
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Continuing to Find Teammates

Seeing the two still keeping the flint stones in their bags, Number One said:

"You can put the stones in the space provided. Since they are all the same type of item, you can store them all in one box."

Hearing this, the two immediately tried using the Bag feature. After using it, a box made up of blue light that could see the space inside appeared in front of them.

Number One continued:

"Don't worry, you won't lose any items. Just throw everything into that box."

Upon hearing this, the two tried and successfully stored the stones in the box. Suddenly, Victor had an idea and said:

"If we can store water in here as well, right?"

Number One immediately understood what Victor wanted to do. He nodded and said:

"It can store almost everything in Endless World except for gaseous substances."

Hearing this, the two were extremely happy. They naturally understood the crucial role of water for survival. Victor said:

"Flint stones are necessary but we don't need many, so I'll let you keep them. The remaining nineteen boxes will be used to store water. This should hold about 190 liters of water, enough for a long time."

Julius nodded. If he wanted to keep going continuously, water was essential. Although he didn't need it, not everyone had magic rings like him.

The three of them then went to a nearby stream to collect water. Victor also took the opportunity to wash his hands and mouth after eating. He asked:

"How do we collect water? Do we scoop it up like usual?"

Number One frowned at the silly question and said:

"How else? Do you expect the water to fly into the box on its own? Summon two boxes at once, fix one in the air, and use the other to scoop water. It's less tiring than holding both boxes."

The two didn't say much and got straight to work, feeling that survival was becoming a bit easier. Water was plentiful, and food like edible leaves, forest animals, and wild vegetables were everywhere, so there was no need to worry.

Julius said:

"Survival here seems a bit easy. At first, I thought it would be very difficult, but with the Bag feature that can store water and edible leaves, at least we won't have to worry about food and drink."

Victor felt the same way, but Number One thought differently. He said:

"Do you think everyone has this information? Do you think everyone has survival knowledge? Moreover, there are many dangerous creatures that exist here. They are just at level 0, so I haven't pushed them out."

Hearing this, the two nodded. They realized that both of them were not ordinary. Furthermore, they had special information from Number One, giving them an advantage over others.

After some effort, they managed to fill all nineteen boxes with water. Although the water wasn't filtered, it was clear enough from the stream.

Once everything was prepared, Victor said:

"Now, let's look for some people and find a place to sleep. It might be better to go to a higher place for better observation. At night, there might be fires that light up, and we can easily find people then."

Julius nodded and said:

"Alright. Now you seem more like a strategist."

Victor snorted at this:

"I've always been a strategist, you just didn't see it."

Number One chimed in to add to the fun:

"I didn't see it either. At first, I thought you were a muscle brain."

Victor pouted and stopped talking. He would use his talent to prove that he was an unparalleled strategist, unique through the ages.

Well, at present, he was already a unique strategist, though the uniqueness was in his strength, not his strategies.

The slope here wasn't too steep, so it took quite a bit of time to reach the top. By the time they arrived, the sun was almost setting, and the temperature gradually dropped.

Under the faint moonlight, many people were discussing what to do next. Victor asked:

"If you're tired, we can sleep now. If not, we can take this opportunity to find more people."

Julius shook his head and said:

"Not yet, I can hold on for another three or four hours. I'm still alert. Let's find some teammates."

So, the three of them continued to wander around looking for teammates. As they walked, Victor asked:

"Number One, your outfit is very different from ours. Aren't you worried it will attract attention?"

Number One nodded and said:

"It is different, but you can just explain it as magic from the ring. After all, humans in this world can't know all the magic of the rings."

The explanation was so reasonable that the two couldn't argue against it. So, the three of them continued moving forward.

After walking for a while, they finally saw some light. Victor whispered:

"From now on, speak softly and move quietly. We need to observe potential candidates before deciding if they can be teammates."

Julius nodded and said:

"I agree. We need quality over quantity now."

Number One, who was just tagging along for fun, wouldn't disrupt them. Besides, he moved without making any sound, so there was no need to worry about that.

The three of them stealthily approached the person or group ahead. After a while, they got close enough to observe and hid behind some bushes.

By the fire was an incredibly beautiful girl. Her body was clearly well-trained, making it very attractive.

At this sight, Victor started drooling. Seeing him lick his lips, the other two were a bit startled. Julius quickly cautioned him in a very low voice to avoid detection:

"Calm down, calm down. A strategist thinks with his upper head, not the lower one."

Hearing this, Victor's face darkened, and he explained:

"What are you two thinking? I'm craving her... wait, I mean, I'm interested in her skills. That body is well-trained, which means she likely has combat skills and discipline. She's a great candidate for a teammate. As a strategist, identifying talent is a necessary skill."

Hearing this, the other two nodded. This was the Victor they knew. Earlier, they thought he was acting strangely, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Julius then said:

"Alright, let's go meet her then."

However, at this moment, a variable occurred. Sounds from another direction were approaching the area.