
before the end

At the end of the tower of god trial after breaking their vow and interfering the supreme beings destroyed the tower and world. Jang seo the last player in the tower wakes up 210 in the past after been killed and swears to make the pay

TheReturnwriter · Fantasi
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12 Chs


As the second tutorial was still commencing, participants began giving up on it due to the fact that finding marbles are hard and even monsters that contain it are usually high tier, while those who are strong enough whether hunt down high tier monster or Rob weak players of their own.

But what people don't know is that this test is for you to get as much as you can, cause its very useful further into the tutorial to attain the right of selection that many tower-born desired

Tower-born are gods children or any being born or created in the tower, they are individual who born with incredible strengths and power, which most of them are inherited from their bloodline.

Even so all tower born are expected to pass the tutorial and other floors like everyone else in other to proof their worth.

Hunting ground somewhere else

*clash clash clash*

As jang seo and they rest continue their journey to find suitable grinding spot, getting closer they approach a party of 8 players hunting some group of goblin, while carrying low grade weapon and equipment, with 3 damage dealers,3 support and 2 tank, but 3 out of the party were injured, with 1 attacker and 2 support on standby, the party continue to struggle as the battle is prolong and began to intesify. Out of the group of goblins, a hobgoblin steps out, with an astonishing and terrifying aura around it being a level 30 monster, as they  gaze at it, they all became immobized by fear.

[hobgoblin has used the skill "fear" stunned for 1 minutes]

Experiencing this sort of pressure, the moral and will of the party members began to dwindle, as some began chattering 'we are going to die' while some were crying and others pannicing in fear wishing they go home, as all hope seems to be lost for them.

Still not willing to approach the party, jang seo was still studying their team effort and determination to live, to judge whether to save them or not.

Jang chae watching them and began to feel uncomfortable about the party situation, pinches her brother

'hey oppa, I hope you are not thinking of not saving them right?

' ehmmmmm.... '

[the goddess of virtue awaits your response]

[the wise God is curious about your judgement]

' Well, jang chae is right, even though we don't know them it isn't right to just leave them to die.... At least that what I think '

I can't tell him to save them, am in no right to even do that in the first place. After taking us with him and helping us level up, but I can't just keep quite as they are about to die, cause if I hadnt met jang seo... No jang chae, I may have ended up like them or even with them

Heejin Hae giving her opinion as to if they were, that is, her and joon woo were like them, what would have happened to them

Looking at joon woo as the both nod their head in agreement.

'at least we can use it as training also'

'....... Well its not like I don't want to help, am just studying them'

Before the conversation could proceed, the hobgoblin entered its berserk stage

[hobgoblin has used the skill "berserk" attack power increase by 200%]

Delivering a heavy blow to the party but was stopped by the tankers, though stopped the attack left the tankers and half the party members with severe injuries, with them unable to fight any longer, the hobgoblin goes in for the



'who... who..... Ar.. Are youuu?'

As Amed, an Arabian with black silky hair and brown eyes, also the party leader shuttered in a stammering voice asking

Its fist was stopped by jang seo long sword as it was directed towards the party leader, who was frozen in fear

'Well.... After my assessment, I decided you pass and am ok with lending you a hand.. Well technically, I was forced to do so, if I hadn't I would have died due to my sisters gaze'

As fear for what his sister will do if he didn't act was written on his face

'anyway, enough talk let's see what the big guy has to say'


Feeling threatened the hobgoblin began indiscriminately attacking jang seo, with no strategy or skill, all of his blow were easily dodged.

' I mist say, thank you for bringing a guy like him'

Sitting by the side line, the party members began questioning themselves as to who that guy was.

'hey party leader Amed, do you happen to know who the guy fighting the hobgoblin is?'

'am as ignorant as you, all I know he's helping us that makes him somewhat our ally.... I guess you could say that, or am hoping'

'either way we are saved'

As the fight continued, with jang seo doing nothing but dodge felt bored, then, in a split second evades and attack from a big axe, as the hobgoblin decides to take up an axe to fight. Smirking as it began to look interesting

'wow interesting so you were holding back all this time, and decided to go all out now... Either way thanks now I won't hold back now'

Both rushing towards each other, as the exchange blows continuously, with sounds of clashes echoing around the surrounding area, everyone starts staring in amazement wondering who is truly the monster among the two.

Realising it can't win the hobgoblin stops and the wants to make a break for it, as the decision costs it its like, with jang seo slicing it's head off.

Now as the head goblin dead, the rest of the goblin began to panic, trying to escape were all slaughted by jang chae. Sighing of relief as its all over approaches the injured party.

'take this'

Removing some recovery potions from his inventory and tossing them to the injured

'it will help you recover'

'thank you for saving us, and we are grateful for giving us this'

'soooo.. How did you guys end up like this'

With lingering hesitation answered

'Well you see, we were all among a group of survivors, then we decided its better to level up to increase our chance of survival in this hell. But when we created a party of 30,then a Russian named Vladimir came and threatened some, due to his strength and his gang called bascal clan, 22 people left in fear of their life, only 8 of us stayed

And with few people our chances of survival were slim but we didn't give up'

'Vladimir Vladimir were have I heard that name'

'I think one of those raiders said something like that, saying "our boss Vladimir will find you and kill you" or so'

'I see, meaning our path will undoubtedly cross'