
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Continuing the Search for Comrades

At this moment, only Evelyn and Number Eighteen were left in that place. She asked:

"Where did you go earlier? Suddenly appearing in front of me like that made me worry to death. Your incarnation has no power."

Number Eighteen suddenly realized she had forgotten to explain the abilities of the incarnation and said:

"This incarnation cannot be affected by physical or magical means. If you don't believe me, look at this."

She bent down to pick up a stone, but her hand went right through it. Only then did Evelyn realize her worry was unnecessary. But she suddenly thought it was a bit strange for Number Eighteen to leave suddenly earlier, so she asked:

"Did you leave on purpose to see how I would handle things?"

Number Eighteen nodded and said:

"That's right. Since you're someone I chose, I believed you would handle it excellently, and the result didn't disappoint me. By the way, you don't need to worry about me in the future. There are only a few people in this world capable of killing me, and they don't want to, so that won't happen."

Although Evelyn knew the system was somewhat miraculous, she had never read stories or watched movies about it. Therefore, she believed Number Eighteen truly had no power when in the incarnation.

Now that she knew everything, she said:

"Alright, that's good. In the future, using you as bait won't be a problem."

Hearing this, Number Eighteen's mouth twitched, and she said:

"What are you thinking? I'm just here to join in the fun and chat, not actually participate in the work. Earlier, I showed up because there was someone similar to me over there, and I was afraid he had plans to snatch you."

Hearing this, Evelyn recalled seeing an old man dressed differently from the others. They had only been in this world for less than a day, so having a different outfit was almost impossible. She asked:

"So, if one day I become an emperor, could those two be my opponents?"

Number Eighteen nodded and said:

"Most likely, because that guy's choice of people isn't too bad. But everything is still hard to say now, as you are all still nothing in this world, so establishing a force will take a lot of time."

Evelyn nodded and then went to sleep. Whether it was hard or easy didn't matter. What mattered was that she wanted to become an emperor.


At this moment, the group of three had already traveled a certain distance. Victor sighed and said:

"Haiz, what a pity. If she truly wasn't one of the chosen, I would very much hope for her to become a general on our side. The vision of her leading an army while I commanded has already played out in my mind. Oh, my dream shattered as soon as it started."

Julius shook his head and said:

"Let it go. At first, the way you looked at her so eagerly startled me. In the future, you should restrain yourself a bit. When you meet talented people, there's no need to show such eagerness; it makes you look bad as a strategist. You looked like a pervert back then, lacking any credibility."

Number One also nodded and said:

"I agree with that. You need to control yourself better."

Victor didn't argue but snorted:

"Hmph, encountering a great treasure right after stepping outside, how could I not be eager? I'll pay more attention to my image next time, alright? But you can't entirely blame me; she is truly exceptional. If not a formidable general, she could also be an excellent assassin."

Perhaps he didn't realize it, but Victor had a particular fondness for talented individuals. Whenever he met someone talented, he wanted them on his side.

Julius nodded and said:

"I'm not blaming you, just advising you. Honestly, I also desire her very much. The pity is that she is like me and would absolutely never join our side."

Number One, somewhat curious, asked:

"Earlier, I knew you both had already guessed that she could be a future opponent. But why didn't you take action now to save trouble in the future?"

Victor understood that his and Julius's thoughts were alike, but he didn't answer. After all, this was a matter for those who aspire to be emperors, and he only wanted to be a strategist, so he wasn't the best person to respond.

Julius answered:

"That's a matter for the future. Right now, she's not an emperor, nor a leader of any force. Killing her now would be no different from killing an innocent person, which goes against my principles."

Number One continued to ask:

"She has killed people, so why do you say she's innocent? Moreover, that massacre was very ruthless."

Julius responded without hesitation:

"Currently, laws haven't been established, and forces haven't emerged. Her killing people still makes her innocent. But that guy was guilty because he annoyed me. It's a pity I didn't show up sooner. If I had, that ring would already be ours."

Number One nodded, understanding that without laws, people were living according to the laws of nature. The rule was that the strong survive, and the weak are destined to perish. 

Life in nature is merely an endless struggle and development. There's no concept of good or evil, only actions that lead to results.

This type of development also has the disadvantage of not having much support. We all know that many people work faster than one person, but natural selection kills all the weak. Therefore, the pace of work will be slower than solidarity and development.

However, unity and collective development only exist among highly intelligent species. Wild beasts only strive to survive and lust, they don't have the concepts of scientific research, societal development, or building civilizations.

The three of them continued on for a while until they saw the next campfire. They continued using their previous method of slowly approaching and observing the target.

Upon getting close enough, they saw another young girl, just as beautiful as Evelyn. However, this girl wasn't as strong as Evelyn, causing Victor to sigh:

"Haiz, her body doesn't have the muscles like Evelyn. She's just slim; how can she fight effectively? I wonder if she has any skills necessary for building a force."

At this moment, the two others understood that Victor's concept of 'talent' referred to those who were good fighters. Julius said:

"The talents you're looking for are future generals and nothing else? I'm planning to establish a kingdom, not just an army."

Victor sighed and said:

"Haiz, I don't have another way. What I can observe with my eyes is the body and aura of others. How can I observe the knowledge in their heads? If you're so good, why don't you tell me what field she worked in before?"