

"Good day master."

It was natural for me not to respond but it wasn't for Melody. And I also couldn't help but notice she did not laugh when he called me master.

Despite the fact that she passed by my house before work and spent most of her time after work with me, something felt off.

Did I really mess up that badly?

"How are you feeling today?" The doctor asked forcing me to tear my gaze from the soft features of her face.

"I'm okay."

"Do you feel weird or have you experienced and headaches since our last meeting?"


"Okay, so are you ready for your test?"

"Whatever, let's just get it over with." I replied.

I know I was rude but I can't stand this silent treatment Melody is giving me.

He silently led me to a room as I glanced back at Melody who decided to wait in the room we originally were.

The doctor did the test silently and requested I go back to the waiting room while he printed out the results.

"Hey." I approached with caution. She nodded without so much as a glance in my direction. Making any chance of a conversation fly straight through the window.

A ping of pain shot through my chest. I leaned back into my uncomfortable chair and placed one hand on the arm rest.

Keeping quiet is the best option at this point. I didn’t have to be quiet for long because a short time later, the doctor came in. He had a neutral expression on his face so I couldn't tell if the results were good or bad.

"So?" I asked anxiously when he just stood there watching me.

There was a long pause and I knew something was wrong. "I'm afraid-"he began.


"Your body is not responding well to the medication. I'll have to change it or increase the dosage. But if your body keeps rejecting the medication, I'm afraid there will be dire consequences.” He calmly broke the news to me and my heat skipped a beat.

“which consequences are we talking about?” I was afraid of the answer as I asked.

“ Well.. paralysis is an option. Falling into a coma or early passing.” He looked away as he said the last bit.

“with your case, the latter is more likely.” He continued.

I took in a sharp breath and closed my eyes. I could feel Melody’s gaze burning through the side of my head.

“How soon are we talking about?” I didn’t open my eyes as I asked.

“ I can’t be totally sure at this moment since it’s a worst case scenario. “

”How soon… doctor” I said through gritted teeth. My eyes still closed.

“Err.. if you are lucky you can be around for more than two years. But that’s if you are lucky.”

There was a gasp from Melody’s direction. I refused to look at her.

I couldn’t stand the pain that throbbed in my chest at his revelation.

I felt Melody’s touch on my shoulder but I moved away from it. I know it must hurt her. I dont care. I don’t need her pity.

I got up and stormed off ignoring the calls from both Melody and the doctor to come back.


There was a knock on my door but I was not the least bit perturbed.

"I'm coming in by the count of three." Melody gave me a heads up.



More silence.



"Three. Ready or not I'm coming in." I shut my eyes before she came in.

"I know you are not asleep Math."

Duh captain obvious.

I've told her time and again that I don't like that nickname but she keeps calling me by it.

"At least get something to eat. You haven't eaten for the past three days. You are starting to grow lean."


At night, when she's asleep I sneak into the kitchen and eat the leftovers.

"Say something to me. Please"

What does she want me to say? That I'm sad and angry with my stupid body for rejecting the medication.

How hard could it be? Just utilize the medicine I swallow. Simple. But no. It just had to be stubborn and reduce my life span by three freaking years.

I would have cried but the three days I've spent crying have rendered me tearless. I have been having constant headaches and I hate myself for everything.

I'm just going to remain in bed till I die.