
Becoming The King of Forbidden Magic

A boy given a cursed blessing of eternal life. Destined to watch everything slowly crumble away, love ones, civilization, and even worlds. Will he slowly descend to madness from his eternal suffering? Or will he keep his humanity and watched the progress of the universe it self to the very end?

Night_Star_Gaze · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Outcast And The Boy

The chilly afternoon breeze swept through the bustling streets, rustling the tattered clothes of both the impoverished, the middle class and the high class. Amidst the sea of faces, Kayn observed the opulent carriages of the noble families passing by in all their grandeur, their occupants draped in lavish attire and adorned with jewels that sparkled like stars. It was a stark contrast to the humble existence he had known as a homeless youth, a world he now viewed from the lens of a young man named Kayn.

And of course Kayn could sense a faint difference in treatment between tbe poor and the rich. But it's nothing new to him.

In the distance, he spotted the silhouette of a magnificent castle that seemed to touch the sky, its towering spires and elegant architecture exuding an air of regal authority. Above its walls flew majestic flags adorned with a burning scarlet flower at their center, a symbol that Kayn had noticed scattered throughout the city. The purple banners with the vibrant emblem seemed to represent the ruling house of the kingdom, making their presence known in both grand displays and subtle reminders as some are hanged in the walls of some buildings and some are erected in a flag poles all over the city.

Kayn shook his head, he shouldn't be gawking at the kingdoms scenery! "Hey! Old man! were are we going?" Kayn asked.. And yes, he still do not know what's the name of this strange man. Nor did the man tried to introduced himself.

And as for his rude behavior, it's because he have been following this guy for half an hour now. And despite the man's age he walks incredibly fast that Kayn have to jog to chase him. And even with his constant complains or question the oldman remains quiet and kept on walking.

And at this moment Kayn was loosing patience already so he couldn't help but be rude. And just as usual.. The old man ignored him and kept walking. Making Kayn pull his hair and bite her lips on frustration.

But while doing so he suddenly bumped into the mans back.. He finally stopped walking. "We're here" the oldman said without any fluctuations in his emotions.

Hearing this Kayn step aside and look up to where the man was staring.... It was the Kingdom's gate.

"Why are we here? Exactly?" kayn asked with an uncertain tone.

"We're going out.. Obviously" hearing his question the old man turned amd look at him as if he's talking to a monkey.

"I Know!! But why are we going out??!" he said.

Hearing his question the oldman didn't answer right away and instead started walking. "Because Ill be teaching you magic immediately."

"You should have started on that Haha! .. Ha... Ha... uhh" Kayn laughed as he awkwardly patted the man in the back while the oldman quietly stare at him like he's a weirdo.

And after hearing that, the oldman didn't hear a single complain from Kayn from then on. And instead silently followed him with enthusiasm. Although the young man would occasionally comment on the beautiful environment the forest have.

While on the journey Kayn have seen a lot of new stuff. Like a literal flying squirrel that make use of basic wind magic to glide through the forest, a sting ray that swims I'm the air, an insect that pretends to be a rock when something is near, and a racoon with rabies.

He also found a palm size spider living inside a corpse of a bird and make used if it's strings to control it so good that it's almost natural.

The oldman explained that the spider is called Corpse Master Tarantula. And it hunts bird and small insects. And whenever it kills a bird it take control of its entire body but using a special kind of spider web that the tarantula injects inside the birds nervous system. It was said that it was thin enough to get inside your slin pores.. And the spider used it's web like a puppet string in an ingenious way.. Many researchers are also studying this arachnid. And not just that, Kayn found more bizarre things in this new world..

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Kayn's sense of wonder only intensified. The old man continued to lead him through a diverse array of flora and fauna, each more captivating than the last. He marveled at the various magical creatures that inhabited this realm, some resembling fantastical creatures from stories he had only dreamed of.

The night came and Kayn witness another phase of the vast forest. Glowing mushrooms, flowers, and insects can be seen everywhere.

He watched in awe as a group of sprites playfully weaved intricate patterns of light around a cluster of luminous mushrooms, their laughter harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves

They were creatures that defied the laws of gravity, soaring gracefully through the air with wings crafted from magic itself.

Every step of the journey seemed like an adventure in itself. Kayn's curiosity grew with each new discovery, and the old man patiently indulged his questions, revealing the secrets of this enchanting world. The forest was not just a habitat for mystical beings but also a treasure trove of magical flora that possessed extraordinary properties. Flowers that could heal wounds, plants that granted temporary invisibility, and vines that could mimic the strength of steel were all part of the forest's vast repertoire.

The forest was not without its dangers, and the old man had to warn Kayn about certain plants and creatures that might pose a threat. He explained that the seemingly innocent flowers could be deadly traps, concealing toxic nectar or ensnaring unsuspecting prey. Kayn's eyes widened in wonder as he learned about the complex relationships between predators and prey, herbivores and carnivores, all existing in perfect harmony in this mystical ecosystem.

At one point, Kayn's excitement got the better of him, and he wandered a little too far from the old man. Suddenly, the atmosphere around him shifted, and an unsettling feeling washed over him. The once-playful sprites now seemed ominous, and the flowers closed in on themselves. Before panic could set in or before anything happens, the old man's strong grip pulled him back, dispelling the strange sensation.

"They can't see or hear us," the old man explained, his voice steady and reassuring. "I've created a concealment barrier to protect us. It's best not to wander too far on your own."

And soon, the sun rises and the beautiful glowing plants slowly died down once by one. As if they were burying themselves in the ground. And they kept walking and walking..

The forest was getting more and more stuffed.. Right now it's more like a jungle with all the trees and bushes around them. And although it was in the middle of the afternoon it was getting darker and darker as they ventured in.

The canopy of gigantic tree shielding them away from the sun. To the point that the plants underneath have to adjust to survive in a sunless world. And thankfully most of the plants evolve to get more nutrient from the soil and all the underground minerals.. Making the small bushes and tree appear more... Hard, and rocky.. Some are even crystallize.

And the oldman said it was because of the concentration of earth elements in them, making them resembles rocks more than a plant.

But not just that.. Some plants resorted into eating other organism. Like the plant that pretends to be a pond.. But the water were actually it's digestive fluid and it's also very sticky.. And those who have fallen in there not even a single bones will be left out.

And after a few more moments of walking through foliage Kayn suddenly noticed a thick tree trunk a few meters infront of them he estimated that he'll need dozen of himself will be needed to hug the tree and looking up he saw how vast it's canopies is and how much of the sky it covers..

Despite the challenges, Kayn couldn't contain his amazement at the sight of the massive tree trunks that surrounded them. The old man informed him that these were not the Yggdrasil, as he had initially thought, but rather a species of grand trees common in this magical realm. And the oldman also asked what is an Yggdrasil in which Kayn tried not to talked about.

And so Lukeas watched the old man go around the tree's base and while following him Kayn saw something strange beside the tree.. 'I-is that?... A door??!' but before he could ask about it the old man grab it's door knobs and went inside.

"You coming in or not?" the old man's grumpy tone echoes from the inside. Snapping him out of his reverie.

With cautious steps, Kayn entered the hollowed interior of the massive tree, and what he saw inside left him gasping in awe.

The vast space within the tree's core was an endless expanse of knowledge, with the walls completely covered in shelves that held countless books of various shapes and sizes. The shelves seemed to go on forever, disappearing into the distance and giving the library an otherworldly feel.

The floor was a mosaic of polished stone, interspersed with ancient runes and symbols that glowed faintly with magical energy. The room was dimly lit, yet the glow from the runes provided an eerie luminescence, casting haunting shadows on the walls.

At the center of the chamber, a grand C-shaped table rested, surrounded by stacks upon stacks of books. Some books were meticulously arranged on the table, while others lay scattered on the floor around it, as if waiting to be explored.

Kayn couldn't help but be drawn to the table, feeling the pull of hidden knowledge emanating from the books. Each tome seemed to possess its own aura, whispering tales of forgotten wisdom and ancient secrets. The scent of aged paper and magic filled the air, captivating his senses.

As he approached the table, he noticed a lone chair, seemingly beckoning him to sit and partake in the mysteries of the library. Without hesitation, he took a seat, feeling a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins.

The books on the table covered an array of subjects. There were volumes on elemental magic, celestial wonders, mythical creatures, and histories of long-lost kingdoms. Some books had ornate covers, decorated with gold and silver filigree, while others had plain leather bindings, hinting at the unassuming power they held.

'it's like a wizards tower!' he screamed in amazement inside his mind.

"You are indeed a strange human" the old man said with a tone filled of curiosity. Making Kayn laughed at him awkwardly.

"You speak as if you're not a human" he chuckled. Sweats forming on his forehead. 'Did somehow been walking with a demon? A lich? Vampire? What's up with this guy... Or is he just pranking me??'

The man infront of him just smiled.. "No.. I'm not any of those" he replied as he turned around.

'did he jus-'

"This is my treasure trove.. I have collected all of the things you see in here. And I've been doing this for a very very very long time" the man said with a bit nostalgic tone in his voice.

'This guy is monologuing!' Kaym screamed in his mind but kept quiet and listen since he didn't really have a choice. 'Wait.. Now that i think of it.. Why did I follow him? I mean magic is good but I'm not usually like that'

"ah.. Yes.. Sorry about that. I'm a bit desperate you see? So I used a little hypnosis" The oldman chuckled before continuing. "Well, can I continue monologuing now?"

"You do read mind!!" Kayn exclaimed after having his suspicion confirmed.

"Yes.. Now shush" the oldman was getting frustrated and so with a simple gesture with his hand. Kayn found it impossible to speak or make any sound.

"Now.. Where was I.... Ah.. Yes.. I've been collecting all of this for countless of centuries... Now I ask you.. Do you know about dragons and their obsession?" the oldman turned at him.

And Kayn felt shivers run down his spine making him shake his head no.

"Then I'll tell you about it.." he smiled eager to share his knowledge. "You see, us dragons have our own obsession, it's not really a born trait.. But something we get as we grow.. Some might have the same obsession, but that rarely happens.. It just so happens that my obsession is collecting books about Forbidden Magic to be exact. And because of this obsession of mine I didn't got a time to find a lover nor produce an offspring.. So once I die.. All of the knowledge and treasure I collected will be all for nothing.. " the 'Oldman' sighed.

"But! That's when I found you.. Without even using I could sense a powerful Vitality surging through your body. And If I'm not wrong I think it's stronger than us dragons! Whats more! Even without the help of magic or anything at all you managed to walk MILES! 3 days straight without resting! Drinking! Eating! And sleep! It's unbelievable! But I've already confirmed that you didn't eat any magical treasure to give you such vitality!"

The dragon's eyes softened with a mix of excitement and sadness. "I've searched for countless years, hoping to find a worthy successor to inherit my knowledge and treasures," he confessed. "And now, you stand before me, a being of unknown origin, a human with unfathomable vitality. Tell me, young one, what are you? Are you a creation of magic, a celestial being, or something entirely different?"

Kayn realizing he was once again allowed to talk felt uncertain should he tell him about the girl?... But after a few moment of thought he finally replied. "... I'm a Human.. With a little blessing" Kayn smile without elaborating much further.

"Ah.. So 'they' have a connection to you?" The old dragon asked. After creating his own conclusion.

"I dont know what you are on about.." Kayn replied with genuine clueless-ness.

Seeing this the old man infront of him sighed. "Then let us not delve in that matter.. And instead go back to the very reason I bought you here..." the oldman paused.

"Will you inherit my legacy?" he asked with a heavy look.


