
becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Synopsis: A human from Earth died after participating in a suspicious online survey. What will he do in the world of "Gravity Falls" as Dipper Pines with only Dr. Vegapunk's intelligence and scientific knowledge as weapons? author's note: gravity falls is not mine and this story is just for fun and the same goes for the cover image of this fanfic

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Chapter 16: The Party and Collaboration with Wendy

Dipper's POV

I had a day that could be described as normal in Gravity Falls with Mabel.

The only thing that slightly bothered me was Adrien's surprisingly long absence, but he returned last night.

I already know that he is on the Northwest side, but I admit that his efficiency in his administrative tasks is slightly irreplaceable. Therefore, his prolonged absence created a void that was difficult to fill for the other servants.

Currently, I have finished getting ready to go to Stan Pines's place.

The reason is that he asked me for help in organizing a party to promote the Mystery Shack.

Although I could just pay people to help, I want to go there myself for several reasons.

Such as, for example, to retrieve some of Ford Pines's objects like the supernatural printer or the rug that allows body swapping.

"I also want to keep this old man company, I'm sure Mabel and I are missed by him," I told myself mentally, recalling our adventures at the lake.

This reminded me that I haven't been in contact with Soos or Wendy for a good while.

"The beautiful Mabel is ready to have an incredible evening," she said as she came out of her room while throwing glitter.

She was wearing a beautiful purple outfit with a red ribbon in her hair.

Honestly, she looked prettier than usual, but I will have to bring her back down to earth.

"I remind you that we're supposed to help and not have fun, Mabel," I said, trying to remove some of the glitter she had thrown onto my clothes.

"Dipper, you're going to help Uncle Stan," she said, emphasizing the "you."

[Sometimes, I wonder to myself if you're from the same family that her, Dipper,] Gifany simply said in a slightly mocking tone.


"Happy to see you kids again," Stan declared with a smile on his lips.

I could tell it wasn't his business smile, but a sincere smile, which is rare for him.

"Same for us," Mabel replied, giving him a hug.

"That's all well and good, but there's work to be done inside," he said, becoming the good old conman Stan Pines again.

As I entered, I couldn't help but ask him why he decided to organize this party, since unlike the original timeline, Gideon is no longer around to compete with Stan, so he doesn't really have a reason for it.

The answer surprised me. It turns out that after Gideon's death, there is an urban rumor circulating that Stan Pines is possibly involved in this story.

"I guess the arrival of those FBI idiots at my place didn't go unnoticed," he said, grunting with rage.

"What do you mean, the FBI?" I asked, intrigued.

"They came to ask me questions about Gideon and his family's murder," Stan explained, frowning.

It seems I reminded him of unpleasant memories.

"I see," I simply said.

After this conversation, I went to see Soos to chat with him a bit.

As expected, he was restoring the old Mystery Shack facilities.

"I see you still have a good hand with the screwdriver, Soos," I said from behind him.

"Oh, Dipper, it's been a long time since I've seen you," he said, stopping his work to respond to me.

"How's life with the Northwests?" he asked, wiping his hands with a cloth towel.

"Not bad, I eat better than here and have more free time. And you? How are you doing?" I asked in turn.

"Same as usual, but without you around, it's more boring around here," he said in a slightly sad tone.

We spent a good part of the day together talking, but also repairing broken objects from the Mystery Shack.

"Phew, we're done, and well done, champ," Soos declared, giving me a fist bump.

After that, I wanted to go find Wendy, but unfortunately, it was time for the task distribution for the party.

"OK everyone, I'm not going to waste time with small talk, so let's talk well and quickly," Stan expressed.

"Soos, you'll be the DJ for tonight, and since I'm in a good mood tonight, you'll get paid," he said in a proud tone, showing us a book.

It seems Uncle Stan is an even bigger con man than expected, since he doesn't pay an efficient employee like Soos.

"Wendy, you'll be in charge of ticket sales with Mabel," Stan declared, reading from his notepad.

"But I'd like to make more friends," Mabel complained.

"Uncle Stan, I don't mind doing this job instead of Mabel," I said, giving her an OK sign with my fingers.

It seems my action made her happy since Mabel gave me a smile in return.

"Are you sure about this, Dipper? Since you'll have to stay at your post for almost the entire evening," Stan asked me, squinting his eyes at me.

"Don't worry, Uncle Stan, there's no one more responsible than me," I told him with an assured tone.

My words seemed to convince him, since he didn't continue on the subject.

"Thanks Dipper, that was nice of you," Mabel told me in a low voice before leaving.

[I don't understand why you're helping her, Dipper, and I'd also like for you to make some friends since you're often alone,] Gifany said towards the end of her words in a concerned tone.

"I already have friends, Gifany – there's you, Soos, Wendy and pacifica " I said, tapping my U-Watch.

"Still, it's cool of you," Wendy said after Gifany's remarks.

She gave me a friendly light punch on the shoulder.

"Thanks, I'm going to get ready for tonight now," I declared, leaving.

I had brought special clothes for this evening, and I had given Adrien a description of the clothes Dipper wore when he was possessed by Bill Cipher.

The reason is that I like this outfit, and when I add Gideon's amulet, it gives me a particular style.

"I should probably avoid wearing that thing with the FBI around," I told myself mentally as I hid the amulet.


Unknown POV

"I hope I'm in the right time period," said a person in the woods, fiddling with a strange object similar to a metallic tape measure.

"Where should I start my investigation?" he said, choosing to take a random direction.

That day, Blendin Blandin Blenjamin didn't know he would be a non-negligible factor in several events that would affect time.


Author's Note: Yes, Stan doesn't pay Soos, or at least, he doesn't always pay him. He can be quite the jerk sometimes.