
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Building the World (2)

Although everyone had gathered, they did not know what game they were here to play. Mrs. L asked:

"What game do you intend to play here? Don't tell me it's just going down and eating and drinking like the old days."

Due to being of the same rank, they could not read each other's thoughts. Even for gods in lower realms, actively erasing their memories wouldn't allow them to be read.

Mr. X shook his head and said:

"While waiting, I came up with another idea. On this planet, people are unaware of the existence of cultivation. But cultivation is hard, and they don't have strong enemies to force them to cultivate. 

So, I decided to move all of humanity to a new playground. It's a newly created planet filled with powerful monsters and interesting power-up opportunities. Moreover, I want to set a reward for the true lord of the planet. This way, everyone competing will be very interesting."

Everyone nodded upon hearing this, they found the idea quite intriguing. Wasn't it a bit cruel to use humanity as a toy? On the contrary, within humanity, there is no shortage of people with aspirations for power, status, longevity, freedom to go anywhere, and so on. 

Cultivation can turn them into cultivators, but cultivation itself is neither fun nor interesting. It's just an act of self-imprisonment for countless years. If lucky enough to reach the final level, they can retire like Mr. X and his friends.

They would use their power to break the rules (at least within their own bodies), creating a new, more interesting, and easier form of cultivation. The limitation was that it couldn't go too far because this was just a fake path of cultivation, not recognized by the cosmic.

However, reaching immortality was still achievable. Another reason was that they could be considered of lower quality compared to the true universe, so they fundamentally couldn't cultivate.

Mrs. Y nodded and said:

"I will create a protective barrier for humanity. Let's set the protection time to three years. During this period, humanity might find a way to defend themselves."

Mr. X said:

"Alright, let's start designing that planet now. I have nullified the time acceleration, so time flows normally."

Mrs. J, hearing all this, felt it sounded somewhat familiar and asked:

"Hey, doesn't what you're planning sound a lot like a computer game I saw long ago?"

Mr. X, upon hearing "game," also remembered what it was. Though he hadn't seen one in a long time, a god's memory was infallible. Living for so many years, however, meant his memory contained a lot of things, so finding the needed information took a bit of time. He said:

"Ah, I see the resemblance too. Then let's base this world on that. Right, you all separate parts of your consciousness and enter my body to create new avatars. Using your true forms would be too burdensome for me."

Hearing this, everyone simultaneously detached part of their consciousness from their bodies and entered the universe inside Mr. X. Calling it a universe was an exaggeration. More accurately, it was a large galaxy.

In a hidden corner, Mr. X had cleared away the obstructing celestial bodies to forcibly create a new planet. Since it was forcibly created, it did not orbit any star. 

But since he had broken the rules once, breaking them again didn't matter, after all, it was his body, and he had the ultimate authority. He created a mini sun and a moon orbiting the planet to create day and night.

At this point, everyone set to work creating a planet that met their criteria and ideas. Since it was their first time creating something together, they were a bit inexperienced. After some arguing, they decided the planet would have ten different areas.

However, after deciding on ten areas, they didn't know what each area would specialize in. So they argued again. Mr. X said:

"Everyone writes down the name of one area and draws lots. Whatever I get is what I do."

Hearing this, no one objected. Earlier, they had used a random method to determine the number of areas on this planet. But clearly, the number ten wasn't meaningless. After all, there's not so much interesting when doing meaningless things.

After a round of drawing lots where no cheating was possible, the ten areas were finally chosen:

1. Primeval Forest

2. Immortal Fire Mountains

3. Desert of Death

4. Poison Abyss

5. Thunder Abyss

6. Wind Abyss

7. Great Void

8. Glacial Forest

9. Deadly Jungle

10. The Great Sea

Mr. X looked at the list of areas and found them a bit odd, so he asked:

"Hey, why do some of these areas not match anyone's characteristics?"

The others replied:

"You're talking nonsense, they don't have to match anyone's characteristics."

"That's right, they're just areas, with our current power we can create whatever area we want."

"Exactly, we drew lots, no changing now."


Seeing that the argument was going nowhere, and since they could still create these areas anyway, Mr. X said:

"Alright, let's decide on that then. Since this is like a game, we should have a status window. How about this template?"

Name: ~

Level: 0

Exp: 0/1000

Age: ~

STR: ~

DEF: ~

HP: ~

Mana: 100

Max speed: ~ km/h

Bag: 0/10

Equipment: 0/10 Rings

Mrs. J asked:

"Hey, why does the equipment only have rings?"

Mr. X explained:

"Do ordinary people always carry weapons? When they have a weapon, its stats will automatically appear in the status window. Rings are special here, people can't remove them, so I included them."

Mrs. Y noticing the planet lacked creatures, said:

"We have the planet but no creatures. How about we design some creatures now, using the dominant species of various planets and Earth creatures as templates? But since we're just parts of consciousness and don't have much power, just around the true god realm, you handle this, X. We'll just contribute ideas."

Mr. X nodded. He didn't intend to make them do the work. He invited them to play, not to work for him. More people meant more ideas, making everything more interesting.