

Eighteen years ago ,she was sacked from his presence .Wandering about the streets of Los Angeles ,she swore to keep his baby away from him . Eighteen years later ,he runs into a street girl in rags with his car . Three hours later ,Jakes Riddles gets the information that the street girl he ran into with his car is his daughter . Rushing to the hospital to confirm the information ,he finds out that she has escaped from the hospital . Deploying all measures and going against all boundaries ,he finds and nabs her and brings her home as his adoptive daughter in order to have rights over her . He feared that she might run away again if she comes to know that he is her biological father who abandoned both she and her mother ; Eloise Jenkins . He says , "henceforth you are my daughter and you must do as I say ....!" She also replies , "you have no rights over me because you adopted me to replace your dead daughter ,am I not right dad...?"She asked , sarcastically. BECOMING A TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT is a whole pack of action ,power and wealth and crushing hearts . See how Susana Jenkins ; a street girl , who later transforms to become Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles is introduced overnight as the daughter of the multi - time billionaire tycoon ; Jakes Riddles in front of all the media persons of Los Angeles and worldwide . How will Jakes Riddles ; the rich , tall ,suave , handsome , quick-tempered and arrogant CEO of the Riddles Corporation succumb to his daughter's needs in humility ? Everyone bows to his feet without questions but will his strange daughter question him about his actions ? "Nobody has the right to question me ....!" Jakes angrily says . “Well I have the right daddy! ....” Susana answers back with confidence . How will the daring daughter and her arrogant father relate ? BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT.... Don't miss out on any chapter of this amazing story because it contains all you need to entertain you .... Follow me on Instagram @Sunnyrays_17 and @Sun_ nylovers for all your updates .

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Chapter Forty three ..chaos

"This means that Jakes bought all the designs of Chanel brand and that too ,for this lady !"Cheryl thought angrily as she kept her eyes on the embroidered two bold interlaced "C" s that mirror each other tagged at the edge of the hoodie Suzzy was wearing .

Everyone knew how important one felt wearing a Chanel brand especially when the two interlocked "C"was tagged on the dress .

It represented prestige , wealth and class .

Also the simple and strong shape of the letters evoke the authoritative elegance of simplicity based on Coco's simplicity of "less is more ."

One amazing thing about Chanel brand was the fact that it epitomizes the values of an independent , elegant , emancipated woman with whom all women wish to identify themselves and aspire to resemble .

The Chanel brand embodies the values of beauty and inimitable style worn by the rich and famous women around the world .

Since the interlocked "C" s was the major logo for Chanel brand , Cheryl envied it alot .

She had only walked with Jakes for fourteen days but then ,he had never bought such an expensive dress for her .

This thought really made Cheryl envy Suzzy since she had always dreamt of owning a Chanel brand .

She thought of taking it out on Suzzy for that .

"What ! You want me to apologize ? You almost broke my head with your stupid head and you want me to apologize ,huh ?

How dare a lowlife girl like you ask me to apologize to you ,huh ?

Don't you know who I am or are you just blind ?

Just because you have all the Chanel brands this year doesn't make you queen !

I am the queen and very soon ,I will clear your very existence from the surface of the earth and not only from Jakes' life !

I'm Cheryl Scott and nobody snatches away what belongs to me or makes me apologize for my deeds ,do you get it ?! You dump illiterate girl ! "Cheryl harshly took out her anger on Suzzy assuming her to Jakes' new woman .

"Take back your words! "Suzzy said with a shrug.

"Or else ? "Cheryl wanted to dare Suzzy's abilities .

"Go on dumb girl and I will get an excuse to make Jakes send you out of his house and life and I will be the only woman in his life ."Cheryl thought with a smirk across her entire face ."So what now dumb girl , what would you do if I don't apologize ,huh ?

Answer me !"Cheryl said with a demanding tone .

"So sorry Cheryl !

I don't spend my time with rude people like you!

Go do what you are best at ; go back to the film industry and act your nudes .

That way ,you will be worshipped like the nude queen that you are but in this house ,I'm the empress !

Anyways , I knew who you were from scratch and besides your movies aren't that nice !

You get hits from your nudes and my mother never wanted me to watch your movies because she said it's bad morals !

Have a nice day using the exit miss nudes !"Suzzy said and walked by passed her .

This didn't seem to sound good for Cheryl at all .She then attacked Suzzy from behind .."What did you say ? You dumb girl ! "Cheryl asked , grabbing onto Suzzy's hair from behind .

"Leave me ,I said leave me ...!"Out of defence ,Suzzy pushed Cheryl and she landed her elbow on the center table causing it to crack . "How dare you ? I will kill you ! "Cheryl got up angrily and moved towards Suzzy but she was taken aback and handcuffed . "Wh.. what's this ? Let go of me ..!"Cheryl screamed aloud as the cops grabbed hold of her tightly even when she was in handcuffs . "Leave me ,leave me .I said leave me ,you don't know who I am or else , you'd have let gone of me this instance !" Cheryl still pulled ties with the cops .

"Officers ,kindly do me a favour and throw this lady behind bars . That's where she deserves to go to, for coming into my house without my permission and for attacking my daughter !

What if something could have happened to her , officers ?

Take her away for my daughter's safety !"Jakes descended the stairs .

Suzzy was shocked however Cheryl froze in place as she heard that Suzzy was Jakes' daughter. "Oh ? So this is what it's all about .Jakes ,you are throwing me behind bars for this dumb girl ,is it ?

Officers ,he's lying ,she's not his daughter .Jakes doesn't have a wife and she's not his daughter !"Cheryl tried to defend herself .

"Listen Cheryl , my son doesn't only have a daughter but a wife as well .But of course , strumpets and opportunists like you wouldn't understand .Officers ,take this lady away from my house this instant .."Dora said , once she entered the house .After going back to have coffee with her old friends ,she returned to see Cheryl in the house trying to assort her granddaughter .

"Officer ,you heard my mother right ? Take her away now !"Jakes said with no emotions in his eyes .

"Jakes ,you cannot do this to me .I didn't know she's your daughter . Jakes ... Jakes ..!"Cheryl called but to no appeal as they dragged her away .

Suzzy knew nothing about Cheryl's arrest as she stood there trying to figure out what was still going on ."My dear ,are you alright ? "Dora rushed over to Suzzy and hugged her and also pegged her chubby cheeks ."Don't worry grany ,I'm fine .I'm absolutely fine ,believe me . She's no prey on my court anyways ."Suzzy hugged her grandma too ."Son ,you did a great deed by calling up the cops .This way she wouldn't harm my granddaughter and she won't cause any chaos ."Dora told Jakes and hugged him too.

Afterwards ,she excused herself so that both father and daughter would try to talk things over .

Witnessing Suzzy's worried face , Jakes decided to calm her down .He just prayed that they could at least be cool this time .