
Becoming Pregnant For The Billionaire CEO

Merlin who is comitted to her rich boyfriend, is forced to a bar by her bestfriend Lisa. She wakes up the next morning to find herself naked with a stranger, she is devastated and feels guilty for her act and she storms out of his house. Few weeks later she applies for a job as a personal assistant, only to find out that the Billionaire CEO is her one night stand. What would be her fate?

Nessa_Onyema · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

I Got Fired.

I woke up to the chirping of birds, I stretched my hands and feet as a yawn escaped my throat.Last night was so thrilled that i felt so relaxed.

I shifted my gaze, he wasn't there but in the spot where he slept, there was a note that said.

"I gotta run". I read and a smile spread across my lips.

"He's so good," I whispered as memories flashed through my head.


It was Monday already the day of my resumption. I haven't heard from Mr Alex since our night together. I couldn't wait to see his charming face, I couldn't wait to sniff the sweet scent of his cologne.

I drove to the office and headed to the rude receptionist.

"Goodday sir" I greeted.

"Gooday, How may i help you?" he asked bluntly.

"Uhm, I was asked to resume today, as a personal assistant to the boss". I said nervously.

"Yes, sorry madam, but you're no longer needed". He said insolently.

"No you're Mistaken, I was asked to be here today by Mr Alex, you can ask him. I said to him, walking closer to his desk, nervously and unsure.

"ma'am Mr Alex Got transferred to London this morning to handle his company over there, so would you please leave as you're no longer" he said in an arrogant manner.

I was dumbfounded by what i just heard, that everything seemed like a dream. Mr Alex got transferred without informing me.

"Mr Alex, is your heart really made of stone" I said in a low tone, as i became sober.

I couldn't really understand, Why after we had a great night together, He would hesitate to let me know he wasn't going to be needing me, and also let me face embarrassments from his rude receptionist. I was so heartbroken that i cried throughout the day.

George was right, I would be nothing without him. I couldn't tell Lisa that i slept with Mr Alex for the second time, and got fired the day of resumption, she would really think bad of me. I decided to go Job hunting as soon as possible.

I woke up the next morning feeling devastated, I barely slept through the night, I couldn't get over yesterday. I sat up from my bed as the cold morning swept past my face, making some strands of hair cover my eyes. I angrily pulled my hair backwards and turned to gaze at the wall clock. It was past nine. I decided to make breakfast when i heard a knock on the door.

"Who could that be ''. I thought to myself, heading to the door.

"Good morning, Mr Richard" I said when i saw it was my landlord.

"Good morning Ms Merlin" He said with a straight face.

"How may i help you Mr Richard". I asked in curiosity.

"Your rent is due and i, expect you to pay by now". He said furiously, then I remembered George was supposed to pay already. But how would he pay when we're no longer together, how then would i pay when i don't have the money, and the worst part is that i don't even have a job yet. I thought to myself.

Since i lost my parents and then my grandmother who had taken care of me till she passed away , George took care of all my bills, and gave me the luxurious life i deserved, but there was no way i could go back to him.

"i have to fend for my self" i murmured, then i heaved in a deep breath and turned to gaze at my Landlord.

"I'll pay you soon, just give me some time"

"Two weeks Ms Merlin, that's how long you have, or else, I'll get you evicted from this apartment" he said gazing at me with a scowl on his face, before walking out.

I fell to the ground and started to cry, i didn't deserve all this, i didn't plan my life this way, there was no one to help, i had depended on George all my life that it dawned on me this moment, i could see now that i was really nothing without him.

Later that evening, I called my best friend Lisa, to tell her all that happened and i also told her i got fired but i couldn't tell her about i and Mr Alex's sex together.

She said she would help me get another job but it would take some time, the time i didn't have. So i decided to go job hunting the next day and hopefully it goes successful.

The next day came and i fell badly ill. I felt so nauseated that i needed a check up. Hopefully it wasn't what i was thinking.

I took my bath, got dressed and headed to my car. I was so nervous that i prayed i wasn't going to be pregnant but the thought was in my head.

I got to the hospital and i was asked to wait at the reception for some minutes before the doctor would attend to me.

My legs started shaking, and my palms became sweaty, i couldn't take care of a child in this condition, i could barely take care of my self.

"Come with me". A lady on white scrubs said to me and i stood up immediately, following her to a room i assumed was the doctor's office.

I spoke to the doctor and explained how i felt, so he suggested i get a pregnancy test, which i didn't agree to, but he insisted and i had no other choice than to take the test. The result came out a few hours later and the doctor walked into the room holding a white envelope with a warm smile.

"Ms Merlin". He said in a calm tone, then i swallowed a hard lump down my throat as my heart beat increased in speed each second.

"Your test came out positive, you're two weeks pregnant". He said as the words that came out rang through my head.