

I went to work feeling rather super exhausted and stressed out. You would have thought that after my three days off work plus the weekends, I'd be well rested.

I sat at my desk with a cup of coffee in hand. After taking a huge gulp, I rested it on my desk then turned on my office computer. I prayed that as i have turned it on, I shouldn't find any new assignments to do.

Mathew loved his job at the insurance company but honestly, he'd like it very much if he got at least a wink is sleep today.

I connected my AirPods to my phone and played today's apple playlist at the highest volume. Then I opened pebble place after I had double checked that there was no work to do.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder repeatedly so I stopped the music. Shoot. It's my boss, Jason. Why didn't Andrews tell me so I can close my game?

I shot him a glare and he just shrugged and mouthed something inaudible.

"Mathew. I need-. What the hell are you doing?" Jason asked.

"Sir. Erm- I erm. I'm drinking coffee." I reached out to take my cup of coffee but my hand knocks it over.

"Crap" I took the cup out and dapped as much tissue on it as I could. Well, there goes my coffee.

"Now look what you did. I'm not here to bust your balls about you playing pebble place in work. While I've specifically told you at several meetings to play spider solitaire because it's more manly. Instead, I'm here because my laptop broke again. Also, there's something urgent I want you to take care of."

"On it sir."

"Oh. And also, it's the blue one."

"What?" I was confused.

"The eyes. It's the blue one that matches the other features."

I selected the blue eyes as soon as he left and it was right. What the? I thought he hated the game.


"I'm done fixing your laptop sir."

"Great." He stated. I stood there waiting for the next instructions.

"So there's this woman who said she's had an accident with her car. Ive got something else to do so I want you to go check it out and fill the paperwork."

He paused to take a folder from his desk then continued. "She's at Main Street so it's going to be a bit of a journey but I saw her once and she's super hot. It's going to be totally worth it. If I wasn't already married, I'd surely go for it. But I know you two will hit it off very well."

He winked at me which made me laugh. Jason can be bossy sometimes but he sure knows how to work a room.

"Is that why you want me to handle it." I asked stressing the 'me'.

"Maybe. Now go get yourself a woman."


And that is why I'm here now. Stranded in my car on Main Street. Waiting to fill the paperwork of some hot chick; who by the way, I don't know what looks like.

I called Jason three consecutive times but it didn't go through. I was about to go back to work when I received a message from him.

Jason work;11:43am: I'm in a meeting call you back later.

"What the?"

Mathew;11:44: I've been waiting for an hour and still there's no one here. How does she even look? Yh

Jason work;11:50: here's her number.

He sent her number after a long wait. I texted her that I'm the insurance guy and I'm waiting at Main Street. She told we to meet her at a restaurant down the lane.

I was about to get mad but I remembered that Jason said she's hot. So I walked into the almost empty restaurant and waited patiently. I ordered a latte to keep me from dosing off.

I was halfway through when a lady walked in. I immediately recognized her as Sheila.

"Crap." I tried to hide before she saw me. I know I wanted to see her again but not like this. What if the client comes while I'm with her. Then it's going to be awkward when the client comes and I have to leave her.

A ding from my phone signaled that I had a message.

Client;12:17: I'm here where are you.

I don't see anyone so where could she possibly be?

Maybe she's waiting outside.

Mathew;12:18: I'm the guy in the grey suit and blue flying tie.

Just then, the unexpected happened. Sheila walked up to my table.