
Beginning of a kingdom

Another name: "Competition in the Endless World" On indefinite leave due to serious lack of knowledge in science, human resource management, governance, politics, and economics.

TheCharacter · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Amelia West

Julius couldn't find a way to refute Victor because, indeed, relying solely on eyesight to gather information is quite limited. To get a more specific understanding, continuous interaction over time might reveal something. 

However, if the person being observed makes an effort to conceal their abilities, it's hard to discern anything.

Julius said:

"Then let's go outside and talk for a bit, staying here won't give us any more information."

The two nodded, and as the three of them were about to leave, they heard footsteps approaching from the opposite direction, so they stopped. Victor exclaimed:

"Again? Seriously? But I hope it's someone with a ring this time."

The other two felt the same. This situation was too reminiscent of earlier events, but they hoped this time would yield some benefit rather than ending up empty-handed as before.

Another man approached the girl, he looked even weaker than the previous one. Moreover, he wasn't wearing a ring. Julius sighed:

"Haiz, why doesn't he have a ring?"

Number One snorted:

"I gave out a total of one hundred thousand rings, but there are over eight billion people. Do you think it's easy to spot one?"

Victor also nodded in agreement. Just because they had encountered many rings didn't mean others had the same luck. 

On their journey of about ten miles, they had seen three rings but no people, probably because those individuals happened to go in different directions.

The man, upon seeing the beautiful girl, started to get excited. He looked at her with burning eyes and gave a lewd smile:

"Ha ha ha, little girl, you won't escape my grasp tonight."

The girl was terrified and trembled. Although this man wasn't to strong, he still had enough strength to overpower her.

The three hiding behind the bushes shook their heads at this scene. Victor cursed:

"Are these guys brain-dead? Instead of focusing on survival, they waste energy on stupid things."

Julius nodded, also feeling that these two instances were extremely foolish, and said:

"I don't know either, but this is probably a common reaction when ordinary people see a beautiful woman."

Victor nodded and replied:

"Maybe. But if I had to choose between her and you, I'd choose you."

Number One, sitting nearby and eavesdropping, felt that the situation was developing in a rather magical direction. He laughed and said:

"You two are a perfect match, remember to invite me to your wedding."

Hearing this, both of their faces darkened, and they replied in unison:

"In our eyes, ambition is the most beautiful thing; nothing and no one can compare to it."

Then they exchanged a satisfied look. Two madmen, naturally, would empathize with each other. Moreover, the other person was someone they both needed immensely.

Number One was obviously joking. Although he wasn't using divine intelligence, he wasn't using the mind of a fool either. Traveling with them for some time was enough for him to understand them. He said:

"Alright, so should we charge out or not?"

At this point, Victor began to showcase his strategic mind. He said:

"I think we should. In front of outsiders, we can't talk nonsense like this; we need to build a respectable image. Rescuing the poor girl would lay the foundation for us to propagate that we are representatives of justice, opposing oppression and injustice. This way, in the eyes of strangers, we will appear more trustworthy, and they will dare to entrust their safety and future development to us."

Julius immediately nodded in agreement. He said:

"This is indeed my top strategist. Your reasoning is very sound and aligns perfectly with my thoughts. And I think we should display overwhelming strength rather than struggling to win."

Victor understood his friend's intent and nodded, saying:

"No problem, one bullet and he'll be dead."

As they were discussing, they heard crying from the other side:

"Sobs, no, please don't."

The girl was lying helplessly, pinned to the ground by the man. His face looked incredibly despicable as he laughed and said:

"Ha ha ha, the more you resist, the more excited I get."

At this moment, the three of them had already approached. Victor cursed:

"In my eyes, he's not even human, not even equal to a fraction of Evelyn. Hey, you over there, what do you think you're doing?"

The man was startled by the voice. He looked up to see one old man and two young men standing before him. The enemy's numbers were overwhelming, causing an ordinary person like him to retreat in fear.

However, despite retreating, he was still reluctant to let go of the girl. So he said:

"Dear sirs, how about we share this girl? I see you all are remarkably handsome, so I'll let you play first. I just need to go last."

The girl, hearing this, grew increasingly terrified. However, upon seeing the two extremely handsome young men, she felt it might not be too bad. She thought:

"If they want me, they surely won't let that despicable man touch me. Maybe I'll be saved this time."

Thinking this, she decided to take a gamble and cried out:

"Please save me from that inhuman beast!"

The man became extremely angry upon hearing this, now intent on brutally playing with her. 

Victor seeing this, felt thoroughly irritated. He spoke in an annoyed tone:

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a disgrace. You should permanently shut up."

<Fire Bullet>

He raised his hand, and a fireball shot straight at the man's head, exploding and blowing off part of it, causing him to fall dead on the spot. Though he was dead, the flames continued for another five seconds before gradually disappearing.

At this moment, Victor looked incredibly cool, with a cold face, sharp eyes, and decisive, swift actions. He was the epitome of a handsome man, the father, the grandfather, or anything, as long as he wasn't an emperor, Julius would accept it.

Although he thought this, he needed to present himself as a leader in front of outsiders. He approached and asked:

"What's your name? Are you okay?"

The girl, not yet recovered from the horrifying incident, was startled by his voice. Seeing the handsome young man in front of her asking gently, she replied:

"My name is Amelia West. Thank you for helping me. If it weren't for the two of you, I might have been raped by that bastard. May I accompany you two?"