
Becoming King of the Wildling's in GOT

Thornir As he is called in his New World was reincarnated into the GOT series as a dead 8-year-old Free Folk boy. The Free Folk beyond the wall is a place full of mysteries and a place with no rules or King. Because of this, Thornir will try and unite all the Free folk under his Clan and become King of the Free Folk and make the free Folk into a proper society that won't be kept beyond the Wall nor be hindered by the Night's Watch.

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71 Chs

Time skip

A/N: For most of his adventure in Essos will be just summarized, so We can get right into the action of him taking over the land beyond the wall, so this entire chapter there will not be any dialogue and mostly just a summary of his time in Essos

Next chapter is when he will be back beyond the wall and start to expand his clan.


Thornir had taken Melina to Qohor, but the trip wasn't all that peaceful as some people had caught up to them and tried to take Melina by force, but they were quickly dealt with.

Melina was astonished at the skills of Aranir, Stygard and Thorell who were the ones to deal with the attackers.

As for Thornir well he just watched the battle unfold since he didn't need to get involved. But because of this, Melina started to think that Thornir must be some Noble's son who ran away with a few guards.

But she didn't say that out loud and kept that in her thoughts.

After a few more small skirmishes they had arrived at Norvos where they rested for a week before they hit the road again.

The trip to Qohor was more peaceful than the trip to Norvos since nobody attacked them, so they arrived in Qohor within a month's travel.

At first sight, Thornir liked how the city of Qohor looked and how lovely it was. Qohor had some massive stone walls that protected it from the Dothraki who sometimes attacked the city every few years or so.

Defending the city were many unsullied who were brought from Slaver's bay by the Magister's of the city to defend the city.

The Unsullied are eunuch slave soldiers, trained from a young age in Astapor to unquestioning obedience and martial prowess. Sold by the century or the thousand.

In short, they were a perfect soldier to have to defend a city.

After Thornir and his group had walked by the unsullied guards at the front gates, they had proceeded to Melina's father's house, which was a short walk.

Once they arrived, Thornir had seen a massive mansion guarded by many people.

Melina walked up to the gates and revealed her face to the guards, who immediately opened the gates for her and Thornir as they were allowed in.

They were escorted to what Thornir could describe as a Medieval living room. Melina asked them to sit down while she went to get her father, so Thornir and his group without hesitation sat down on the expensive looking furniture.

A few minutes later, a man who looked to be in his 50s had walked into the living room and started thinking Thornir and his group for bringing his daughter back to him safely.

Thornir nodded and said it was no problem. That's when the old men had given them a sizable reward in a small chest.

Thornir was surprised to see that much money, but then he remembered that Qohor is one of the richest cities in Essos, so the Magister's had much more money than what he was receiving.

After accepting the reward money, Melina's father had asked if Thornir and his group wanted to make some more money.

Thornir didn't hesitate and said yes and that's when Melina's father started to tell Thornir of a job that he wanted him to do which involved mercenary work.

They would join a caravan to Volantis and protect it from any attackers along the way. If they complete this job, then he will give them more jobs and be rewarded a sizable reward.

Thornir accepted this job, and this began the beginning of a new relationship between Thornir and Melina's father, which would last for the next two years before Thornir returned back to Beyond the wall.


1 Year later

Thornir had already completed the escort caravan job and received his reward, which he distributed to the other members of his clan so that they could buy whatever they wanted.

After completing the Escort Caravan job, Thornir had accepted doing a few other jobs while he traveled across the land from city to city.

He even sometimes split up with his clan into two groups and went to different cities to complete a job.

Because of this, Thornir was able to complete jobs at a fast rate, and he had a 100% completion rate. Now because of this he has b gained a lot of attention from a lot of influential and powerful people such as mercenary groups, Magister's of other cities and some trader's.

Thornir ignored the Magister's requests since unlike Melina's father most of them wanted him to become a subject for them, and he would receive a great amount of wealth, or some of them who were Melina's father's rival wanted to pay Thornir to stop working for him.

But Thornir didn't care and just did what he wanted to do, which angered some of the Magister's since they thought he was just a mercenary who would turn at the sign of money.

But that wasn't the case since he is only in Essos so that his current Clan members can see a little of the outside world besides Westeros since in the future he was sure he will be making many trips to the various Kingdom's, and he won't be alone.

But forgetting about that, Thornir had stayed in Essos for another year before he finally decided to return to Essos and this time he was using a ship he brought from Pentos which was quite big.

It took him 2 weeks to sail from Pentos all the way to Hardhone where his Clan shall make it their new home and also the capital of his Kingdom that he will build.

After arriving at Hardhone Thornir had looked at his future city which was completely overrun by the Wilderness because of nobody deciding to live there for centuries.

Once the ship hit the shore Thornir hopped off and raised his hands "Now let's start the reconstruction"

Everybody else ignored what Thornir said and started unloading the ship of all the things they brought back from Essos.

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