not God.]

[By the way, specifically, what is the rate at which leaves are converted into exp?]

[2000 calories equals 1 exp. This ratio applies to all foods.]

Seeing Julius silent for a while, Victor frowned and asked:

"What is suddenly wrong with you?"

Julius was startled a bit by the call, he said:

"I'm talking to someone at the same level of information. The news is 100% accurate and in this world every 2000 calories of food absorbed will be converted into 1 exp."

Victor frowned and looked at Julius like he was crazy. He asked:

"Are you sick? Or crazy? Is there anyone around here?"

Julius shook his head and said:

"In my head, I have a system called Number One. He can give us some information about this world. He's like the system in the books or movies, but he can only talk and has no quests or rewards."

The existence of the system surprised Victor, but he did not overreact. He said:

"So that's it. After all, if gods exist, it's not strange for the system to exist. It seems like you're lucky to be chosen by someone, so with you, my chances of success have increased."

Julius nodded and said:

"Thanks to that, I have this information, but it's not just me. There are at least a dozen people with a system. I cannot be sure of the exact number."

Hearing that, Victor nodded and said:

"So that will be our opponent, right?"

Julius thought about it for a moment and saw that it was not wrong. After all, his number one and friend is to see who chooses to become the lord of the Endless world, so those other people certainly have similar ambitions as him. He nodded and said:

"That's for sure."

Naturally, having a group of potential opponents makes Victor feel very interesting. He said:

"Then that's interesting. Now let's go find a water source first. If we can restore our body's perfect state, then we don't need to worry anymore. Burning leaves are difficult to swallow, but they don't make it difficult for me. It's just that it's better to hunt animals now because it provides more energy, which can help us level up quickly."

The two of them searched for signs of cool water for a long time and finally found a stream. At this point, they receive the message:

[+ 0.1 exp]

Victor said:

"So you just need to exercise enough to get exp, there are no specific rules about what action to take."

Julius nodded and replied:

"That's good, then while we're hunting we can have enough 1 exp. As for food, trying to get 4 exp a day isn't impossible."

But now the more important thing to do is to find a way to create fire. Victor nodded and said:

"Well, let's go find the silex stone first. Once there's a fire, everything will be fine."