
The News

It was weeks before word of Castle Black's destruction spread to the Seven Kingdoms. This was a surprise to the King's of the Seven Kingdom's since Castle Black has stood strong for a thousand years.

Some people that weren't in the North may have forgotten why the Night's Watch were created and some weren't even worried about the destruction of Castle Black. Instead, they were more focused on who would man the walls and keep the Savage wildlings from coming into the Northern Lands.

And those who knew of the true purpose of the Night's Watch were a little worried even if they were stories from hundreds of years ago they were all but true.

But convincing the public or even the King of the Seven Kingdoms, or the various Lord's of the Seven Kingdoms of the threat that the destruction of the Castle Black poses would be impossible since King Robert wouldn't even listen to them.

While in the North the victorious Warden of the North Eddard Stark didn't sit around and do nothing instead he sent men to investigate the Castle's disappearance and also the rumor of the 'Demon' that the people who survived the destruction of Castle Black told him.

He just couldn't believe what he heard since it was impossible for a single person to destroy a Castle in a single Night. If anything he believed that the people were lying and either the Castle was taken by the people across the wall, the Wildling's or the stories of the past must be true.

Whatever the case may be Lord Eddard Stark would investigate it thoroughly and find out the true answer to the Castle's destruction as he didn't know that the Night's Watch sent 400 men to attack the Wildling city.


Back to Hardhome Thornir after the Night of celebrating their victory and honoring those who died protecting the city he had started to build actual walls for the city.

Before the walls were not massive walls used for garrisoning troops instead they were just stone walls that went just above the head level to keep dangerous animals out. But now he sees that he made a mistake, so he fixed it by creating walls as tall as King's landing around the city.

He also upped the amount of patrols around the city during both the day time and the Night time. After setting up the patrols he went out to try and tame more wolves which ended up being successful as he brought back 7 more wolves.

3 were female and 4 were male, so he had them start breeding to create even more wolves that his army will be able to use.

Next Thornir went to do something that he should've done a long time ago, which was to go and get the Giant's on his side.

The Giant's would improve his military power by a lot, and also he has never seen a giant before, so he was curious about that.

All he knew was that the Giants were located near Thenn which was a mountain valley in the peaks of the frost fangs.

For the trip he went by himself to travel faster and to avoid drawing attention from the Thenn's who lived in the mountain regions.

So using his magic it took an hour to reach the mountainous region. He left when the sun started to rise so by now there was light outside, so hiding would be difficult if he didn't have magic.

Along the way Thornir saw some more free folk walking in large groups carrying some personal things like clothes, food and such.

And he knew exactly where they were going with all that luggage. But seeing them also made him realize that he needs to make actual wagon's for his people to use to travel. Well he had carts just not the ones used to travel rather they were used for transporting materials and other things throughout the city.

The only problem is the snow which will cause lots of the wagon's to either break down or become damaged because of how cold it is and how thick the snow can get.

A solution would be to create a path throughout the haunted forest and have people on a daily basis clear the path of snow so that the wagon's can travel without getting trapped in the snow.

These paths would lead to various locations around the forest. For now there were only two locations he could think of which were his city and the Cave.

But he had plans to build another city at the Fist of the First men because his current city's population increased daily.

On average monthly he gets thousands of people who join his city. But forgetting about that for a moment Thornir was searching the Thenn mountain range for any clues of Giant's.

For the first hour he didn't find any clues, but then he came across a large cave opening, and he could hear voices from inside.

So he walked into the Cave and the first thing he saw were some Giant's standing at least 10 ft tall and some even 13 ft tall.

As soon as they saw Thornir they stopped talking and grabbed their weapon's.

So now there were about 10 Giants surrounding Thornir speaking some kind of language that he didn't understand.

So he used magic on his ears to understand what they were saying and amplified his voice to speak so that they understood him.

"What are you doing here in Giant's home tiny man" Said The Giant as Thornir could now understand him

But before he could say the reason one of the Giants who was holding a club had attacked Thornir trying to crush him in one swing.

So Thornir just stopped the attack with one finger stopping the club from crushing him, although it probably would have not even hurt him to begin with.

But the Giant didn't stop there and tried to kick Thornir but so he just returned the attack by kicking the Giant also.

The Giant Flew back a few feet landing on his back while grunting since the taller a person was the harder they would fall.

The other Giant's were now in fear since one of their own was just beaten by a person smaller than them.

Unlike Giant's who are shown as aggressive in other fantasy worlds the Giants in GOT were rather shy when it comes to meeting with non-Giant's.

Thornir had out his hands in the air trying to calm the now scare Giant's "I only want to talk, I didn't come to do any harm"

Hearing this the Giant's didn't immediately believe him, but they still lowered their guard just a little.

"What does Tiny men wants with Giant's" Asked one of the Giant's

"I simply want to invite the Giant's to come live in my city where I have lots of food a safe place for you to stay, and it's nice and comfortable, etc" Thornir explained all the good qualities of living in his city

The Giants were reluctant to believe this offer since right now they were indeed discussing the problem of them trying to find food as lately they haven't been able to find that many animals to eat and have so far been surviving off of plant's and other edible things that they can find.

But to the Giant's this offer sounded a little too good for them even if they were shy they would still live with other people who lived beyond the wall. As for the Northerners, they didn't really like them, especially the Night's Watch.

"If Giant's come with Tiny Men what does Tiny Men need Giant's for" Asked one of the Giant's

"Well since the Giants are relatively isolated, so you probably haven't heard, but I am the New King beyond the wall and I have already gathered thousands of Free Folk in my city so that we won't be separated into many clan's and so that we can resist the Night's Watch who constantly kills Free Folk" Explained Thornir

Hearing this the Giants were interested in joining him now since they could tell from his strength alone that he wasn't lying and if he was, they could all just escape back to their cave or try and jump the tiny men.

The Giant's had all looked at each other and decided to leave the decision up to the Giant who was the Clan leader.

The Clan leader looked at his other Giant's before he spoke "The Giant's will join this tiny men but if he lies then we will kill him" Said the Clan leader

Thornir sighed since he didn't have to fight any more Giant's, and they were easy to convince.

After that the Giant's started to gather their things to take with them. Unfortunately they didn't have any mammoths so Thornir couldn't ride one for the first time.

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