
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Chapter 31 [Dance and music]

Chapter 31 [Dance and music]

As Apostles were admiring, the beauty of Moonhaven City,

Suddenly ...

All the light of the Moonheaven stops glowing, and the star and moon are also covered by the dark cloud.

But before any Apostles could ask Esper, 'What is happening'

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They all heard a terrifying sound from the sky. As they looked, they became shocked because they saw that the sky had exploded and multiple rays of light were falling in beautiful arcs, which had illuminated half of the sky of Origin Island. In the sky, those multiple arcs also exploded, which created another multiple arc, It was similar to a launching thousand fireworks at once.

The whole terrifying firework lasted for at least 2 minutes after the fireworks were over.

In the sky of the Grand Temple of Asoka, a lot of red and golden colors light up. No one can find the source of red and blue light like they were directly coming from the void, while other places remain in darkness.

Little by little, the beauty of the city started to return.

In the sky of Asoka's grand temple, a woman with ethereal beauty and personality appeared. her enchanting face is hidden by the red veil, and she is wearing a black dress that covers her whole body, She has long, deep pink hair


Many elven people and Ariya from old to young came out of their houses to see this extraordinary event. Some people stood on the rooftop, balcony, and land, but no one was flying

All the people were gazing at a woman who was standing in the sky, Of course, the woman was very beautiful, but no man was looking at her with lustful or greedy eyes, there was only admiration and worship for that woman, because they knew that who the woman is

The woman was none other than Akarya,

Akarya has a very calm, protective, crazy, and enigmatic personality, She does not like to talk with a stranger, but once the stranger becomes a friend, she will be comfortable to talk. With her eyes, she can easily find any person with ulterior motives toward her. She very much enjoys battling with a strong enemy or doing hell levels training, Due to this, she also gets crazy names from her peers, and the most popular names were 'Battle Maniac', 'Untouched Beast', and 'Psycho Trainee'

To keep her mind calm and focused, she has a hobby, that is, 'Dance and Music'

Dance and music are the third things she liked the most, She has learned almost all types of dance from elven culture and even from other race cultures. She has mastered over 50 musical instruments.

Now she was here to perform her dance for her god,

Every 50 years, the whole Origin Elven Race celebrates a very big festival, the festival called 'Asoka worship'. The Asoka worship is a festival that celebrates the 'Beginning of Our Existence' and also to 'Worships Elven God Asoka'

The 'Asoka worship' is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the Elven Empire, This festival at least lasts for 2 months. The first day of the festival is called Nirmana, which marks the Birth of Origin elves.

Today Night is the first day of the festival and the start of the Asoka Worship Festival,


Akarya, as she floated in front of the Grand Temple, appeared very small because the height and size of the grand temple are unfathomable, Even Gods will feel awe in front of this Grand Temple of Asoka.

She pressed her both palms together in front of her, After that, she bowed in front of a Temple. She took flight in the air as she stood in the sky,

She snapped her finger, and a long and beautiful zither manifested in front of her from nothingness. She roams her hand around her zither. The zither was levitating in the sky without any support.

Zither was dark and brown with integrated carving decorating it, while its 50 long strings shone like starlight.

when she began to play, her fingers danced across the strings with unique agility

As the music began to play, the whole world became silent, and only the music could be heard, It could not only be heard in Moonheaven but all over the 'Origin Island'

The music that filled the Elven island was both slow and gentle. It was a melody that seemed to come from another time and place, a melody that spoke of peace and tranquility, of joy and sorrow of life.

Akarya closed her eyes and let the music wash over her. She thought about her life until now and how she has reached this point in her life. She thought about her life, all the good times and the bad. How everyone hopes depends on her. How everyone treats her, with love and care. She felt a sense of peace and contentment. She is grateful for her life, for all the good times and the bad. She is grateful for her family and friends. She is grateful for the music.

The Elven people were silent

mesmerized by the music. They sat and stood, their eyes closed, listening to their saintess's play. As they also memorized their lives,

All the Apostle's Minds, which were in chaos and fearful all the time after arriving at this place, became calm and peaceful as all the unwanted thoughts vanished from their mind and only the rhythm of music remained. They all close their eyes as their mind flow with the rhythm of music


The tone of the music changes from peaceful and tranquility to beautiful and haunting

After some minutes of playing a piece of haunting music, Akarya vanished her zither, but the music remained echoing

Akarya turned around and put her hand in the air. She grabbed the fabric of a space and tore it out in a vertical length

But the most shocking part was that behind the vertical length of the torn space was neither a chaotic outer space nor an endless void but a waterfall made of shiny black water, If anyone goes very close to black water, they will see many clusters of star, galaxy, domain and many other celestial body, Just like a waterfall, shine black water the began to fall on the top of Grand Temple.

This thing is an Elven ritual that involves pouring mysterious and unique black water or other sacred substances onto the Grand Temple of Asoka while chanting mantras. The ritual is also known as an 'Akasha sprinkling'.

The purpose of Akasha sprinkling is to offer respect and honor to their God, Asoka, and to seek his blessing and protection. It is also believed that by bathing the statue or temple, the devotees can cleanse and purify their minds

This ritual will only take place two times in the 'Asoka Worship' festival. The first one at the beginning of the festival and the other one at the end of the festival

While the waterfall, Akarya, begins her dance performance with her every move, the audience becomes hypnotized. As each foot landed in the air, it created a rhythm of music that spread in the atmosphere. For Akarya, the world has become her musical instrument, As with each movement, she created a ripple in an atmosphere that releases a rhythm of music.

As with her music, she controlled nature with her desire as she muldered her surroundings as she wished. The Akarya let her body and soul immersed in the dance and music, She allowed her soul and will to fuse with the world and nature around her,

But due to that...

The unique phenomena started to manifest in the sky of Origin Island, From this phenomenon, the unique rhythm of the world started to spread, which refreshed all the people listening to the music.

The world itself was praising Akarya for her magical music and dance, the achievement she received.

The Akarya herself did not know that she had achieved harmony with the world through her music and dance. Harmony with the world, which is also known as 'World Harmony'. This is the dream of every professional musician and dancer

Any person who has achieved World Harmony is allowed that person to control her surroundings from her music at her will and use heaven and earth as their musical instrument, Anyone who has achieved 'World Harmony' will be given a unique ability from the Universe and the world will or Consciousness itself.

The Elves, Ariya from young to old, and all Apostles were fascinated and hypnotized by the music and dance of Akarya, As they could not remove their eyes from her. Each movement and skill gives others the illusion that some heavenly goddess is dancing in front of them.

They all watched as Akarya danced and walked on the waterfall of shiny black water that fell from the unknown.

Akarya is walking on the waterfall vertical to land, as she is dancing on the waterfall, Every step she took, it creates a ripple in the flow of water, And that ripple is transformed into a musical sound and spreads into the Elven island

After some time, Akarya has reached the top of the waterfall

She has reached very high in the sky, and only a powerful expert can see her with her naked eyes, but all the Apostles and Young Elves and Ariya can only see a small dot.

On the top, Akarya found herself in an entirely different place, She saw a big floating Majestic palace, which was the same as Asoka castle, not the same castle, but it was a Castle of Asoka,

Akarya saw a golden-green-haired person walking in her direction with swift speed. In a single step, the man was covering hundreds of miles

'FATHER', a single word escaped Akarya's mouth.

As a man appeared in front of Akarya, Akarya quickly jumped and tightly hugged the man.

The man was none other than Asoka!

At the same time, an Asoka is present in two places, first with her child Akarya and second with Various Divine Gods.

After all, as an $¥♤₩#%@ existence, He can be present everywhere and anywhere.

As Akarya was hugging Asoka, Asoka padded her head,

"Excellent performance, Akarya," he complimented Akarya for her Display of Dance and music performance.

Hearing that, from the inside, she was very happy, but from the outside, she remained the same.

She looked at her father while making cute and puppie faces. of course, She will not make this face in front of other people, except in front of her father

Asoka, seeing her as acting cute, Asoka understood what she wanted to say.

He asked helplessly, "What do you want, my naughty child," 'In front of others, she is calm and calculative, but in front of me, she acts like a mischievous and unreasonable girl'.


Give Some review?)

( Also comments on the Origin ability of elves. Which origin ability you like the most, Out of the 8 firstborn origin elves Origin ability)